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Maksymilian Stachowiak


I'm not facing this issue yet, but I'm surprised that it's not implemented - I would assume that SDK actions can use local parameters, as any other action.

I've had similar request - defining to expand or collapse all attachments (right now i think there is default collapse when there is more than 4 files attached), but this would solve my case too.

I'm currently creating such notifications in some new integrations, or critical ones, to ensure that there will be a quick action, and fix to it. Having a global ones seems like a nice idea, but maybe with a toggle on process scope - if it should use default error handling. Stretching idea a bit

Thats for sure a good one, end users seeing 'Error' word in anything mostly pass it directly to maintainers, rather than reading the message :)

It would be great to have it, especially for parent/child workflows, where we have to create nested subqueries in calculated columns. Although, i can see how handling custom SQL, will be a major pain on Webcon side - all those cases to which there should be a filter, grouping, aggregation functio

Daniel's workaround is pretty nice, but I'm up for that feature, I've already few times tried to do it like Paweł describes, but i'm alwasy brought back to reality really quick. Off-topic I'm close to creating process automation almost every time too, navigating to specific action takes time, bu

Add Grups in Automation
21.05.2024 18:46

It's a sencond user voice on this topic: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/4161 I'll close previous one.

I'm on the markdown team, but tbh, any styling syntax will do :)

Start/Finish OneDrive
21.05.2024 15:15

Hi Mario, I haven't used those actions yest, but i'd try handling that error (automations error handling) with a technical step. 1. Try to generate PDF 2a. If success -> go further. 2b. If error -> move workflow to technical step, with cyclic action, which will retry request after few minutes,

Hi Andreia I don't have many details. I'm assuming it's some kind of iframe tag. Have you tried specifying width and height directly on the tag?

REST API issue
07.05.2024 08:58

Hi AndreeLi I don't have an answer how you could deal with this error other than writing an SDK, but i've an explanation why it happens. Webcon API is created using Swagger (OpenAPI) specification, so i would assume, that they are also using some kind of library to execute REST API actions. Bas

Hi Paweł, for DEV env you could try checking 'Nie sprawdzaj certyfikatów HTTPS' * on WEBCONBPS connection. But I'd encourage to check certificates. If it's possible login to windows server where webcon service is hosted - try opening webcon site in a browser, and look for some certificate errors

Hi Patryk, I'm not aware of any built in option, which would allow it. The best with default functionality would be allowing edit, and setting icons shortcuts for edit/download buttons. This would look as in attachment. https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Process/AttachmentAttribute/modu

Hi Damian, It's not exactly separate linux machine, but i think this article* on running Webcon using containers with Docker might help a little bit. It assumes installation of solr on windows-server with linux docker containers, but i think you should be able to install solr on any linux distro

Hi Agnieszka, Hi Daniel I'm assuming that Daniel is right - we can't map collection items into single fields - Webcon expects item list. There shouldn't be a need to store the body inside of a multi-line field though - it should be accessible through business rule on mapping page as 'Input val

This looks like an error on the WEBCON side, i'll report it, as it might hit me someday. In attachment you can see a workaround - this will filter out all values, when there is no filter value specified (this is a case, when error occurs). When there is specified value filter works fine (checked

Hi Andreas, it's rather simple to correct - instead of using 'database field name' use 'field from data source' - see attachment. Of course - you have to add specific column to data source definition prior to that. You are interested in 'Values' tab instead of 'Objects' :)

I don't have great answers to those unfortunately. 1. a) It will be easy to add support for tables - you could just change markdown flavour to GFM - https://showdownjs.com/docs/flavors/ 1. b) Mermaid is not really a default markdown feature - it's additional library - you could try also adding

Hi Andreia, could you specify a little bit more on how does the process look like? Do we have multiple forms/workflows, what is currently in the report? Maybe you could prepare some table/spreadsheet/screenshot of what you want to achieve? Right now i'm seeing 3 columns there: Signature, St

Hi Klaus, there is currently no built in way to preview markdown in WEBCON, although you could use external libraries and write really small amount of javascript, to have really nice experience. I've prepared a sample application on WEBCON demo server here: * Sample markdown document: https://