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Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza Introduction The WEBCON BPS system enables the synchronization of exchange rates. The available sources of currency data are exchange rate tables provided by the National Bank of Poland, the European Central Bank, and the Central Bank of Russia. This article describes how to download and convert the rates provided by the Eu

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Mateusz Syrek In the WEBCON BPS 2020 version, the attachment preview window has been expanded with the option to switch to the preview of the next or previous attachment from the list of all files attached to instances. There is also the option to download an attachment directly from the preview window.     The preview win

(...) functional tests before the final implementation of the solution on the production environment (PROD) on which they work users. Creating processes in such a way that they are insensitive to the context of the environment in which they work requires adherence to a certain regime. However, it results naturally from the functionalities available in WEBCON BPS Studio and the operation of the platform m (...)

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Adrian Baszak Introduction This article presents a workflow for checking user’s and group’s privileges in one place. It can become useful when having many deployed applications and roles with different privileges. This workflow may be used as a part of a larger group management application based on WEBCON BPS.  In the workf

(...) ven in various formats, both with the name (red, blue, green) and with the hex code which allows you to select any values. For decorations, you can select between normal, bold, underlined, and italic text .   Fig. 9. The rule coloring the background of the Status column   For each row function was used again - to color the status according to its value. The SET CELL BACKGROUN (...)

(...) yee). Instead of the data type form field (From/To), create an item list – it allows the employee to plan absence e.g. for the whole year. It’s a good idea to add a calculated column (text type) that will automatically display the number of working days that the plan contains. Below is the configuration of this column:   Fig. 2. Configuration of the calculated column (...)

(...) allow auto-incrementing the value of the DET_ID column and adding the row as the last row in the item list. Values of the current user, current date, information about approval, and last comment text are passed to the remaining columns. Values passed to the item list can be dynamically generated based on the value from the form or entered statically into the SQL query. The new row will be add (...)

(...) rkflow. From version 2019.1.2 on multilingual choice fields are complimentary to forms created with multilingual usage in mind. This functionality allows you to define choice dictionaries so that the text displayed in them  is coherent with a language in which the form is presented to the user.  Data sources for multilingual choice fields Handling multiple languages in form' choice (...)

Applies to version: 2017.1.x and above; author: Krzysztof Gaszczyk WEBCON BPS is a great tool to create and use constant values. There are two types of constants: Global and Process. This article presents configuration and practical use of both of them. Global constant – this constant is visible across the whole system. It is frequently used when the value is present in many proc

Applies to version: 2017.1.x and above; author: Mateusz Syrek Introduction SharePoint server allows authenticating users based on Claims add-on. It also allows authenticating users based on different authentication providers which you trust but are managed externally. This article describes external provider configuration which will be Azure Active Directory from SharePoint Server 2019 (

(...) y data. Regular expressions allow to check if the user data has correct format. Here is an example: d{4}-d{2}-d{2} Bank account number In order to add regular expression to the form field of text field type go to “Style and behavior” tab and in “Regular expressions” field set the pattern which needs to be checked. An example of REGEX pattern: &nd (...)

Applies to version: 2019.1.x and above; author: Marek Suchowiejko Introduction One of the many novelties introduced in WEBCON BPS 2019 is a refreshed look and an alternative form display mode – Modern mode. Form display method can be set independently for each process. It makes migration of processes implemented in previous WEBCON BPS versions much easier and helps to manage which

Applies to version: 2019.1.x and above; author: Paweł Jawień Introduction One of the most important development changes in WEBCON BPS platform in version 2019 is the introduction of a new presentation layer for the user – WEBCON BPS Portal. To complement this functionality, in environments working on the MS SharePoint platform, you can display WEBCON BPS Portal presentation element

Applies to version: 2019.1.x and above; author: Kamil Nędza and Mariusz Burek Introduction WEBCON BPS 2019 introduces the concept of applications – defined as logically connected business processes that share a presentation layer. This helps to create applications for specific needs in a comprehensive manner. Introducing this new approach in organizing processes also meant that change

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza Introduction WEBCON BPS 2021 introduces the new SELECT VALUES function that allows you to retrieve data from a selected item list column. This function enables saving data from all rows of a given column in a form field indicated in the configuration. Data are saved as a collection separated by semicolons. The function ignores

(...) sibilities of the report.     1. Refresh Refreshing data visible in the report, so you can keep track of the indexing progress.  2. Copy all Copying data (in the text form) available in the report to the clipboard. 3. Export to Excel Exporting data visible in the report to an excel file (the xlsx format). 4. Reset all counters Sets attempt number count (...)

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza Introduction This article describes the “Read data from an Excel file” action that allows you to import data from an Excel file to the form. You can use this action in the following scenarios: Part of the information entered into WEBCON BPS is filled out by people who do not have access to the company’s

(...) ritten in the Code-128 standard.   Fig. 2. Barcode in the Code-128 standard   After following the path, the barcode content was entered into the "Barcode content" text field.   Fig. 3. The form view after following the "Read a barcode" path   QR codes can also be read by the action. QR (2D) codes allow you to save more informatio (...)

(...) d template in English - 2nd page.   In the English template, you can notice Polish names in the columns of the item list and in the columns of the data table. The template displays the text values from the "Original text " field from the form field translation section. The combination "Alt + F9" displays that there are references to system elements under these names: (...)

(...) NAME - returns the full name of the attachment based on the attachment’s ID. CONTENT TYPE - returns internet media type (MIME type), a binary identifier for the format of internet files (e.g. text /plain, image/gif) based on the attachment’s ID. CONTENT AS BASE64 - returns the content of the file encoded in the Base64 text format. The content is returned based on the attachment's ID (...)