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for choice list

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Marek Suchowiejko Introduction Most applications supporting business process automation are created in IT departments. The key to success is the effective communication of requirements and expectations – the quality of the completed system depends on how well its specifications were communicated between the intended audience and desi

Introduction WEBCON BPS 2019 Portal introduces a brand new method of searching for instances in the database. Search is based on SOLR engine which allows for a quick search even in very large data collections.   Creating search phrases By using SOLR technology, user can influence on how the engine searches indexed data and as a result – what the results are. Using appropria

  PDF version   1. Prerequisites (SharePoint platform) 2. Prerequisites (no SharePoint platform) 3. High availability 4. WEBCON BPS databases 5. Disaster-recovery scenario (SharePoint platform) 6. Disaster-recovery scenario (no SharePoint platform) 7. Good practices in WEBCON BPS platform maintenance 8. WEBCON BPS Farm internat/external communication diagr

(...) 25 Integer number 30 in total Survey fields - rating scale Floating-point number 50 Choice field 90 in total Survey fields - choice list Date and time 50 Yes/No choice 20 Person or Group 15 SQL row No limit SQL grid No limit Google map 3 (...)

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Mateusz Klos   The following configuration is for Standalone installation. For SharePoint intallation, no WebDav is used - only the SharePoint attachment library.  Installing an add-on from a file Consider a simple process where the user drops a file into the "Attachments" section and then wants to digitally sign it u

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza Introduction The WEBCON BPS system enables the synchronization of exchange rates. The available sources of currency data are exchange rate tables provided by the National Bank of Poland, the European Central Bank, and the Central Bank of Russia. This article describes how to download and convert the rates provided by the Eu

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Adrian Baszak Introduction This article presents a workflow for checking user’s and group’s privileges in one place. It can become useful when having many deployed applications and roles with different privileges. This workflow may be used as a part of a larger group management application based on WEBCON BPS.  In the workf

Applies to version: 2019.1.x and above; author: Jacek Język Introduction WEBCON BPS platform allows you to manage business applications in multilingual environments. Particular parts of the form were designed in such a way, that you can provide translations to any language that is used by the users while creating the workflow. From version 2019.1.2 on multilingual choice fields are com

Applies to version: 2019.1.x and above; author: Marek Suchowiejko Introduction One of the many novelties introduced in WEBCON BPS 2019 is a refreshed look and an alternative form display mode – Modern mode. Form display method can be set independently for each process. It makes migration of processes implemented in previous WEBCON BPS versions much easier and helps to manage which

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza Introduction WEBCON BPS 2021 introduces the new SELECT VALUES function that allows you to retrieve data from a selected item list column. This function enables saving data from all rows of a given column in a form field indicated in the configuration. Data are saved as a collection separated by semicolons. The function ignores

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza     Document generation actions The application designer can use several actions to generate documents from templates in WEBCON BPS. They are grouped in the group "Excel, Word and PDF".   Fig.1 . Document generation actions.   Generate/Update Word file The configuration

Applies to version: 8.3.x and above; author: Przemysław Sierant Introduction The form field “Choice field” is used for selecting a value from a set list of choices (either predefined, or loaded from a data source). Until now, there were two ways of selecting these values: from a drop-down menu (default) and through a separate pop-up window (this option allows multiple value

(...) in the table will be discussed. The layout of all choice fields is given below (Fig.1).   Fig. 1 Choice field type displayed in the form Drop-down List  “choice list ” is the simplest solution for using the choice field. It allows for selecting a single value from the given list. However, it cannot be employed for setting values in dependent fields and (...)

This article aims at providing key information required to configurate new application elements. The article presents both required and optional information that will help you to add configuration components, such as: Form field Step Transition path Report BPS group Action – general Action – form validation Action – e-mail notification Hardcopy templat

   PDF version Introduction Requirements towards the Customer and the Integrator General information solution requirements Initial data import into WEBCON BPS Exemplary description of integration message   Introduction Document description The document sets out design and technological WEBCON BPS requirements for integration

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Piotr Dąbrowski Introduction   WEBCON BPS handles digital signatures through dedicated actions (SDK – Software Development Kit). There are 4 plugins available to integrate with external digital signature providers: AdobeSign Autenti DocuSign Skribble This article describes the process of signing document wit

Applies to version: 2022.1.3 and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza   Introduction Configuration of processes in WEBCON BPS indispensably involves the creation of rules, be it a business rule or a form rule. To optimize the work, it is a good idea to use the keyboard shortcuts available in WEBCON BPS and the keys provided by the operating system. This article describes how t

Applies to version: 2022.1.3 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction Item list is a form field displayed as a table with definable columns that contain user’s data. This form field can be edited to the extent provided by the system: users can change the column values as well as add, delete, and clone individual rows. It is also possible to independently configure th

Applies to version: 2022.1.x and above, author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction Users who participate in a business process take on specific roles: there are those responsible for creating documentation, registrants, acceptants, and employees who carry out tasks assigned to them or who are otherwise affected by the process. In WEBCON BPS, the form fields that store information ab

Applies to version: 2021 R1 and above; author: Mike Fitzmaurice   Introduction WEBCON BPS offers several ways to handle parallel work. If the scenario involves a single task assigned to multiple people, a few task configuration settings are usually all that is needed. There are exceptions to this, though, especially when you have elaborate criteria to apply to the task results. &