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Maksymilian Stachowiak


I'm not having any OCR access right now, so can't check if there will be any information. Have you checked Windows Event Viewer logs for Webcon Workflow Service?

Hi, I'd assume there is no way to change it as this is a feature - most English speaking users are using calendar with Sunday as start of the week.

HI, by default OCR AI is not enabled in service configuration, check if checkbox is checked ;) * https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2024R1/Studio/SystemSettings/ServiceConf/SystemSettings_ServiceManagDetails#id_1

Hi Agnieszka, I'm currently trying to set up WEBCON with containers, and it seems like webcon is using SOLR to index those*: BPS_Activities, BPS_AI, BPS_ChangeRequests, BPS_Elements, BPS_Navigations. So, I'm afraid that SOLR doesn't store any data from wfelementtasks, although I'm still playing

Integracja ze Slackiem
03.08.2024 20:09

Hej, Webcon nie ma wbudowanego natywnego rozwiązania do integracji ze Slackiem, natomiast scenariusze typu wysyłania powiadomień po przejściu np. ścieżką powinny być do zrealizowania bez SDK. Akcje REST'owe powinny tutaj rozwiązać sytuację :) Podrzucam linki, z ich połączenia wychodzi rozwiązan

Hi Paweł, As far as I am aware, there is not really much you could do (had exactly same questions). You could set edit mode per workflow basis (It's not per form, as if multiple forms are going through single workflow it is set for all of the forms), no way to limit it to specific users/groups i

To specify how the order influences result. Chart elements are based on the order - first place means it will be rendered at the top 'layer', and last place means it will be rendered at the bottom, so everything will overdrawn by another elements.

Hi, Seems like CSV is already there: https://community.webcon.com/others/security/7, but no response here have been posted? I would also love to opt for some security mailing list - it's better to get information, not to search for it in that situation :)

Hi, there is a KB article linking to my blog post on importing data into Webcon which will show you two possibilities: * Using cyclical actions * Using REST API https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/importing-data-into-webcon-two-approaches/483/3 After some time I'm on REST API team, as c

Deleting attachments
30.07.2024 12:27

Hi Maria, I can see only one option, as deleting attachments is not possible directly in workflow global scope action. 1. Create a technical path on each step, which should be taken into consideration for deleting attachments. 2. To that path add an action (from template) - you could delete at

Search Everywhere button
26.07.2024 15:28

Hi, If you are getting instances only from specific year in 'search everywhere', then it would be something with SOLR. I'm not aware of default limiting SOLR indexes to only current year - never changed it, and all instances are searchable. You could try to rebuild index for specific process at

Hi everyone, I'll add to this, that this option is possible to select on 3 different scopes: 1. Global - on mail settings, where system wide default mail template is defined. -> https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2024R1/Studio/SystemSettings/GlobalParams/EmailConfig/GlobalTempl 2. Process e-mail templa

Hi everyone, This might be a big one, but on one of latest webinars I've heard that there is open 'Designer Studio' project at Webcon, so I'll give it a shot - if not now, then I'm not sure if there will be a better time ;) I think most of us have used SQL Server Management Studio or Azure Data

ToDo List
22.07.2024 10:46

Hi, I'm not really sure if webcon is good place to delegate tasks from project perspective (you've mentioned project tracking). It would require project managers to have access to designer desk / designer studio. I would rather opt for some integration with Jira/Github/Gitlab/Teams tasks/issues

I'm not sure how it works in SaaS model, although on prem db admin could create a schema called 'custom', and give permissions only to that schema. This way it should be safe enough to not destroy WEBCON objects :)

Could you provide also screenshots from configuration, and Webcon version? (webcon doesn't have great support for all parts of SQL and CTE's are one of them - that's why I'm using functions, to avoid webcon trying to parse CTE).

Oh, so it seems like inside initialization CTE are working just fine - inside business rules CTE's are a trouble, so I'm using functions as a workaround. Good to know! It's basically the same solution, just without wrapping it inside a function :)

Hi I'd go with creating a function for that task, and would use recursive CTE. Function like this: CREATE FUNCTION dbo.generate_date_range(@start_date DATE, @end_date DATE) RETURNS @DateRange TABLE (DateValue DATE) AS BEGIN WITH DateRange AS ( SELECT CAST(@start_date AS DATE) AS Da

Environment type
01.07.2024 14:40

I'm also using exactly same setup - constants + buisiness rules :) I also really like what Karol suggested - reading it directly from Config database.

Hi Jack, 1. Monospaced fonts are already in backlog - you can see it here: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/1165 2. I have same issue at work, but somehow at home I can't reproduce it - I'll have to check why it happens then.