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Maksymilian Stachowiak


Karol you are right, it seems like cast works with more formats than i thought it would -> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/cast-and-convert-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver16#date-and-time-styles Something new I've learned :)

Hi, There should be no need to cast WFD_AttDateTimeX, as this column is defined as datetime in the table. Error comes from the fact, that you are passing value from form, which is not in format, that SQL understands. Instead of using text of form value - choose ISO - it will provide the valu

Hi Adam, Is there any chance that companies were created by hand on each environment, and not with import/export? You could check it by running query below on each environment - if Guids are different, thats the reason why new companies are created. SELECT COM_Name, COM_Guid, COM_ID FROM Comp

Sync of profile pictures
12.10.2023 10:14

Hello, is there any possibility to sync users from local AD, and get pictures from AAD? I've been looking at the docs, and changelogs but found config only for AAD alone. If not sync - maybe there is a way to bulk import it somehow?

Data Row attributes are SQL queries, so they are not possible to be displayed on a report by design (probably due to possible performance issues it could bring - nesting SQL statements). You could change it to a regular attribute, and set it's value using form rules, or default value to the link.

Hi Roman, When you are using Dictionary process - they use GUID next to (but more like instead of) ID - to allow export/import between environments. So the dropdown field instead of storing ID#CommonName it's storing GUID#CommonName. In version 2023 it's not possible to check 'Hyperlink' in t

Hi Radek, As far as i know - it's not possible to create a report which uses source that is not a webcon process. You could try to display data on a form with Data Table control, and additional fields to allow filtering, maybe even some custom styling, then embed it on a Dashboard. It's far f

I con confirm - I'm getting the same result. It seems, like files were deleted (attachment).

arrange fields in the form
11.10.2023 08:26

Hi, You could try to achieve that with Global CSS styles, and levereging the fact, that attributes are displayed as display: table. This snippent placed in the Global CSS will turn all attributes, which are inside any group - right to left (see attachment). .main-panel.group { direction: r

Hi, Could you get us an example, or a description with some field names, and conditions? Looking at the screenshot - this AND looks rather strange in that specific place. Check if attached screenshot maybe will clear it up a little bit :)

Hi Marc, Based on the docs it seems, that you could just use Basic Auth, to do so: 1. Configure Connection with credentials under which Webcon will have access to jitbit. -> https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R2/Studio/ConnectionsAndDataSource/Connections/DataConnection_RestWebService * Authenticat

Tooltips on html buttons
03.10.2023 20:24

Hi Martin, I've been looking at it for a while, and what i've learned is: * WEBCON uses this React package/library to render tooltips: https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-popper-tooltip * It basically creates/deletes new DOM element, on mouseover/mouseenter/mouseleave, which is appended to the

Advanced css form styling
03.10.2023 13:52

Hello Monika Unfortunately there is no full pledged control customisation (as a feature) in WEBCON, although there are some places you might want to look at: * Themes: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/webcon-bps-portal-website-look-customization/118 - they allow to modify colors, not bord

Export data to CSV file.
03.10.2023 10:18

Hi Rafał, Unfortunatelly I don't think there is any way to export data to csv file - the only place where i could find "CSV" in docs is Report Server config. You can export to Excel from reports, and data tables on forms - could you give us some use case - what do you need those csv file for? I

14.09.2023 10:10

Hi, You should be able to check it under Reports in Designer Studio: https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R2/Studio/Reports/Reports_Licenses/module_2_4_14_7_5 If i remember correctly by default it's small icon on the left pane. You can enlarge it using small arrow (visible on the screenshots). @E

What kinds of functionalities from reports are needed for those users? There is a way to display the data in table, without giving users any permissions on the documents - using data sources, but it won't be 'regular' report. You could leverage 'access to the data in the context of system acco

Hi, There is possibility in Designer Studio to configure permissions per specific form in specific workflow. It's a bit confusing because the tab is named 'Associated form types' , not 'User priviliges'. Remove read permission on the process level, and try setting it on form/workflow level: htt

Hi, You could create buisness rule with TEXT function, and have this newline there - see attached screenshots. I'm not sure if it can be done in config directly, maybe someone else? :) @update It also seems like you can just double-click into the field (blue arrow on screenshot), and just

Hello, I've spend today over an hour copy/pasting data between notepad and webcon into run subworkflo action configs. In my use case - i have to start 1-10 subworkflows (each having different start condition), with different workflows, and forms, but with partially shared attributes (marked blue

[SOLVED] Open PDF in a popup
29.08.2023 11:32

I'm running 2021.1.5.417, and I'm able to configure both of those. First one opens file in new tab, second one opens it in HTML popup like on screenshot.