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(...) at that form (see screen below). I do itthat by using 'change field value' action and rule 'date part (month)'. Next i use that technical field to group forms by year and month but when users create data s from october number 10 goes to the end of list. Is there any possibility to fix it or maybe you have some idea how to do that easier or more effective that me? Thank you a lot for helping me.

(...) log for an item list the only drawback is the term "Save". I'm getting more and more feedback that it is confusing and I have to agree. There's the save button on the workflow form which persists the data in the data base. Then there's the save button in the single edit dialog, which will save the values for the row, but does not persist the data of the workflow itself. I wanted to change the term (...)

(...) e.Email.Mapi.MapiMessage.k(Stream a, LoadOptions b) at Aspose.Email.Mapi.MapiMessage.Load(Stream stream) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Common.BusinessLogic.AttachmentsManagement.Utility.AttachmentMessagedata Creator.GetAttachmentMessagedata (IElementAttachment attachment) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at WebCon.WorkFlow.Common.BusinessLogic.AttachmentsManagement.Utility.AttachmentMessa (...)

(...) nted instead of putting Car Type (ID) = 1 - you have to create 'Constant' CarType Sedan with value 1 and so on. Structure like enum would make this easier, and more condensed - instead of having a data source, and constants (1 app, x app, or global) there could be the enum structure, which should have a possibility to be used as data source, and it's values as values in for example buisness rules. (...)

(...) s created on one level. I would suggest these alternatives: 1) An administrator needs to define Person P as substitute for Person A in the period given. 2) If the substitutions are stored in the data base and can be retreived with an SQL statement, I think of an automated workflow that will shift the tasks based on the substitution information. Is there any other approach you have created or th (...)

(...) Hi, In the logs, we are seeing the following error: "Dynamic operations can only be performed in homogenous AppDomain" Since the error started appearing, some form fields that get data from SQL query stopped working. What could be the issue and solution? Thanks in advance Mark

(...) r side effect could be that we could do a little diagram how many companies have implemented 1-5, 5-10,10-20, 20+ applications. Here’s just an idea, how it could be like using some sample /made up data . It’s just an idea and everything would be subject to change, but one can get an idea of how it could be. https://daniels-notes.de/youcoulddothat/ @VSB I hope you don’t mind that I listed you (...)

(...) pe": "InsufficientAccountPermissions", "description": "Global admin permissions required", "errorGuid": "54d9ccb7-183e-484f-ba73-7f1d0d8ec794" } my endpoint in request via POSTMAN /api/data /beta/admin/db/1/businessentities my Webcon verion is: 2021.1.5.307 when I do this request :/api/data / I got this response, so it should work in my version. { "apiVersions": [ (...)

(...) but solution which community suggest there doesn't help me. I've tried to restart Webcon WorkFlow Service but it's still not work. In log: Message=SOLR not initialized Source=WebCon.WorkFlow.data .Solr StackTrace= at WebCon.WorkFlow.data .Solr.BPSSolrServerProxy.GetInstance[T]() at WebCon.WorkFlow.data .Solr.DirectSolrIndexAdder.AddToIndex(BPSActivity activity, ActivityTypes type) at (...)

(...) tudio.Logic.Managers.ProcessDocumentationGeneration.DocumentationDocxAsposeManager.GenerateDocumentationDocx(Process process, List`1 allProcesses, String path, List`1 plugins, List`1 allRules, List`1 data SourcesList, List`1 data ConnectionsList, Func`5 bmpGenAction) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Forms.ModuleReports.Documentation.ProcessDocumentationGenerator.Generate(String path, String templatePath, C (...)

(...) if there is a way to filter a view with Webcon REST API. So instead of getting all view rows on my client and filtering the result with C# and LINQ, there should be a better option than that. Odata does not seem to be implemented yet. Maybe I overlooked something or is it planned to add Odata or some other filtering options to REST API? Thanks a lot in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) Hi, I have an action where I upload one PDF file into a SharePoint document set in SharePoint on premises. Every uploaded document is checked out. I already checked: - All metadata is given - versioning is not active - file approval is not active I want the file to be checked in after I've uploaded it. How do you handle files when uploading them do SharePoint on premises? Or has anyon (...)

(...) Is it possible to create at the finish stage word file using data from WFHistoryElements table? Where should I store data regarding stages, time of the stages and person details assign to this stage to be able to used them in document template?

(...) I've got a contract data base workflow. One of the fields on the form is Project/Department field which is the same as user department in AD users list. Two users: Adam and his boss John. Is it possible to: 1. show in the report only these records, where current user login (account) department is equal to Project/Department felds. 2. on the app home show instances not only created by the current use (...)

(...) Hello, I have archived one WF element, removing it completely from the data base. However, I have a report based on SearchIndex, and I can still see the element header in this report (of course when I click on the link it gives me message of: Workflow instance does not exist What should I do to remove the instance from SOLR?

(...) when the character limit for the field multiple lines of text in item lists was added, but is it possible to change this limit? Or adding the ability to change it? The DET_LongTextX column in the data base is ntext type, so is there any reason to limit the number of characters to 1000? This thread may be related - https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/2366/30, and users are complaining about t (...)

(...) Hi, I'm trying to anonymize authors of workflow attachments. Is this possible with the "Remove personal data " action? I have tried doing so without success. Are there any other options? Thank you.

(...) mployee left our company, I need to remove his information from Created By fields. How can I do this? Can I transfer workflows he created to another employee or generic account? Can I anonymize his data some other way? I tried with GDPR actions but "Author" is a system field and I didn't find a way to do it. Is there a built in action that could do this? Do I need to resort to SQL and would that (...)

(...) to ContactPersons (Name column) How to do If I am in Popup adding new Action to "Actions List" and I need to add new item to ContactPerson: There is smth like "add new item which is not exists in data Source" but it's possible to show this as popup to add new ContactPerson ? (R) - Field is requeired

(...) Hi, I'm trying to update an existing instance or create a new instance with REST API. I'm using api version 3.0 and Postman. I want to put data to choice field, but I know only name from data source. It's possible at all? I tried to put a value in two ways: "formFields": [ { "guid": "c2e37260-5d57-410e-997c-1f19bb12a4c0", "svalue": "USD" (...)