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Calculate SLR in days
21.04.2022 18:52

Hi, we have a requirement to calculate no.of days took to complete an assigned task. Created a business rule with below code: select count(*) as BusinessDays from Calendars where cal_isworkingday = 1 and cal_workingdate >'{BRP:26}' /*starting date*/ and cal_workingdate < '{BRP:27}' /*exit da

Update Form field Values
01.04.2022 18:22

Hi, I am populating 'WorkflowID population' form field based on the 'Select Marketing support' selection. Select Marketing support is basically the the type of the request. upon Marketing support selection, populating it's Workflow ID in the 'WorkflowID population' form field. Once that is popul

I appreciate all your help Daniel. Attached the modified code which is working now.

Thanks Daniel. You mean as below. I modified as below but not working: SELECT CASE WHEN NOT EXISTS ( ( Select WFD_ATTchoose1,WFD_Attchoose2,WFD_ATTChoose4 from Wfelements where WFD_DTYPEID='77' AND WFD_ID '4360' AND dbo.ClearWFElemIDAdv(WFD_AttChoose1)='9' AND isnull(dbo.ClearWFEle

Modified as below but not working: SELECT CASE WHEN NOT EXISTS ( If WFD_Attchoose2 IS NULL ( Select WFD_ATTchoose1,WFD_ATTChoose4 from Wfelements where WFD_DTYPEID='77' AND WFD_ID '4353' AND dbo.ClearWFElemIDAdv(WFD_AttChoose1)='9' AND dbo.ClearWFElemIDAdv(WFD_AttChoose4)='10' )

Daniel, I need add one more condition now. There is another column WFD_Attchoose2 should also be considered now. Because for few dictionary entries WFD_Attchoose2 (Subform) stays empty or NULL, for few records there will be value. Earlier query is working when WFD_Attchoose2 is null but when

Thank you So much Daniel. It is working. Attached the updated query.

You mean as in the attached screenshot?

I have replaced as you have suggested but still not working. Please advice.

I have a requirement to create dictionary to enter form name, Step name, no.of business days. Form name and step name combination need to be unique and a validation error message should show if the user tries to post a entry with the same form and step combination that already exists in the dictiona

Webcon confirmed that the delay is caused by stored cache with previous translation. Application pool should recycled to resolve the issue. IIS sever->Webcon BPS->recycle.

it was a bug and fixed in 2022.1.1.53 version.

When a particular action is performed, you can open the history of that request and see what are all action are executed on that particular step.

Upgrade to big release 2022
23.02.2022 17:27

Hi, We have upgraded from 2021.1.4.55 to 2022.1.1.53. I did not see any errors during the upgrade but Designer studio is not opening up. I am able to launch portal without any issues and able to connect to Database as well. FYI, we have 2022. full package installation file. Attaching the

2022.1.1.53 upgrade issue
23.02.2022 17:08

Upgraded Dev environment to latest version 2022.1.1.53 but designer studio is not opening up. It is giving unknown exception error. Attached the screenshot. Here is complete error info: Type: System.Exception ------------------------------------------------------- Message: NotFound

It was a bug ang fixed in 2021.1.4.118 version. Seems like there was an issue in comparing user name(selected value on column) with ID in the database.

I have updated a translation for one of the system name in Translator tool. I have exported the package and imported in test. I noticed that there is some delay in updating that. After few hours, the new language was updated in test. I have imported the same exported package in prod but it wasn't g

It was a bug ang fixed in 2021.1.4.118 version. Seems like there was an issue in comparing user name(selected value on column) with ID in the database.

We have 2 processes: Accounts and Payables . I have created a report for those 2 processes with global form fields fields. Among them there 2 people picker fields. The report is pulling all the requests without any issues but when I tried to filter on the global people picker Column, it is not sho

Hi, We have 2 processes: Accounts and Payables . I have created a report for those 2 processes with global form fields fields. Among them there 2 people picker fields. The report is pulling all the requests without any issues but when I tried to filter on the global people picker Column, it