Hi Paweł, As far as i know, there is no built in way to change the sorting. I'd go with prefixing categories, as you've already have described. You could also go with a javascript solution, something like this: const list = document.querySelector('#attachments > * ul'); // this will get uno
Hi, on the Integrations -> API there should be a button to create new application, after creating one, it will get Client ID, and later you can add Secret on that application. Ability to add new API's require global administration privileges, as described here: https://developer.webcon.com/docs/
Daniel gave a good list of resources, I'll try to point out things you might have to correct based on the screenshot. 1 First you should fetch access_token from webcon, you could do it like that: Look at lines 3-13 https://github.com/lumenn/webcon-data-import/blob/7dc59431595118ba9845e5cca4097b
We have policy enforcing only Edge, no other browsers are allowed in company, so changing one is not an option. Firefox is the only one not running chromium so that might be the reason of different behavior.
I would rather have an option to select it when putting the business rule somewhere, but I'm up for anything that will allow selecting behavior. I'm currently using a technical field on the form, to avoid url encoding. I thought there was similar user voice in the past but can't find it.
Hi everyone, I've got today a question from my business side if there is a possibility to change how 'Coply link to clipboard' button works. Right now it copies raw URL to the element, so after pasting it into teams it's visible as raw URL. When you copy URL from the browser search bar, it's be
I've checked both solutions a bit deeper, and there is a slight difference in behavior. Jack's solution will update existing rows in database - while mine will add new rows to WFElementDetails table. In most cases I think it would be better to use Jack's solution, as this is more expected beha
Hi I see Jack already posted a solution, but here's another one leveraging another list action ;)
I'm back with results, and it seems my memory tricked me, or something changed, thanks for catching it Daniel :) I'm sure that we had divergent environments, and we had to manually update columns in reports, but it might have been a different reason. In attachments you can find screenshots, of the
Hi Adam, Could you provide screenshot of the error? It would help to know where the error occurs :)
That's an issue we've faced on our environments in one application, I'll try to replicate it though and will update with results :)
HI, In the perfect world, you should do all development on DEV environment, and only use Import mechanism on TEST/PROD environments. When you import an application to an environment Webcon defaults in in its settings to display a message, that you are modifying process, that have been imported.
Hi, In case of dictionaries i think the easiest way would be using Excel Import/Export it's described here: * https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/dictionary-processes/112/3 In case of large dictionaries i would consider using API to create those entries, the process would be very similar to
Hi, I'll add to this, that you could also consider using that query to get the path ID instead of pointing out each step. SELECT PATH_ID, -- WFD_ID, -- STP_ID, -- STP_Name, -- PATH_Name FROM WFElements JOIN WFSteps ON STP_ID = WFD_STPID JOIN WFAvaiblePaths O
Hey, have anyone succesfully configured LDAP as source for users? * https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/SystemSettings/GlobalParams/UserSynch/SynchConfig/LDAP I'm trying to make it work, but all entities (users, and groups) are being synchronized as groups. From the error log it seems
Hi, it is visible by default, on in the assigned people tasks. If you would like to bring it more, you could create sql view based on this table: SELECT TSK_IsFinished FROM [BPS_Content].[dbo].[ActiveTasks] WHERE TSK_WFDID = '{WFD_ID}'
I'll add to this, that it's not necessary to put it on 'Main Form' 'Behavior' - this will work on every step, and might lead to errors if field will not be visible in specific step. It is possible to set it per step basis, docs here: https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2024R1/Studio/Workflow/Step/Step_For
Yeah, this link: https://files.webcon.com/bps/reports/column-formatting.schema.v3.json is the latest version of schema, which shows up on choosing Advanced formatting, so this is the best place to check the schema. Mixing schema with this article: https://kb.webcon.pl/zaawansowane-kolorowanie-rap
I agree with Paweł, unless there is no need to scale, container-less will be much easier to maintain for most companies. Managing kubernetes/dockers/pods is skill of it's own, it adds more tools into whole setup which means there will be more places something might break, and debugging it will be h
Okay, so based on the error: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to C:\Windows\system32\0 was denied. I'd look to configuration of those: * String LicensePath, * String FREngineDataFolder, * String FREngineTempFolder Inside Webcon and FineReader. Maybe one is empty and it defau