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for AD

(...) es to version: 8.1.x and above, author: Martyna Kubiak   Functionality description With WEBCON BPS users can now create HotMailBoxes. A HotMailBox automatically starts workflows or AD ds files to them whenever an e-mail message is delivered to an inbox configured in it. A HotMailBox can operate in one of the following modes: • “Start one workflow for each e-mail&rdquo (...)

(...) Applies to version: 8.1.x and above, author: Martyna Kubiak Functionality description With WEBCON BPS users can now create HotMailBoxes. A HotMailBox automatically starts workflows or AD ds files to them whenever an e-mail message is delivered to an inbox configured in it. A HotMailBox can operate in one of the following modes: “Start one workflow for each e-mail” &ldq (...)

(...) bove; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction The overarching idea of workflow in WEBCON BPS is to exchange written information between system users and perform related tasks, such as reAD ing, updating or modifying data on a form. Documentation in the workflow consists not only of workflow instances and filled out forms, but also files with various extensions (e.g. .docx, .txt, .xls, . (...)

(...) list buttons Apart from managing visibility or editability of individual item list columns in the field matrix, WEBCON BPS allows users to change availability of item list buttons, such as “AD d”, “Delete”, etc.   Item list buttons Item list buttons can be configured globally for the whole workflow (i.e. for all steps) or separately for each step. Both config (...)

(...) English variety.   Case description A very characteristic feature of the American variety of English language is the reverse notation of date, i.e. month/day/year. This can be very misleAD ing for people outside the USA, as they can wrongly interpret dates such as 11/12/2022 (12th November 2022). In the discussed case it is explained how to change the date format from the American ( (...)

(...) ticle aims to compile a list of minimum permissions for Microsoft Graph applications that will be used for handling four mailbox-related features available in WEBCON BPS. E-mail notifications AD ministrative notifications HotMailBoxes MailApproval   Each of these features can be configured to use Server type: Exchange Online - Microsoft Graph which allows them to work (as the (...)

(...) id A simple workflow is created for demonstration purposes to obtain average exchange rates from the National Bank of Poland. A form containing exchange rates   The “DownloAD exchange rate” button triggering the “Invoke REST Web Service” action is AD ded to the upper bar.       First change involves AD ding the option “JSON (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: KonrAD Wojtycza   Introduction WEBCON BPS Designer Studio allows users to configure global business and form rules. As global rules, they are available for all applications created in a given environment and thanks to parameters they are universal and may be used in multiple processes.   Global business and form rules can be c (...)

(...)   Introduction In the configuration of actions (e.g. Send a custom e-mail) and in E-mail notification templates, it is possible to define an account that will be used as the sender insteAD of the default sender AD dress. This can be either an E-mail AD dress or a Distribution group with “Send as” privileges.   This feature called Allow "Send as" (...)

(...) her to import BPS groups. By default, the option to move groups is selected, but the box Do you want to overwrite security settings? must be checked as well.   Fig. 5. Configuration of AD ditional import parameters in the dedicated tool     Checking the above boxes is necessary to import information about the group, more specifically, its Owner. As previously mentioned (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2023.1.x and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction BPS groups are local groups of WEBCON BPS users whose data is retrieved from Active Directory (AD ), Azure Active Directory (AAD ) or whose members are external users. Dividing users into groups makes it much easier to manage their permissions, assign and delegate tasks, and exchange information, for example (...)

(...) participants seemed to enjoy very much the lecture on selecting the right strategy for implementing a low-code platform (an elephant, a snake nest, or an octopus? 😉), moving on from a problem to a reAD y-mAD e application, and managing the system in a multinational (thus multicultural) organization.  However, the highlight of the event followed the presentation and the Q&A session: Studen (...)

(...) Cooperation between business and acAD emia is key to educate workers well-suited for dynamic digital transformation. Previous year was full of meetings, presentations, and conferences which brought us much closer to acAD emia. We learned that sharing knowledge and exchanging experiences brings benefits for all – higher education workers, students, as well as for our clients and ourselves. In (...)

(...) ifying the data row form field in HTML templates. The 2023 R1 version expands this ability to include two new form fields: item list and data table. The GUID identifier of the “Delivery AD dress” form field   In WEBCON BPS the abovementioned HTML templates are used in the following three actions: “Generate a PDF file”, “Generate an HTML printou (...)

(...) e so-called Edit mode which allows users to view the configuration of processes and edit them in Portal. This feature is dedicated especially to business users who carry out their daily tasks using reAD y-mAD e applications/processes, often without being able to view their configuration data. The present article describes the new feature from the point of view of such a business user. The following (...)

(...) indow   The rule editor window provides four tabs: “Operations”, “Functions”, “Values”, and “Objects”. With those you can quickly choose and AD d various elements to the rule by double clicking or dragging and dropping. Such elements can be also AD ded directly in the edition field – when entering the characters a context menu appears th (...)

We are very pleased to inform that on February 21st, 2023, WEBCON signed a cooperation agreement with the Krakow University of Economics. The purpose of the agreement, signed by Marcin Jędrzejczyk, the Director of the Institute of Information Technology, Accounting, and Controlling of the Krakow University of Economics, on behalf of the University, and Łukasz Malina, Vice President of WEBCO

(...) w possible to track Trends on working with the system, as well as display a Heatmap for a selected application. This article briefly describes those new capabilities of the system, focusing on the AD vantages of the feature that summarizes information about working with WEBCON BPS in an enterprise.   Key application indicators The Analysis node is an expanded version of the previousl (...)

(...) and Default sharing expiration time (in days). The “Privileges level” option contains a drop-down list that allows you to specify whether the instances are shared with edition (Edit) or reAD -only (ReAD only) rights. On the other hand, the “Default sharing expiration time (in days)” option allows you to specify the number of days after which sharing will be deactivated. You ca (...)

(...) n, the WEBCON BPS offers a simple and convenient functionality for assigning tasks to a group of users. The system uses it to dynamically react to personal changes within the group. The functionality AD dresses a number of issues which staff turnover poses to business processes within a company. This article describes the functionality of assigning tasks to a group of users and discusses its main (...)