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Martin Meze (Freelancer)


I didn't actually test this in Designer Studio, but you should be able to make it work. 1. Get the content of the email in a multiple lines of text field. 2. Grab the whole table from HTML using a business rule (BR1). Inside it place a SQL command and do something like SUBSTRING where the start

Assuming you have a clean HTML table in your email body, you could use a query like the following one to retrieve data from it (run the query in SSMS to see the results): /* SQL START */ DECLARE @xml XML = ' Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Val 1a Val 1b Val 1c Val 2a V

Hi Andreia, First, it would be much easier to implement what you need if you were able to have an Excel attachment instead of the table in email body. If that's not possible, do you have a fixed number of rows/columns in the table or is it variable? Let me know. Cheers, Martin

To answer your question: System Settings > HotMailBoxes > Hotmailbox A > Starting workflow settings or Joining to element settings > In the "Additional field settings" section set the values as follows: - Name: choose your multiple lines of text field - Value: use the %Content% variable - Fil

One more thing... I would be glad to discuss that answer/question more in detail. Together maybe we find a good solution. If interested, send me an email to martin@meze.si.

Hi Ingo, You have various options to achieve that. 1. In the Advanced configuration of the text field you can check Append mode. 2. In the update form field rule/action just concatenate the new text with the old one which is already present in the text field. 3. Instead of saving the text i

Not sure if firewall could be the root cause. Let me summarize once again + add some additional info: - It's Microsoft SQL Azure (RTM) - 12.0.2000.8 - Using SQL authentication - Webcon Data sources > Connections > MSSQL database > inserted all connection parameters, click Test and get the "Co

Good point, Adam. :) Thank you.

Hi Pawel, Thank you for the article. However, in the version that I'm using (2022.1.2.59) all emails get sent as the email address defined in global settings. Did you change that in the last version? Thanks, Martin

Hi Pasquale, I think you could still use the HotFolder functionality. Maybe create a simple workflow with just a start and end step which would get all the documents from the folder - one workflow per document (Start new workflow without conversion to pdf). This way you have all the documents in

The user and password are fine. It has to do something with permissions, I just can’t figure out what. I just noticed the same issue if using dbeaver. So I’m guessing SSMS does something different when trying to run a select query. Any other hints?

I'm not sure if it's relevant, but in one case I used the Amazon Simple Email which allows for 62,000 free emails sent per month.

Hello, I have the following scenario: - Webconapps - Data Sources > Connections > MSSQL Database > Azure_SQL: I have server name, database, user and password filled. When I click Test, I get "OK" so Webcon can connect to the database. However, when I try to create a MSSQL database Data Sourc

Hi Raluca Lupu, Check the comments on this post: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/1401?messageid=1401 Cheers, Martin

Hi Pawel, Thank you for the clarification and for adding the feature to the backlog. Cheers, Martin

Hi, I'm using MS Graph to send emails. No matter what I define in the notification action on process level, Webcon uses the default email address set in the System settings > Email notifications > Configuration of sending emails. Is this a known bug or is it me that is doing something wrong?

Hey both, thank you for the hint. It's good enough. Cheers, Martin

From the print screen it looks like you're getting an HTML response with the login form and not json as Webcon expects. Are you using the same account when making the call from Postman and Webcon? Also, in the scope URL you have a dot before the word "default". Is this correct?

Hi there! Is the REST publicly available and can share details about it? It would be much quicker to help on a real case.