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Maksymilian Stachowiak


[SOLVED] Open PDF in a popup
29.08.2023 09:55

Hi Martin, Could you give us some more informations? When you want to open in, by popup you mean new browser window, or just html element? There is a checkbox on the form configuration page, when you have attachments selected, that will allow users to open attachment in new window, which they c

Hi Daniel, Karol I thought about that temporary table, and it might cause troubles, as they are dropped at the end of session. Here comes the question how does Webcon handles sql sessions. Also I'm not sure if in context of bps_user you will be able to create such table. Although I really like th

Hi, Please let us know what version are you using, and maybe provide some screenshots, so we can try to reproduce this behaviour. I've tried to set it up on 2023.1.1.89, and it works without any problems - check attached screenshots :)

To make sure - do you want to place there list of attached file names, or you want to link the files? In case of names you could do as Karol said - prepare buisness rule, and use it. I'm not sure if there is a way to make link in word using designer studio though. If you will be trying to ma

For additional rows you could map list items to an excel table, from what i remember it does add rows, but i'm not sure if it won't overwrite content of the table (this won't be a problem if file will be fully generated). Mapping list item to multiple rows in table is also possible in word action.

Hi Paweł I don't have great news - where I work we wanted same thing - convert excel to pdf, but we ended up with generating word instead of excel, and converting word file to pdf. It's not clean solution, but it works. I've been also looking at Generate PDF file action - you can specify cust

Field type change
17.08.2023 15:58

Hello, I'm facing a new challenge, maybe someone already had to deal with it and will be able to help :) I've created some time ago process for handling Recruitments, which connects two departments - HR and IT. On starting form, there are yes/no fields for required permissions/equipment for a n

Could you elaborate on what you mean by "link the instance to the current object, while the user will be clicking on the path in a workflow"? Do you want to have website link (URL) opening that document, or that document at specific version? Or you want to allow users create a link (connection)

Hello, yes it is possible - you can create action/automation - `Send a custom mail`, with Receipent set to Author. You can see see examples around fig. 11 here: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/e-mails-and-templates-in-webcon-bps/61

Hi, Is there a possibility to show us the query? Values from attributes which are displayed in editor as named blocks, are internally represented as {N:AttributeID}, {AttributeID}, {WFD_ID}, {WFD_Signature} for exapmle. 'Incorrect syntax near' is container for a lot of small typos. Are you s

WEBCON 2023 and SQL 2022
08.08.2023 12:28

Hello, I've just installed WEBCON 2023, on SQL 2022 like 2 weeks ago. (Testing purposes VM) Databases for WEBCON are created with compatibility level set to 120 (SQL 2014).

@Daniel, of course you can, thanks! I'll add link to your's too ;)

Hi Radek, sorry for late response - unfortunatelly I've never seen this error and it's hard to replicate without any information about configuration. I wrote whole article on that topic in the meantime - maybe it will help :) https://blog.lumenn.pl/importing-data-to-webcon-1/ https://blog.lum

Would be great to have it! I can't count how many times i've bounced off the wall with the string_split :)

User privileges
31.07.2023 18:34

Hi Joanna, When it comes to privileges - you can set them in three kinds of 'global' scopes: * System * Process * Workflow/Form Those are pretty well summed up in built in documentation (attached screenshot) If you will not give user/group permissions to read all documents in any of globa

Turning on OLE Automations on SQL Server might increase the attack surface of SQL Server, so don't forget to turn it off if you'll go that way. 1. It's possible to map values to list items - you can see it in the docs here: https://developer.webcon.com/2023/resources/rest_api5.0/#tag/PublicApiElem

User > API authorization
28.07.2023 11:30

Ah yes i can see it in graph documentation, sorry i lost that part from main post. With technical user it'll be hard to achieve. From what i understand end user can't have permissions to acess that calendar?

User > API authorization
28.07.2023 10:32

I'd try configuring it with application permissions instead of delegated permissions then - similar as for mailapprove and mailbox. Everytime you don't want user to sign in to their own accout - you have to use application permissions. Basically follow this to create application, user, group: h

User > API authorization
27.07.2023 10:31

I'm glad it works! It would be good to have it documented in Designer Studio though (i'm running 2021.1.5.367 and F1 doesnt bring any help on authentications, maybe it's in later versions), and not have to look through changelogs to find it. Could we get some response from Webcon Stuff on this

User > API authorization
27.07.2023 08:57

Hi Karol, F1 doesn't show any help on this topic in Designer Studio, but thankfully it's pretty well documented in changelog when that functionality has been introduced: https://community.webcon.com/download/changelog2/51?q=34ce750 - it's around 6th page :) From what i see you have to add OAuth2