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(...) documentation for the process or guidelines that should be taken into consideration before submitting the form. Workflow automation becomes easy when you use it. The button can be available on all steps of the Workflow or just at the selected one(s).  If it launches a sub workflow, it will be automatically connected to its parent instance, and you can pass values to initialize fields in the new (...)

(...) Each section can be edited with PowerShell, CSS styles, or JavaScript. We recommend that you start your customization by making a copy of the default theme, and then we will walk you through the steps to modify it to suit your needs.   In PowerShell, use the command: New-AdfsWebTheme -Name DefaultAdfs2019 -SourceName MyADFSWebTheme   It will create a co (...)

(...) rmed on the "Accept" path going out of the "Acceptance" step.   To configure it, go to the Designer Studio, go to your workflow, and on the right (under "Workflow steps ," in the "General" tab opened by default), right-click on the right step and select "Edit." In our example, we open the "Acceptance" step because the action for cre (...)

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.3; author:  Dawid Golonka In the WEBCON BPS system, the processed instances move from one workflow step to another. Tasks are assigned in these steps , and users or groups of users assigned to these tasks must perform an action. WEBCON BPS has a comprehensive tool that allows you to choose who the task should go to in the next step; it is configured in the ‘Task (...)

(...) Applies to version 2021.1.1; author: Kinga Bożęcka This article presents an auxiliary process for creating tags that consists of only 3 steps - registration, modification, and final step.  The tags specified in it can be used in other processes, e.g., to tag individual promotions when planning a promotional campaign or to create a report where you group promotions by tags used in them. You c (...)

(...) ur bpm workflow. For example, it is possible to check whether some employees spend too much time performing a task assigned to them. This will help you identify bottlenecks in your processes and take steps to bring task execution times in line with the expected parameters (e.g., by making the form more intuitive and adding tooltips). You can also set the expected time for the instance to stay a (...)

(...) for assessing employee competencies. The process consists of two workflows – “List of behaviors” with a list of behaviors and “Employee assessment” that contains several steps : employee self-assessment, employee assessment by the supervisor, employee performance assessment, evaluation of the last year's goals setting goals for the new year, assessment o (...)

Applies to version: 2020 R1 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał See also: Substitutions in WEBCON BPS Substitutions in 2019 version   Introduction One of the available types of substitutions in WEBCON BPS is Task delegation substitution. Thanks to this functionality, tasks can be performed for an absent employee, while ensuring that the scope of rights granted to their

(...) e introduced: For one user 10 license pack When the free period of access expires – the unpublished projects will not be available until you purchase a license.   First steps Administrator To enable access to the Designer Desk tool, go to WEBCON BPS Designer Studio -> System settings -> Global parameters -> Designer Desk and check the “Allow project c (...)

(...) Fig. 4 Naming the new report in Designer Studio In the “Configuration” tab, start with configuring the Source for your report. Select from which process, form type, workflow and steps , the data for the report should be downloaded. When selecting form types, you can select all form types or choose “Selected form types” and select one or more form types. The same is t (...)

(...) dash; Debug” and “Full synchronization – Debug” allow starting synchronization with an expanded data logging. DEBUG mode allows for an accurate analysis of all synchronization steps and should only be used for diagnostic reasons. Monitoring the synchronization To ensure uninterrupted work for WEBCON BPS users, synchronization has to be constantly monitored and all the abno (...)

(...) base size evaluation, the user must take the following into consideration: Volume of workflow instances registered daily Complexity of the form (number of form fields, item lists) Number of steps in given workflow (every path transition is recorded in the instance’s history) Number and type of actions used in the system (e-mails, changing field values, launching subworkflows) Averag (...)

(...) n version 2021.1.1. For the original see: Adding and removing privileges. Introduction In workflow instances, there is often a need for people who do not have active tasks at the indicated steps to have appropriate privileges and be able to e.g. view (read privileges) or edit an instance. In such a situation, you can use the action of adding/removing privileges at the level of individual wor (...)

(...) of the order.   Fig. 2 - An example of a list of orders   Workflow diagram   Fig. 3. The workflow diagram   The workflow diagram consists of three steps – Start, In progress, End. The Update path allows the employee to save the current order status after each change.    Each process instance corresponds to one business day. Proc (...)

(...) s Code 128, EAN-13, QR Code, UPC-E. Operation of the “Read a barcode” action The operation of this action was presented on a simple “Barcode” workflow that contains two steps – Read a barcode and Archive.   Fig. 1. The Barcode workflow form   We have added the action to the “Read a barcode” path. The “WEBCON code” f (...)

(...) See -  HotFolders. Scanner – the device should be able to scan a document to the selected network share. Scanning in shades of grey is recommended. The workflow consists of several steps : Start – filling in basic information about a document, selecting a number of stickers to be printed (one sticker by default). After going through the “Print the code” path, t (...)

(...) Workflow control (Branch) allows to redirect a workflow instance along a selected path. With the help of the workflow control step, we can among other things set the logic of: • skipping steps , • assigning a task to other people, e.g. in the case of approval, • withholding instances in step until the conditions are met. This article presents two workflows that use workflow c (...)

(...) iguration – report views 8.    Processes – processes 9.    WorkFlows – workflows 10.    DocTypes – forms 11.    steps – workflow steps 12.    PathAndTasks – paths and tasks 13.    Attributes – form fields  14.    SubAttributes – item list c (...)

(...) read contracts are granted to people in defined groups and they depend on the form type. The “Change form type” action will be used at the „Archive” and “Canceled” steps . Configuration of the action To manage privileges, for each confidentiality levels create a separate form type in the system settings.     Fig. 2. Form types created in the (...)

(...) lt; 440 000 Simple arithmetic reveals that the Business B installation may require more intricate infrastructure than Business A. When employing more complex application activities (number of steps , conditions, approvals) to the invoice assignment process, comparing to the absence registration application, we may come to conclusion that scaling WEBCON BPS based only on number of users is inadeq (...)