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for AD

(...) lidation field. In my case, I set a limit to 11 digits (11 characters long, as in the Polish PESEL number) - "\ d {11}" to be precise. This regular expression works and detects the shorter string as bAD . She recognizes even 11 digits as correct, that's good. More characters (e.g. 12 and not recognized as an error and allows you to proceed further on the form. Does this also happen with you? Is thi (...)

(...) ction, which can be triggered on demand. Does anyone know if there are any restrictions in Webcon SaaS (Software as a service) regarding SQL UPDATE or is it allowed to do such thing? Thanks in AD vance & best regards, Nik

(...) Hello all, How is it possible to select a choice field item by index? The choice field(A) has a placeholder ("empty" in attached image) and a dynamically reAD value. And on value change in another choice field(B), this value is being AD ded to the choice list(A), but I also need to have this new dynamic value selected as right now it is just queued under the placeholder. Is there a way to (...)

(...) Is there any way to check how many attributes of each type have been used in a process (I mean not manually)? Thanks in AD vance :)

(...) me DB in the MSSQL Management Studio. Is there the possibility that the designer somehow does not like "ROW_NUMBER" function? Or is it a Webcon bug? I hope someone has experience with this alreAD y. Thanks in AD vance :)

(...) ccurate. From technical perspective it should work (required full-text search feature is available). With this SQL server Web edition license costs can be significantly reduced (i.e. in Azure workloAD s). Thanks in AD vance for aby comments here :)

(...) ng across scenarios, where it is required to audit the views and not only changes on an element. Ideally we would be able to configure the audit level: - View element - View attachment - DownloAD attachment - View in report (elements retrieved and displayed on reports) - Edit element - Delete element As AD ditional auditing is likely to have performance impacts and also increase the data (...)

(...) nnot find any howto or documentation that explains how to proceed. Is this possible in general and can anybody help with a hint what to do or where to find a documentation / howto? Thank you in AD vance.

(...) Dear Webcon Community! Problem: with import excel action you can import excel tables only if you have a table container alreAD y AD ded. Sometimes it is difficult if we want to process data in excel table coming from third party. Proposal: there is a way to define column mapping for itemlist file importing. It would be nice to have a feature in import action to take into account that one, in (...)

(...) Hi, I need to create an action / rule that will work like this: I check the VIES checkbox (file1) and then I have to AD d the attachment assigned to the vies name (file2). If checkbox is selected and the attachment is not associated with the correct name, then an error message appeared.

(...) tyle the "inside" of the input controls. The last image is what I'd expect to be able to do, the first 3 images are what is currently possible with out-of-the-box functionality. If that is alreAD y possible I'd be happy to know how without having to target precise css classes, data attributes etc.

(...) I’m really struggling to create an email notification that would look good on all possible devices. I successfully created the HTML but the editor in designer studio is AD ding some parts code out of nowhere, deleting other parts and duplicating whole blocks of code after saving. Is there a way to work around it? Can Webcon change the editor to not do that?

(...) Is it possible to sort by the selected column (AD ditional column, e.g. priority) in the dictionary selection field? Or to arrange your own order?

(...) e report (view - new view) (regardless of the DEV / TEST / PROD environment)? Unfortunately, when moved to another system (DEV to PROD), the ID of the steps changes. And from the browser level, when AD ding new views, you need to AD d the step ID.

(...) Hi folks, As you (to my knowledge) cannot AD d a html field, like you can do in dashboards, I wonder how to get code into the very first page of Webcon. Our goal is to redirect directly into a specific application, but we cannot use the URL rewrite module of the IIS. Best regards Fabian :)

(...) date*/ BRP:26 and BRP:27 are business rule paremeters. BRP:26 will be capturing on entry of the step. BRP:27 will be capturing on exit of the step path. Attached the screenshot of the action AD ded on the path but the SLR is not getting calculated.

(...) Hello, after playing around with the answers in the former threAD I think it may be helpful for others to present my approach here. If anybody wants to reply to improve it, I will be grateful to learn. 1) Requirement Within a process a group of users is requested to deliver an approval by two different members from within the group. Also it shall be possible to change the process to two perso (...)

(...) Based on Daniels blog (https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2021/javascript-form-rule-execution-on-page-loAD #show-all-attachments-after-page-loAD ) it is posible to open first attachments after page loAD but from all attachments tab (becouse attachment is in parent workflow)?

(...) Hi folks, The "Format Date" function just converts the date value into a text value. SAD ly we need a date field. Of course creating extra text fields which are visible on the form which are just formatted text fields is an option. But it somehow HAS to be possible just simply set a different date format. Thanks in AD vance. Best regards

(...) flow instances associated with this step. You must delete those elements first in order to delete the step". On which SQL table I can find that archive elements? Any ideas how can I fix it? Thanks AD vance for your help.