Hi Daniel, Not the answer I was hoping for. It would be nice if I could just use the existing AD functionality as in the attached image or something similar. Maybe an API or something?
Hi everyone, Does anyone has an idea on how to retrieve all "objectClass=contact" from Active Directory and use the result as a Data Source? Thank you.
Hi all, I'm out of ideas... I've tried everything that came to my mind without achieving the desired result. Is it possible to have a hyperlink column in an Item List that shows the Preview and only after clicking on the little icon on the right (see attached image) it opens the full form?
Hi Daniel, Thank you. It seems like this could be a way to go. Will contact you via different channels as here is a little bit difficult to have a conversation. Best regards, Martin
Hi Daniel, Thank you for your answer. As far as I know it's a 2D barcode. I have a situation where fire extinguishers get collected, brought into the fire station and before servicing them they need to be entered into the system. I was thinking of connecting the barcode scanner to Webcon so the n
Hello, I was wondering if anyone had a case where a barcode scanner (handheld device) had to be implemented. I'm asking to figure out if Webcon could be a solution to a problem I encountered. Thank you.
Hi Daniel, I'm interested and available to help with testing. Please let me know.
Hi Agnieszka, There is another solution if you don't need to store the text - you could use the HTML field. Best regards, Martin
Thank you Pawel!
Thank you both! That answers saved me a few hours of mental jogging... :)
I'm banging my head on the wall... I'm sure there is an easy solution but can't figure it out at the moment. I would like to prevent users entering duplicate values in a field when starting a new workflow and I don't want to use the Instance Number to achieve that. I have a process ABC with field
Thank you Daniel. I wasn't aware of Teams shifts. That solves my problem. :)
Hello everyone! I have two questions. 1. Did anyone use the absence process template as the time schedule for the employees? My client has many different shifts for employees and I was thinking of presenting the data with the mentioned process. Any ideas would be appreciated. 2. At this point my
The official video apparently has a bit different timing. Anyway, I tried recreate the HTML field as shown in the video but am missing the js part. Is there anyone from Webcon who can post the js script that generates divs in the body of the HTML ()? Thanks.
Markus, I was wondering the same, how to present data this way. In the last webinar held by Mike (2021 demo) he briefly shows how this field is implemented (minute 35 of the video). I'm not sure if I can share the link to the video here. The partners received the direct link via email. Hope that hel
Thank you Daniel. Useful as always. :)
During the latest webinar Mike mentioned the GitHub Tool for bulk data loading. Does anyone know where I can get it? I didn't find it on the WEBCON-BPS page on GitHub. Thank you in advance for your answers.
Hi everyone! I read the article about ADFS Customization: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/adfs-customization/208 My issue is that my Windows server is not configured correctly and I lack knowledge to configure it. I started reading the MS documentation and it's huge. There are a lot of set
Hello Mateusz, what about this kind of exchanging files: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/adding-attachments-to-onedrive/183 Does that help? There is also another post here in the forum about adding attachments to Google Drive via REST API. I know it's a different platform, but maybe it's the
Power BI is not an option plus I'm not really skilled in it. I'm also not able to develop a custom web application so I don't even know where would I start. :( I suspect something like described above it's not possible but I would really like to hear it from someone who knows for sure. :)