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Maksymilian Stachowiak


Item initialization doesn't have to be static, in most cases it's not, so it can have different values based on 'Nr zlecenia' field :) I've made a quick prototype on public portal*, you should be able to connect to it as Tom Green (it's 2023.1.2.99 version) you might need to download it - possibl

Hi Paweł, is there some reason why can't you use standard item list initialization? 1. Define dynamic initialization use SQL query * 2. Check 'Show reload button' so users will be able to manually initialize the list ** 3. You could also use Form rule 'Initialize item list', to automate it f

report permission
03.04.2024 22:50

Hi, it should be possible - based on schema documentation* there are two tables that should do the job: * WFConfigurationSecurities - this contains information about who have privileges * AppReports - this contains list of the reports There is a key between those tables, so you can join them

Hi George, I'm not a sharepoint expert, I have this comfort that didn't had to work with it, although after doing some research on microsoft side documentation it looks like filles/folders and lists are managed by different API endpoints: * https://{site_url}/_api/web/GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(

Hi Stanisław, By default - when you create a report it takes into account who is displaying that report, so with correct configuration one report might be enough for all companies. Every time new element (document/form) is created in webcon it's assigned to a company (COM_ID, WFD_COMID in databa

I Mihali, I've checked Swagger UI*, and there are no data sources available through api - closest we can get, are connections, but thats not it. /api/data/v4.0/db/{dbId}/elements/resolveFieldValue/{idguid} this endpoint based on Swagger description: "Gets available values for selected picker/cho

Hi Łukasz, there is for sure no built-in solution for that, and i don't think it will be possible to make something custom here. Invoking most of menu actions refreshes the page. This behavior is rather standard in terms of web apps.

Tile report change
22.03.2024 13:18

It needs some tweaking but this will work: #Tasks:has([href*="/db/1/app/100/tasks/element/"]) .tile-element__details-container > .tile-detail:nth-of-type(3) This selector looks for Element with id=Tasks , which has a descendant with href containing '/db/1/app/100/tasks/element/', if there won

Tile report change
22.03.2024 08:22

Thanks Martin for correcting me, something new I've learned :) It might be possible to do it per application without javascript according to this thread* there is possibility to use global css and make it application specific. Below CSS joined with what Martin wrote. [href="/db/1/app/10/tasks

It's also counter intuitive to set it per step basis - i've had troubles finding that this option even exists, i'm up for changes :)

Tile report change
21.03.2024 11:39

Update I'm wrong here, look one answer below :) _ Hi Marcin, as far as i know, there is currently no way to change how 'My tasks' work in any way - it's default feature, standard between all applications. I've made a user voice, to add 'Selected Element Viewer'* control to dashboards, you

Reports and charts
18.03.2024 12:20

Hi everyone, It seems like that was an error, and it's fixed in 2023.1.3.118 - screenshot from changelog in attachment.

Export Hotfix
15.03.2024 11:26

Automated export-import will solve part of the problem, but maybe it will be good enough to start thinking in terms of roll forward, instead of roll back, then cherrypicking hotfixes shouldn't be necessary. Introducing some feature flags to control what users will see, and connecting this with th

There is 'On path', but i might have been not precise enough here. There is no global 'On path', we have to define it on specific path :) Also On Exit, On Entry are in Context of specific step, so you have to define it per step basis - no global option. You should go to workflow, select a step, o

The thing is that 'On save workflow element' is triggered only, when a Save button in Menu bar (on the top) is being used. (or when someone without edit permission saves comment based on this*) Pressing Save on bottom - the path, doesn't trigger 'On save workflow element' - it triggers 'On path'

Thanks Daniel, I somehow didn't had a chance to use that action yet, and totally forgot about it 🙃

Hello everyone, I've got a use case, where users want to make a specific path always redirect them to a specific dashboard. Right now, the returnurl parameter is built dynamically, and we (developers) don't have almost any possibilities to change that behavior (we can create our custom links, so

Hi Paweł, how did you saved the element? By disk icon on menu bar, or with save path? I've created a sample dictionary, and saving with floppy disk icon on menu bar triggers that e-mail, but saving using a path does'nt. You could create an automation, and use it in 2 places to solve it: 1. Glo

On checkbox change - JS
13.03.2024 11:57

Hi Joanna, Why are you using HTML with tags? Isn't On Value Change* enough? What is the use case? *https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/UxRules_General/#id_2

Multiple lines of text Rich
13.03.2024 11:24

Hi Everyone, I don't think that CSS will have anything to do with it, at least not the one from the browser, rather one from e-mail formatting, but it doesn't look like that. It's displayed the same in preview, even after removing standard e-mail content, and just inserting two attributes. (e-mai