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(...) process configuration After pressing this button, you will automatically be taken to the configuration window of the process with which the instance is associated.   Go to the step configuration After pressing this button, you will automatically be taken to the configuration window of the step in which the workflow instance is currently in Portal.   This fea (...)

(...) stead of the Comment field is that you can use many such form fields on the form, e.g. when collecting opinions from individual departments or teams. In turn, the Comment field can be used in another step of the process. Enter the required information/message in the form field. After going through the path or clicking Save on the top bar of the Portal window, the content of the entered information/ (...)

(...) awryał   Introduction Menu button is a button available in the top bar of a form in WEBCON BPS Portal, used to trigger automations added by the user globally or in a particular workflow step . Choosing this form of triggering automations allows you to maintain a high level of readability of the form – an automation (including one or more actions) is available under a single button, (...)

(...) ser's data from AD. In the example discussed here, these will be “E-mail address” and “Position”.   The form in the “Webinar registration” start step looks as follows:   According to the figure above, only the “Participant information” section requires completion. After clicking on the Choice field icon marked in red, a (...)

(...) e-mail are added to it. The incoming correspondence workflow diagram is presented below. Fig. 1. The incoming correspondence workflow diagram     Registration – a step through which the system goes automatically when a workflow is started for a document appended to an e-mail sent to the HotMailBox. Revision – a task holder must verify the content of an e-ma (...)

(...) started) is appended to it. The “Cost invoice” workflow diagram is presented below Fig. 1. The “Cost invoice” workflow diagram   Registration – a step through which the system goes when a workflow is started for each .pdf file appended to a message sent to a HotMailBox. Revision – a task holder revises whether the data provided on the form (...)

(...) dds an attachment to it. The “Agreement” workflow diagram is presented below Fig. 1. The “Agreement” workflow diagram   Registration – an initial step in an “Agreement” workflow. A registrant fills out all the required fields and uses the “Register” path to move to the step where an agreement file is generated with the data (...)

(...) n Fig. 4., some files are duplicated – they have been transferred from the parent workflow to the child workflow. This allows the user to compare how the file contents have changed in different step s of the workflow.   In ALL ATTACHMENTS tab, files are grouped by: Workflow from which they originate (current/parent/child) Document ID Folder they are assigned to (see below) (...)

(...) ability of item list buttons, such as “Add”, “Delete”, etc.   Item list buttons Item list buttons can be configured globally for the whole workflow (i.e. for all step s) or separately for each step . Both configuration variants are described below:   Global configuration of item list buttons   In order to define buttons that are always dis (...)

(...) Visible” column in the selected language row (en-GB). Note that the “en-US” and “en-GB” packages have the same name now. To prevent potential mistake, follow the same step s for the “en-US” package and disable visibility for the “en-US” package by unchecking the “Visible” checkbox. Click the “Save” button.   (...)

(...) up a required parameter type   The following chapters present examples of business and form rules with parameters.   Global business rules The “AddAttachment_AtThisstep " rule This rule verifies whether an attachment is added on a particular step . The verification is executed by means of an SQL query that checks whether an attachment is added to an instance (...)

(...) figuration, for example, the group must be granted privileges (as above) or assigned a task on the transition path. When exporting the "Audits & Controls" application, at the summary step , the system will inform you about finding the BPS group and exporting it. Note that the export/import mechanism does not transfer the entire contents of the group.   Fig. 3. Applicatio (...)

(...) el gaps by hiring new employees. To facilitate the assignment of tasks and the flow of information in newly established departments, it is necessary to create a BPS group for each of them. This step -by-step process is described below using the "Financial Records Department" group as an example, with particular emphasis on the privileges to manage this group.   Different priv (...)

(...) endly, which makes it necessary to introduce minor changes to the form, as well as to check the visibility of its fields on the matrix. In addition, they would like the task description in one of the step s to be more precise. Ultimately, the application is also to be used in DACHL countries, where the Principal conducts their business as well, therefore a German-language version of the form is require (...)

(...) ted in. This means that you do not have to change each instance of the rule, which is the case when it is created from scratch each time.   Configuration A simple process with two-step workflow has been created. The workflow form contains a number of form fields designed to collect data on the person requesting the car insurance. The data is grouped under three tabs: “Vehicle (...)

(...)   Statistics of selected applications   Each such data set contains the following information: Number of instances Active instances, i.e. instances outside the final step Ended instances, i.e. instances in the final step , either positive or negative Number of active tasks People involved, i.e. users who completed at least one tasks on their own and whose tasks a (...)

(...) ns (the “System settings” button → the “Automations” node in the selection tree), workflow automations (as actions inserted globally in the workflow or in a particular step ), action templates (process name → the “Configuration” button → the “Action templates” node). Note that these actions are not available in global automations (...)

(...) he sending e-mail notifications functionality to inform a group member about receiving a task. To do that, check the Send standard e-mail checkbox available under the “Task creation” tab (step edition → the “Paths” tab → the “Task creation” tab → “Send standard e-mail”).   The form Tasks assigned to a group are displayed (...)

(...) indicators function similarly to the existing Analysis feature, but offer far more freedom to customize how they are calculated. Instead of focusing on the completion time of tasks in one specific step , performance indicators can be started, stopped, and restarted using actions distributed around the workflow. In effect, this allows performance indicators to calculate completion times for individua (...)

(...) e standard installation of WEBCON BPS components and is particularly applicable when using cloud services, making it much easier to install the system in such an environment. This article provides step -by-step instructions for installing WEBCON BPS with its core components running in independent containers.   Choosing a containerization platform Since most containerization platforms u (...)