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Maksymilian Stachowiak


Step Edit - Step Selector
01.12.2023 10:07

Hello, Right now there are Next step, and Previous step buttons on the Step Edit window, but if we need to edit two steps, which are X steps apart, then we have to: * Click X times - and every have some delay - loading the data. * Close step editor, and use list on the workflow, or the diagram

Hi Oliver, Answering directly your question in 1, and 2 might come in handy later ;) 1. After selecting value, automatically set values of another fields -> You might want to use different type of choice field: * Picker -> https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R2/Studio/Process/Attribute/Basic/Ite

Hi Michał, If test = prod, than no functionalities should be lost, although if there are differences, then this might happen. Some examples (I'm assuming here full export import - all processes, presentation etc. in application): 2023-11-01 - we make our first deploy TEST -> PROD 2023-11-07

Pictures inside choice field
29.11.2023 13:07

Hello, I'm looking for a feature to be able to display images inside drop-down, or pop-up choice field. Either form Picture field, or from Single line of text in Picture mode. Use case: I'm working on a process, where sales department should specify which base product should be used as a sta

Hi, Tracking changes is a challenge in all software development related projects. In the latest versions of Webcon you could use the user voice feature, but it won't solve everything. I'm currently using GitLab for that task. Each introduced change -> New issue Each package -> Milestone

I've been thinking about it too lately. It had a purpose to name Actions under single path, but if there is no way to have more automations on path than 1, then I don't see a point in naming them at all. Default name like that would be good enough :)

Ah, I somehow forgot, that you can put HTML there, good that you've responded - I've made a quick check, and it seems that it indeed is possible. Just learned something new :) See attachment for configuration, and example. Unfortunately I don't have an answer how to store it inside Webcon though.

Hi Ondrej, I'm assuming you are talking about form field description in Designer Studio. (General Tab, 4th field https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R2/Studio/Process/Attribute/General/Attribute_General) There is currently no possibility to place pictures in there. You could host your image on

There is no built in way to bulk delete specific elements in the dictionary other than using Admin mode, and deleting it manually. You can: 1. Export current data from Webcon to excel. 2. Delete all instances. 3. Clean up Excel, and import it back to the process. Import doesn't delete instanc

Hi, You can do it from Designer Studio using Administration Tools -> Delete workflow instances from process. https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R2/Studio/AdminTools/DeleteElementsFromProcess

Hi Adam, If you need that custom excel to work with import button, then unfortunately there is no way to customize it. Although if its only for outputting data you should be able to create separate report (not dictionary, but regular one), and use Export to Excel on that report. It requires t

Attribute as time
21.11.2023 12:55

You could use: * 2 Decimal fields with 0 decimal places, and suffix 'h'. + Validation on exit which will check if first number is smaller than second, and if both are smaller than 25. * 1 or 2 Text fields with regex, that will validate input format. + Similar validation on exit. I would rather

Attribute as time
21.11.2023 09:05

Hi, There is no built in control, which allows for time only selection, could you tell us more about use case? Maybe there is some alternative solution to your problem.

Auto expand tooltip on edit
20.11.2023 12:49

Hello, While designing form I'm often getting questions about possibility to set some additional description to the field. I'm usually talking about the tooltip, but it requires the action of end user - he have to willingly hover on the (ℹ️) icon, to display the message, and there is no guarante

Hi, Webcon does not provide SMS functionality, although you could leverage REST/SOAP actions. There are many SMS API providers, maybe even your company have a contract with some telecomunication company which could provide such API.

Demo applications
20.11.2023 08:01

Hi, Demo apps are available in the Application Templates section of the community - you can find it here: https://community.webcon.com/online-store/free

Hi Razvan, I'll post here an update, as while searching for answer on the same question I ended up here, and it seems like there is a way to do it now. In my case - I'm generating monthly report, which is a single item list on a form - so each month there is new document created in Webcon, wit

Hi Pasquale, As far as i know - that's the best we can do right now if you want to extract it directly. Although as an alternative - you could have technical field on the form, and set On Exit with Change value of single field - this one is sometimes easier. For example, when you want to store

Hi Roman, Cycle Actions are good direction, so it's really close tho what you need. If i understood you correctly, you want to execute an action on each document, after they exceed some date. This might be achieved in two/three ways: First - Document Context: 1. Create Cycle in the end st

Hi Flo, The simplest way to avoid redirection would be to check the Wizard mode checkbox -> https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R2/Studio/Workflow/Step/Path/Action_StepEditPathsParameters#7-confirmation. The where to redirect part is contained in the url -> returnurl=%2Fdb%2F1%2Fapp%2F22%2Fdashbo