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(...) We have a form that needs to stay open for a length of time before auto moving the flow into a cancelled step. This length of time is user selectable when creating a new record. Talent Req is created and posting is set to stay up for 30/60/90 days. Is there a way to get the Timeout interval value set to the value of a form field? (If the user chooses 30 days, that will be the timeout value, 60, etc.. (...)

(...) to edit this one multiline text field. And any other group should NOT have the right to edit this field. Only for internal user groups. I already tried in the editability tab to make this field editable , but this did not work. (attached image). Does anyone have a solution? Thanks in advance :)

(...) Hi there, I have a data source of MSSQL type, that populates a data table . The SQL query is quite complicated but it works. However it currently takes about 33 seconds to complete. Thus when executed in SQL Studio, I get the output table . When I try to execute it in a bps process, it fails. When testing in Designer Studio, I get an error of execution timeout. Is there a way to tell Webcon to allow a l (...)

(...) When creating the reports it would be useful to have the option of joining the WFElements table to other external table s in order to show data from other systems in the same report without the need to duplicate this data on Webcon. ​This way the integrations with other systems would be even easier and there would be no need to duplicate data that already exist in some other system. Can you consider dev (...)

(...) rDocType.DTYPE_ID FOR XML PATH('') ),'') as Label FROM WFDocTypes outerDocType where DTYPE_ID in ({DT:4},{DT:7}) The TRANS_OBJID is fixed. You can get an overview of all ids and which fields, table s you need to replace in the above command from: SELECT * FROM [dbo].[DicTranslationsObjects] The attached image shows the executed SQLcommand and the drop down values for the German language. Best (...)

(...) I know that in webcon report there is only possibility to show only one "Item list" attribute but is there any possibility to create some technical data table or atribute to show more than one list? Or maybe you can give some example of SQL function which select more than one "Item list". Thank you in advance for your help.

(...) How to change by displaying everything, not only 4 tasks? - [|TaskDetailstable :4|] How to change TaskDetailstable ?

(...) pe of choice field and in the picker tick "Show link to this item" it still does not show the item with the link (as it does in standard attributes). It doesn't matter if the field is read-only or writable - always no link. I suppose the solution could be a separate hyperlink column calculated based on the ID in the choice field, but I have 4 such columns, so there would have to be 8 this way.. way too (...)

(...) Is there a option to insert values do database (my own table ) by the button added in html form? My idea is like a picture I addend, but when I click on the button I get error Message=Error occured during rule SQL Dodaj powiązanie (Id: 136) evaluation. Source=WebCon.WorkFlow.Base StackTrace= at: Evaluation requested at: Evaluation node: Rule at: Evaluation node: SQL InnerException: Messag (...)

(...) items they want, he/she can click the row in the report and then in the preview the "Add to transaction" button. Repeat for other items. Not quite what I wanted in the beginning, but seems to be acceptable !

Upgraded Dev environment to latest version 2022.1.1.53 but designer studio is not opening up. It is giving unknown exception error. Attached the screenshot. Here is complete error info: Type: System.Exception ------------------------------------------------------- Message: NotFound IIS 10.0 Detailed Error - 404.15 - Not Found

(...) acheStore cache, IBusinessRuleSlaveRulesRepository slaveRulesRepository) process tree is not loaded. the BusinessRule with id 432 exists in WFBusinessRuleDefinitions . But message is about cached table ? Do you know how how fix it?

(...) Dear Community, I have a question regarding attachments database. Size of the database is quite large and I'm trying to find optimizations here. table / index compression is not a solution - compression ratio is barely reaches 0,5% level. I have found a lot of records in this database where attachments are deleted (column ATF_IsDeleted = 1). Is it safe to remove such records from database or it wil (...)

(...) ps://daniels-notes.de/posts/2021/retrieve-ps-variable-value I figure, it is posible to retrive output value from SQL Procedure? How force "Run sql procedure" action to log ouptut to [dbo].[WFLogs] table ? Write-Output in PowerShell is logged to LOG_Description column. How log ouput from sql procedure?

(...) Dear Webcon Community! Problem: with import excel action you can import excel table s only if you have a table container already added. Sometimes it is difficult if we want to process data in excel table coming from third party. Proposal: there is a way to define column mapping for itemlist file importing. It would be nice to have a feature in import action to take into account that one, inste (...)

(...) another purchase out of the group of 8 is meant to approve the order again. But not the user having done the first approval (1). My approach would be to get the first approver from the tasks table via SQL and make sure that he is not within the users for the second approval. So that this user would not receive a second task on that workflow instance. Does that work or is there a better appr (...)

(...) D where [group].COS_DisplayName = '' AND [users].COS_IsActive = 1 AND [users].COS_AccountType = 1 Besides the Display Name you may want to use the AD name of the group. It can be found in table CacheORganizationStructure in column COS_AD_Name. 3.2) SQL query for second approval step in what the approvers of the first step shall not be assigned To be able to distinguish between tasks act (...)

(...) on I still have comunicate at workflow designer: "The database contains workflow instances associated with this step. You must delete those elements first in order to delete the step". On which SQL table I can find that archive elements? Any ideas how can I fix it? Thanks advance for your help.

(...) Hi, I have a following problem. I've created a data table form field that downloads data from SQL query. In that SQL query I have a following where clause, which compares a date from Oracle table to a date from a form field that is completed by an user (it is "user's date"): "where table 1.date = User's date: date acc. browser settings(text)" and it doesn't work because of different date format (...)

(...) Hi, I am trying to move multiple related child instances through an action. I tried doing that with the “Move workflow (SQL)” action. The query I used can be found in the Attachments. The table I get also looks fine, but I still get the Error "Incorrect column PATH_ID format". I already checked all of the IDs, they should all be fine. I used the following thread as a reference: https://alterpaths.c (...)