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Applies to version: 2022.1.x and above; author: Anna Sobota Introduction The new version of WEBCON BPS mass e-mail notification system presents a great array of possibilities to adjust the contents and graphical solutions of mass e-mail notifications to the user’s current needs. Similar to the previous WEBCON BPS version the system administrator can define the day and time of the e-ma

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Daniel Półchłopek Introduction In version 2020, the ability to present absences of employees in the form of the Gantt chart has been added to the Modern form. Until now, this form field was available only on the SharePoint form. One of the examples is displaying the employee's approved leaves in the absence process, but there are

Applies to version: 2022.1.x and above;   When using the "WEBCON BPS Outlook Add-In" on high-definition monitors, display issues may appear - especially when the Outlook window is shifted between high and low DPI monitors. There are problems with displaying the process instance form and as a result, the form disappears or is displayed outside the Outlook window.&nbs

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Wojciech Kołodziej Introduction One of the basic features that allow you to create WEBCON BPS workflows is the possibility to task assignment. You can assign a task to a specific group, person or business entity. This article presents how to use of user groups when assigning tasks and shows exemplary solutions for task assignment in the multip

(...) m/pl-pl/dotnet/standard/base-types/formatting-types The data delivered by customers should be in a tabular format. The data delivered by customers should be standardised (uniform data format, no text values in the data, one data type per column etc.). The delivered view must be responsive and response immediately  (“Select top 1000 * from table_name” enquiry should be proceeded (...)

This document contains:   Enterprise (Standalone) installation prerequisites, diagrams, and scaling SharePoint-hosted installation prerequisites, diagrams, and scaling Planning for High Availability WEBCON BPS Databases overview and size estimation Disaster recovery for Enterprise and SharePoint Good practices for system upkeep WEBCON BPS Farm communication diagram List

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Dawid Golonka Introduction From version 2021.1.4.36, new built-in functions have been introduced to WEBCON BPS. These functions are used to set the requiredness of fields on the form. They allow you to configure the form in terms of dynamic setting required fields to be completed. Business case The ability to set the required form field

Applies to version: 2022.1.x and above; author: Dominika Stelmach Introduction The WEBCON BPS 2022 version introduces a new For each operator, which allows you to configure an action, operation, or automation for each element from the selected collection.   Fig. 1. For each operator   The operator iterates over the collection elements, which can be an item list, an

Applies to version: 2022.1.x and above; author: Dominika Stelmach This article is an update of the already existing article -> WEBCON BPS Portal - Website look customization.  Introduction In WEBCON BPS, it is possible to personalize the appearance of the platform by changing the logo and color theme of the website. To be able to modify a color theme, a user must have app

Environments without a Windows domain can still work with WEBCON BPS as long as it is configured to use Google authentication. However, such a configuration will not allow attachments to be edited directly from the form viewed in WEBCON BPS Portal and using the desktop version of Microsoft Office. To edit files on the form, WEBCON BPS uses WebDav protocols. Microsoft does not support using

Starting with WEBCON BPS 2022.1.1, the lowest supported MS SQL Server version is 2014. Due to this, when installing/updating WEBCON BPS, the Compatibility Level for databases is set to 120 – which corresponds to SQL Server 2014. This setting is also used when installing WEBCON BPS with newer versions of SQL Server (2016, 2019…). When installing BPS databases on SQL server highe

(...) rom forms designed in WEBCON BPS. A template prepared in this way can be used, for example, in a Word file generation action. In order to be able to use variables relating to form fields and other context ual variables of WENCON BPS, an add-in for MS Word is required. This article describes the process of downloading and installing the Word Modern add-in, which is responsible for the interaction of (...)

(...) is “Plugin configuration”:   Figure 10. Plugin configuration     In this case you can copy and paste the configuration available after clicking on the context help. In “Returned id of document” specify the technical field the user created where the external document ID is stored. After proper configuration of the action you can enter the Por (...)

(...) variable “Is this a mobile device?” used in the form rule executed on change in „Justification required” checkbox. Once you check this field in the mobile app a compact single text line field “Brief justification for the purchase” appears. The same action in the browser displays “Full justification for the purchase”. The purpose is to keep the form reada (...)

  Applies to version: 2021.x.x.xxx and above; author: Mateusz Syrek Introduction This article describes 3 variants for transferring WEBCON BPS databases to a different SQL server: new server has the same name as the old one, new server has a different name – applying SQL aliases, new server has a different name – no SQL aliases applied, changing configuration

(...) s available, which can also be used in Microsoft Word Online and Microsoft 365 Word on Windows and macOS. This article describes how the Word Modern add-in works in Microsoft Word Online in the context of a sample business case.   Installing the add-in For detailed information on how to download and install the add-in, visit: Installation of WEBCON BPS Word Modern.   After (...)

(...) bsp;   Check the “Use advanced appearance settings” field. Leave the colour mode field with “For whole row” value. It is now possible to type in the SQL code in the text field “SQL/CAML query that returns color”, but in the discussed case we will use the expression editor that facilitates edition. Click the ellipsis button next to the text field “SQ (...)

(...) nd paste it into the SQL instance in the new query window. Link to download the script directly: https://ola.hallengren.com/scripts/MaintenanceSolution.sql   Run the script in the context of the database where the logs of the operations performed will be saved – this can be done by default on the master system database or on a newly created database. In the latter case, create t (...)

(...) ch is more advantageous at the time. After entering the Form rules tab and adding a new rule, click in the rule editor window. Type the first letters of the item or function desired in the context of the rule being created. According to the figure below (Fig. 1), the IF THEN conditional function will be used, which appeared in the tooltip after typing the phrase “if” in the edit bo (...)

(...) g the label description feature Users have the ability to independently define the value displayed as the chart’s X axis label. With this configuration, it is possible to present alternative text corresponding to the X axis values. In the present example, it will be a text ual display of the name of the month corresponding to the date on the X axis based on the previously configured calculated (...)