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(...) System settings -> Service configuration -> Services, select the appropriate service, and check the Basic features” option.   Fig. 1. The system configuration   data update takes place only at times selected by the user. To define the update hours, select the “Schedules” in the “System settings” tab. In the “KPI time refresh” w (...)

(...) th this numbering method (instance number must be unique) and the BPS system will not allow you to register an instance with the same number (e.g. 00000001). If you need to search instances in the data base  - e.g. to display information from another instance in the “SQL table” form field, you should use the instance ID (WFD_ID) instead of the instance number.

(...) Applies to version 2019.1; author: Józef Cyran   Introduction WEBCON BPS allows you to generate/update Word documents (e.g. invoices, contracts) based on a template that inserts data from the system (e.g. data from the workflow instance that caused the file to be created) and also convert them to PDF (if necessary). To do this, you need our Word add-in to be downloaded from WEBCO (...)

(...) tion has been added – set the Authentication type as a custom and indicate the request endpoint.   Fig. 13. Refresh token - Authentication tab   In the “Request data ” change the HTTP method to POST.   Fig. 14. Refresh token - Request data tab   In the “Request body” invoke parameters have been entered.   (...)

(...) the example of the business scenario of the settlement of business trips. These actions allow you to update the value of the single form field or many form fields at the same time based on: data available on the form Any values from outside the form available e.g. in the data base or within other processes in WEBCON BPS The action of changing value can be defined on a path, after click (...)

(...) like this (yellow field):   Fig. 3. The Handwritten signature form field in the Word template   Example of use At the “Registration” step the employee’s data has been completed and the offboarding card has been generated (in the last step of the workflow).   Fig. 4. The offboarding process – registration   At the “Re (...)

(...) is the option to add attachments to the workflow instance by using the standard action. This action works in two modes: Adding attachments from other workflows of the current WEBCON BPS content data base, selected based on the instance workflow ID – the “Based on instance ID” mode Adding attachments from other workflows from the external WEBCON BPS content data base or external (...)

(...)   Fig. 6. The “Is Poland” field default value   Business rule On the form, you can also create business rules that can use integration tools such as SQL query or data Source Value. Let’s create a rule and implement it in the “Style and behavior” tab. To present the abilities of business rules, take the “Name” value of the “Count (...)

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction One of the types of data stored in WEBCON BPS data bases is the configuration of the elements that make up applications and processes. The configuration settings entered by a user are stored in the tables appropriate for the configured elements. The article provides a summary that schematically shows which table is respo (...)

(...) te field displayed on the portal - language: English (US)   d) The impact of the portal language on the format of the “Date and Time Type” form field The format of displayed data also depends on the WEBCON BPS portal language.   Fig. 7. The language settings   Fig. 8 presents the date format of the English version for all previously created “D (...)

(...) etting it in another place. They can be used e.g. in the case of duplication of the recipient’s address and the account address in the “Orders” process. Instead of entering the same data twice, you can use the configured button.     After clicking the “Se as recipient” button, the “Name and surname” field value on the “Billing addr (...)

(...) WEBCON BPS Designer Studio – go to the System settings tab -> BPS users list and click the Download template button. The system will download the Excel file with the defined columns in user data that should be entered.   Fig. 1. WEBCON BPS Designer Studio     The downloaded Excel file template:   Fig. 2. The Excel file template   (...)

(...) n, enter the following query:     By clicking the created “Initialize employees” button, the Employees list will be filled out with the appropriate employees’ data .     In the HTML form field configuration, the SubelementInitilization function has been used that after clicking the button, initialize the selected item list.   (...)

(...) the WEBCON BPS Modern form display mode: Change JavaScript to the form rules or JavaScript consisting of the available editor functions while maintaining the logic of the Modern form Switch data sources and SharePoint libraries to dictionary processes or SQL tables Change SOAP WebService to REST WebService. It also applies to integration with WEBCON BPS - if SOAP was invoked, it should be (...)

(...) ies to version: 2020.1.x; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction One of the functionalities in WEBCON BPS system is the ability of using the REST API interface. API is the basic method of data exchange between two systems and it is often used both to download data and transfer it from WEBCON BPS to other applications (e.g. data transfer to the vacation system). For more information about e (...)

(...) object-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' maps.googleapis.com; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' fonts.googleapis.com; img-src data : 'self' maps.gstatic.com *.googleapis.com *.ggpht; font-src 'self' fonts.gstatic.com; frame-src 'self' *.powerbi.com; frame-ancestors 'self' https://*.sharepoint.com h (...)

(...) s. For users to communicate with the system, they need to get a suitable interface. This article shows the concept of “Field matrix” – a mechanism responsible for presentation of data from the system. In the second part, information about detailed Form field configuration was attached and configuration of over saving of matrix configuration was discussed. Content of WorkFlow fo (...)

(...) e document must be entirely electronic. The handwritten documents prevent the correct creation of the text layer. The number of example documents – the teaching process is best done when the data base already has several correctly verified documents from a given contractor. Correct recognition of the searched value – use the teaching mechanism only if the searched value appears in the (...)

(...) Fig. 3. The new constant   This constant should be used in the fragment of the global template containing the link to the instance.   The URL structure: {Portal URL}/db/{data base ID}/app/{application ID}/instance/{ID instance} where: Portal URL – the WEBCON BPS URL address -> http://URLaddress/ data base ID – the WEBCON BPS Portal data base ID (usu (...)

(...) SetValue function was used in the button configuration, which sets the “Count of employee” field value in the “Employees” field. The ConvertStringToFloat function was used for data conversion.   Fig. 6. The “Convert string” configuration   b) Validates float value and returns as text with comma This function is used to validate the valu (...)