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for workflow instance

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Michał Kastelik   In WEBCON BPS a frequently used function is to generate automatic documents based on DOCX or HTML templates. This article explains how to change the current document template that has been created in the process of document templates. Detailed information about the ability to define document templates can be found

(...) ystem using dedicated actions.   The “Start a subworkflow” action The action allows you to start a workflow within the same application. By using them you can start only one workflow instance – in this case it will be creating an additional task in the Design process.   The action configuration consists of three tabs: Basic: In the configuration you must fill in: (...)

(...)   An example of a request address: http://wdr04/api/data/v2.0/db/1/elements?path=89083a10-b8f4-44f8-b500-df2cb417aa98 In the request BODY, provide the parameters to initialize the workflow instance :   All GUIDs can be found in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio. In response to this request, you will receive an ID, Instance number, and Status. The workflow was correctly sta (...)

(...) . When creating the workflow, you need remember what actions you configured, and keep in mind what ramifications repeating these actions would have. For some actions, executing them again once the workflow instance s passes through the trigger one more time will make perfect sense – for others, it will not (e.g. an action that is meant to be triggered once per workflow, regardless of what steps it goes thr (...)

(...) kflows consisting of several steps and form fields, but you can also use the subworkflows mechanism. The following article describes the action connected to subworkflows – “Update related workflow instance ”. This action allows you to change the value of the form fields in the parent workflow. More experienced system users can associate the previous name of this action, which was changed in the 20 (...)

(...) service role – “Folder monitoring” will check files and process the barcode located in it. If the file is correctly recognized, then it is attached to the list of attachments of the workflow instance associated with the barcode. Also, if the instance is in the “Waiting for scan” step at the moment, then it is automatically moved to the next step through the “default path”. (...)

(...) l and BPS internal view type source, the option to indicate an archived database as a source for the report has been added. Information about the archiving mechanism can be found at Archiving workflow instance s. To create an instances report in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio, go to the “Presentation” node -> “Reports” of the selected application. Fig. 1. WEBCON BPS Designer (...)

Applies to version 2017.1   WEBCON BPS gives a wide range of possibilities when it comes to assigning tasks. Tasks for users can be created based on the value of a form field, SQL/CAML query, directly indicating the users/groups or by selecting one of the predefined options. This article describes the predefined options of task assignment, which does a lot of workflo

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Marcin Pisarek   Introduction In WEBCON BPS the individual steps require tasks to be performed by a specific user or group of users. The appropriate design of a process and the correct assignment of tasks can improve the performance of daily duties, document processing and company management. The article describes the idea of assig

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Paweł Drab   When creating large and complex processes, problems with workflows becoming too complicated can often appear, which can be problematic especially for end-users. To check if our process requires reconstruction and simplification, we recommend making an audit of such workflow.   Why should we do a workflow audit?

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Urszula Słupik   Introduction Each WEBCON BPS workflow is a sequence of steps. On intermediate steps, there are usually tasks that must be completed by a user (or a group of users) before the instance may progress to the next step.   The tasks can be assigned in different ways: Based on the logic of the busine

(...) data entered by users. A set of AI rules is created by using artificial intelligence. A random sample of data is selected for the process, based on current and historical instance values (for each workflow instance , form type and step), and then rules are created which encompass the most common (covering over 75% of cases) values or ranges of values for all numerical and categorical fields. Moreover, depende (...)

Applies to version: 2020.1.x; author: Marcin Wiktor   This article presents how we can facilitate the maintenance of the application that we use across many business entities and have different people responsible for specific tasks (e.g., accounting).   Business case We implement an application for the assignment of cost invoices. Our company has two departments

(...) und by the WEBCON BPS service. Some time may pass between entering a value into the system by the user (via saving some data on the form) and creating a new index in the SOLR database for the updated workflow instance . It depends on: server load and the number of instances in the queue – the more instances must be processed, the more time it will take to update the last instance in the queue. In practice, if (...)

(...) cin Wiktor   Introduction For applications with a large number of interconnected workflows there is often a problem with performance these applications due to creating/moving multiple workflow instance s at the same time. The speed of creating/updating sub-workflows depends on many factors such as the type of the form, the amount of data/actions/rules, the speed of response from external sources, se (...)

(...) WEBCON 2019 version introduced the possibility of using REST API technology to create programming integration solutions with the system. The REST API provides full support and allows you to start new workflow instance s, transition paths, and modify the content of the instances. WEBCON BPS 2020 has API in version 2.0 which will be used in the examples below. Authentication API uses bearer token  (...)

(...) her steps to the workflow. However, you can add your own paths and actions on them and create a simple process (ex. attachment approval process). Only one attachment can be added to each workflow instance in the document templates process.   Fig.3. Blocking the addition of a second attachment in the document template process   For each dictionary process, a data source of the (...)

(...) e “Workflow designer” tab and the option to add a step from the “Configuration and steps” tab are blocked). The dictionary process also prevents you from adding attachments to workflow instance s. See also: Standard or dictionary process - what process to use for storing dictionary data?.   Adding the dictionary processes How can we create the dictionary process? Select th (...)

Applies to version 2019.1.4.x; Author: Michał Bednarz   When implementing a system based on AAD authentication it might be necessary to create user management in O365 from the WEBCON BPS level. WEBCON BPS provides dedicated actions for local AD. You can use the standard actions available in WEBCON BPS (REST invoke action) and REST Service Microsoft Graph.    1. Preparin

(...) ing potential database size growth based on the specifics of the system’s core elements. During database size evaluation, the user must take the following into consideration: Volume of workflow instance s registered daily Complexity of the form (number of form fields, item lists) Number of steps in given workflow (every path transition is recorded in the instance’s history) Number and typ (...)