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for process

(...) he selected user belongs. •    Users who belong to the selected group. •    The user’s or group’s privileges at the application level, and at the process level, including workflow associations with the form types. •    Business rules that point to a specific user or group.    Fig.1 Form for checking user's or (...)

(...) s rules were added that make it easier to work with item lists and allow you to color and dynamic style modification of the selected cells. The coloring of the item lists is shown on the example of a process for handling orders in a restaurant. Operation of the application   Fig. 1 - The appearance of the application   The process has two form fields – Total number of (...)

(...) plans allows the employee to plan the absence (e.g. at the beginning of the year), which will then appear on the Gantt chart. The second way is to use the absence workflow generated by the absence process wizard - in this case, the selected absence plans (e.g. not approved by the supervisor or vacation leave) will be displayed on the Gantt chart. Workflow for registering absence plans   (...)

(...) ction One of the many novelties introduced in WEBCON BPS 2019 is a refreshed look and an alternative form display mode – Modern mode. Form display method can be set independently for each process . It makes migration of process es implemented in previous WEBCON BPS versions much easier and helps to manage which content should be presented in the new way.   To change the way the f (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2019.1.x and above; author: Kamil Nędza and Mariusz Burek Introduction WEBCON BPS 2019 introduces the concept of applications – defined as logically connected business process es that share a presentation layer. This helps to create applications for specific needs in a comprehensive manner. Introducing this new approach in organizing process es also meant that changes needed (...)

(...) new instance, following a path, or saving an instance generate entries in the queue of elements to be saved in Solr. The WebCon WorkFlow Service is responsible for sending data to Apache Solr, which process es the queue of elements for indexing. The “SOLR indexer queue” report is available in the 'Reports' section in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio.     This report d (...)

(...) The cell address must be configured according to the SheetName!CellAddress rule – e.g. Sheet1!A1. A dynamic selection of cells and sheets is not possible.   Fig. 6. The mapping process   Example of use In the presented example, the action is used to download the Excel file with leave requests. Cells to be filled out are marked in yellow.   Fig. 7. The (...)

(...) guration of the action   Read options a) First run, second run, third run – set the methods for reading the barcode during subsequent steps. All these options are digital image process ing methods that increase the probability of recognizing a barcode. There are several possible options: Standard Sharp Treat as picture Dilate Large quiet zone size b) Barcode read (...)

(...) aving the template, use the "Alt + F9" combination again to switch to the standard document display mode. Both document templates have been added to the document template created for the process workflow. Two constants have been created to store the ID of the templates from this process , one for the Polish template and the other for the English template.   Fig.14 . Constant th (...)

(...) wnloads all attachments that begin with "Agreement" The Category field allows you to indicate the category in which attachments are searched for. In addition to categories defined in the process configuration, there are built-in options: All – search attachments belonging to all categories. Custom – dynamically construct a category (using variables from the editor) or ent (...)

(...) author: Kamil Nędza Introduction   The Google Map form field allows us to place a map on the form with point marked on it. There is a limit however, to 3 such form fields per process . The Advanced configuration of the Google Map field contains 3 variants. The point on the map can be set based on: Coordinates – Enter the latitude and longitude di (...)

(...) x and above; author: Michał Kastelik Introduction Version 2021 has introduced a new feature for the environments in which there are many different people creating and modifying applications and process es. Now, you can define dedicated connections and data sources for your applications which should simplify the administration work. You will also avoid situations in which a person using a data source (...)

(...) ert documents as well as search files. The procedure of FineReader installation is described in our technical blog - FineReader 11 installation. The article describes how you can configure the process of searching for documents based on two exemplary workflows. The first workflow is used to manage archive documents. Files containing barcodes are scanned and added to the workflow as attachmen (...)

(...) uot; workflow   Configuration of the "Leave request" workflow The form of the Leave request workflow applications is visible below:   Fig. 3 Form of the Absence process workflow   The workflow control step is named "MGMT acceptation?" (Fig. 4) which has two paths. One of them leads to the approval of the employee's manager (Fig. 5), and the (...)

(...) l be exported to an Excel file – complete translations and then import the file to WEBCON BPS Designer Studio. To use this tool you must have access privileges to the database of the translated process .    Fig. 1. Completing the translation for the “Date of order” form field   Downloading the tool and exporting the translation template Translation Tool is (...)

(...) n be used to block the ability to add potentially dangerous attachments to the Portal such as scripts, executables, spreadsheets with macros. The restriction will be set globally for all applications/process es and all places where you can add an attachment – forms, HotFolders, HotMailBoxes, API. When specifying the attachment size – remember that the IIS server setting is the overriding (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Dawid Golonka Introduction When process ing an instance in a given workflow, sometimes there is a need to change fields available to a user or manage privileges to the instance. You can use the “Change form type” action, which allows you to change the type of the form you are currently working on. This action is available only for the Menu (...)

(...) usiness B installation may require more intricate infrastructure than Business A. When employing more complex application activities (number of steps, conditions, approvals) to the invoice assignment process , comparing to the absence registration application, we may come to conclusion that scaling WEBCON BPS based only on number of users is inadequate and does not correspond to reality.   Why (...)

(...) od. Another integration solution method of the discussed systems is data entry via buffer tables which are filled out with SQL views with the workflow data from WEBCON BPS. When Microsoft Dynamics process es the line with the respective element, the status of the element entry is returned in one of the columns, and alternatively some sort of return message (e.g. in case of an error). Such integration s (...)

(...) her area for integration. Returned data on the procurement status can be used for verifying settlements and associating purchase orders with invoices. WEBCON BPS-SAP integration may also refer to the process of collecting and transferring information about stocks or goods receipts or service performance.  Obviously, it is not the end of the list of SAP-WEBCON BPS integration possibilities. The l (...)