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(...) sually these are quotas which condition sending the task to a specific step.   Another example is when – depending on the environment – system assigns task to a specific aCC eptor. Look at the example below.   In this case where the aforementioned constant is provided in a technical field managed by the aCC eptor, the system – depending on the enviro (...)

(...) sp;   After adding a new application go to Single sign-on configuration where following elements are configured: Application Identifier, address where we should be brought back after suCC essful authentication (Reply URL) and log-in address (Sign on URL).     Users will be identified by user.userprincipalname Remember to change class.webconbps.com in URL (...)

(...) Łukasz Kraśniak Introduction Regular expressions – REGEX in short – allow to precisely describe complicated search patterns. One of many examples can be validation of provided bank aCC ount number. Whether the pattern fits the character string is mainly used during validation of so-called entry data. Regular expressions allow to check if the user data has correct format. Here is (...)

(...) ed to close the wizard, fix the problem, and start export wizard once again.   Fig.3.  An example of application export with incorrect process configuration   After a suCC essful application verification, choose which application components should be included in the export package. Apart from components directly related to the process configuration, and processes relate (...)

(...) hoice field - “Approvers to notify”. Values from the “Approver” column are copied to the “Approvers to notify” field. The second rule sets the value of the “ACC ount numbers” field based on the “ACC ount number” item list column.   Fig. 5. Configuration of rules using the SELECT VALUES functions   SELECT VALUES [Ite (...)

(...) ta visible in the report to an excel file (the xlsx format). 4. Reset all counters Sets attempt number counter to 0 for every element in the queue. You can use this option if for example, 5 unsuCC essful indexing attempts were made due to Solr unavailable. After resetting the counters, they will be reprocessed.  5. Delete Delete error elements - Deleting elements from the que (...)

(...) s you to import data from an Excel file to the form. You can use this action in the following scenarios: Part of the information entered into WEBCON BPS is filled out by people who do not have aCC ess to the company’s internal network (temporarily or permanently). You can prepare an Excel file and indicate data to be filled out.   Importing the document templates with duplicate val (...)

(...) , its description, category and language of the document.   Fig.2 . Generating action configuration.   The document language selection options are as follows: • ACC ording to the application settings, • Permanently selected language from the list (e.g. de-DE, uk-UA etc.) If the project of the designed application allows the user to select the language (...)

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza Introduction Form rules for attachments in WEBCON BPS allow you to receive information about attachments added to the workflow instances, without the need to know the WFDataAttachments table structure and to use SQL queries.   GET ATTACHMENTS - returns identifiers of attachments related to the current instance, it c

(...) indows authentication is used). WEBCON BPS installation 1. License update Make sure the licenses for the new application server are available. If no licenses are available, application aCC ess errors will appear after expanding the installation.     2. Installation of WEBCON BPS components on a new server Important: The operation must be performed using the ins (...)

(...) his code, the paper version of the document is paired with the electronic version. See - Barcode printer installation. HotFolder – a place where scanned documents are automatically sent. The aCC ount on which the BPS service works must have aCC ess to the created network share. See -  HotFolders. Scanner – the device should be able to scan a document to the selected network share. (...)

(...) a task to other people, e.g. in the case of approval, • withholding instances in step until the conditions are met. This article presents two workflows that use workflow control step: 1. ACC eptance workflow (1), in which the workflow control step bypasses the department manager approval step if the number of vacation days requested is less than three, 2. ACC ounting workflow (2), in whic (...)

(...) BCON BPS Designer Studio (Fig. 1). Descriptions will be exported to an Excel file – complete translations and then import the file to WEBCON BPS Designer Studio. To use this tool you must have aCC ess privileges to the database of the translated process.    Fig. 1. Completing the translation for the “Date of order” form field   Downloading the tool and e (...)

(...) ed file. NOTE: from WEBCON BPS 2022 R1 version onwards it is possible to upload files bigger than 128 MB. The files are now sent in chunks, so the restriction on the maximum attachment size aCC epted by the IIS server (2147 MB) no longer applies. Additionally, the operation of the file upload control has been enhanced (added a progress bar and option to cancel attachment uploading).  (...)

(...) the type of the form you are currently working on. This action is available only for the Menu button trigger. Example workflow An example workflow for registering contracts has been created. ACC ess to individual contracts depends on the confidentiality level, which can be changed.   Fig. 1. The “Contracts” workflow   At the first step, a user adds the c (...)

(...) created to enhance work in various areas of a business. The variety in number and type of applications proves that the approximation of the platform loading appears to be reasonable when taking into aCC ount  the number of users. A document equipped with the examples of installations due to the number of users was created under the feedback delivered by authentic businesses that have been o (...)

(...) pating in the survey. As before, it is possible to present the chart without selected data series, in stacked or grouped chart mode.   Fig. 7. The configured data source   ACC ording to the form field configuration, data series are all questions asked in the survey. The column of labels is the “What is your department?” column which allows you to group the resul (...)

(...) Dynamics and WEBCON BPS shares the cost invoice workflow. Data necessary for the workflows to function is collected from the system into dictionaries, for example: Customers dictionary Bank aCC ount dictionary Currency dictionary Cost categories dictionary Cost Centre dictionary Projects dictionary. The invoice data such as header data, i.e.,  invoice number, invoice is (...)

(...) Frequently SAP and WEBCON BPS share the cost invoice workflow. Data necessary for the workflows to function is collected from SAP into dictionaries, for example: Customers dictionary Bank aCC ounts dictionary Currency dictionary Cost categories dictionary Cost Centre dictionary Projects dictionary The invoice data such as header data, i.e.,  invoice number, invoice i (...)

(...) The advanced configuration of the autocomplete field is shown in Fig. 6. In the configuration of the form field discussed one can indicate the line of the data source that should be taken into aCC ount during a search –  the “Search” column and  the “Show in Dialogue” column. In the “Target Field” one can indicate dependent fields that will be (...)