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for process

(...) cation of custom colors of the listed elements in the contrast theme, if necessary. Furthermore, users can prepare additional contrast themes based on a different color palette. To facilitate this process , a dedicated Is contrast checkbox has been included in the editing window of each theme: Fig. 13. Setting a contrast theme using a new parameter   By configuring a contrast theme, t (...)

(...) here is also an option to import applications with specific elements indicated as subject to import. This solution is particularly useful in the case of extended applications (e.g. consisting of many process es), where indicating only the elements that are important from the point of view of import is more optimal and justified. To facilitate this process , the option Create file with default import par (...)

(...) related changes to the system and provides examples of practical use of the various form templates.   Business case In the HR and Administration Department, a “Recruitment” process was developed to manage job offers published on an external recruitment service. As part of this process , a workflow of the same name was created to record information on the positions offered, verif (...)

(...) asy access to information is one of the key aspects of a well-designed form. With crucial information readily available, users can not only perform tasks faster, but also make better decisions in the process . But how do you distinguish this crucial information from other data and present it clearly to make it easy to interpret? Perhaps the answer lies in the Widget form field discussed in this articl (...)

(...) Head of the Complaints Department within a production company oversees the work of several employees in that Department. Both him and his subordinates use the WEBCON BPS application on daily basis to process complaints, so any information on the ongoing operations are registered in the BPS system. Given the growing number of complaints and the undergoing reorganization of work in the Department, a dedica (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2024 R1 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz   Introduction Designing a business application is a process that requires both good memory and coordination from the people involved in it. Unfortunately, when faced with a large number of tasks, lengthy execution times, many people involved, or often all of the above, even the most capable mind must yield. To address th (...)

(...) the same machine via WEBCON BPS installer (in a previous version). When these three components are installed on the same machine (Designer Studio and the database can be separate) the installation process is simplified. Launch the installer on the machine where the components are located, and simply go through the suggested steps. All steps of the installer will be carried out automatically and do (...)

(...) e   Should we import applications via an application instead of the Designer Studio? In my opinion yes. But this is mainly influenced from a partner perspective who has to deploy the same process to multiple customers who require that these kind of things are documented. What would be the benefit of having an application: When something is automated, it can be tested, and therefore t (...)

(...) utton styles. Adding the possibiltiy to define additional class attributes on the path properties would make the styling easier. The custom styles could be defined in the new html-field (for every process we would have to define it again) or much better, let it define in the themes editor! Update 06.04.2021 Apparently is now in back-log https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/404/15

(...) Can you please add a simple feature - application (or process ) versions ? The idea is to have a "back" button - revert to (any) previous version if something goes wrong. I know - you want us to use DEV/TEST/PROD environment. Sure. But versioning would be a nice feature, really. Two options for you to choose: 1. every save is a new version 2. save as new version button

(...) great tool too, but it's missing a compliance with visual proces definition standards, like BPMN 2.0. Can you please implement a BPMN import feature ? Sure it won't be easy (since the differences in process /workflow definitions) but still it should be posiible to implement some basic imports, even if not all data from BPMN diagrams could be imported. BPMN is widely used by organizations for process mana (...)

(...) Currently our report-menu for some process es is getting longer and longer. One reason for that is the fact, that some people have issues understanding they have to choose a report and can then navigate on the other side of the form by the views we have set up for them. Mostly people who count their daily clicks and tell you to change the system if they have to do 10 more a day, because you have set somet (...)

(...) Quick Manual should be entry point, to see quick manual right now user must enter form to start process first. The order shall be the other way: first read manual, later start process .

(...) columns/196/3) but that's not my case. What I would like to do is join the items from the report to a table in a different database (on the same server) or to an existing MSSQL data source. In many process es I have a global field with the unique identifier. I would like to use this key for a 1:1 join. I can show the join results on the form (using Data row field type) but not on the report. Is somethi (...)

(...) Hi all! I am new to WebCon BPS. I wonder if it is possible to get all items of a process or a datasource/dictionary defined in BPS from client side via REST API. In SharePoint I did something like this: _api/web/lists/getbytitle('MyList')/items?select=Title... This does not seem to be possible with BPS REST API or at least I did not find it ;-) I am thankful for every hint pushing me into the right (...)

(...) Some context - while we bind existing process es in another application, My Task section sums number of tasks from all connected process es. I know that as user i can filter them, but my proposal is to add some option for connected process es to not appering in active tasks section at all :)

(...) Hello everyone! I have two questions. 1. Did anyone use the absence process template as the time schedule for the employees? My client has many different shifts for employees and I was thinking of presenting the data with the mentioned process . Any ideas would be appreciated. 2. At this point my main problem are the colors presenting the vacation type (which in my case would be the shift). The Vacati (...)

(...) ve to use forever. When i open Designer Studio on the PROD-Server, it still shows the old database server in the footer (see picture). It's the same behaviour on both PROD-Servers we have. The shown process in the picture doesnt even have a sharepoint site anymore, so i doubt its coming from site configuration there. TBH it is correct in all the other environments, so i seem to have managed it there so (...)

(...) 't figure it out at the moment. I would like to prevent users entering duplicate values in a field when starting a new workflow and I don't want to use the Instance Number to achieve that. I have a process ABC with field WFD_AttText1. How do I prevent the user to enter a value that already exists in the field WFD_AttText1 of the process ABC? Thank you.

(...) a form. Maybe also viewing or downloading a file could be recorded. The most luxury version would be configuration options (elements views, element edits, document downloads, document previews) on process level. By default it would then be switched off. It might be feature other partners/customers would like to have as well.