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for workflow instance

(...) Add an attachment to a list”   In the "Select:" option, you can choose: All attachments - the action will add all attachments from the attachment zone of the workflow instance , The oldest attachment - the action will add a single attachment (the oldest one), The newest attachment - the action will add a single attachment (the newest one), Regular expression - allows (...)

(...) location indicated in the “Source directory” field and then execute the action indicated in the “Main mode” field. After the correct execution (e.g. connecting the file to the workflow instance ), the source file is transferred to the folder indicated in the “Archive directory” field. Be sure to make the specified directories available to the svc.bps user. The example configur (...)

(...) p;moment the form was loaded at the start step to the moment when the "Information" form field appeared on the form.  Fig. 9 Saved session   Start workflow instance   Here are stored the queries invoked when starting a new form, including those regarding individual instances' visibility and editability. You can see that the "Information" (...)

(...) can be used in other processes, e.g., to tag individual promotions when planning a promotional campaign or to create a report where you group promotions by tags used in them. You can also search for workflow instance s using tags and find them faster.   In this article, we will show you: 1) how to configure the tagging process, 2) an example of its use to tag planned promotions, and 3) the opportunities (...)

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and 2021.1.x; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction This article explains how to enable the analysis functionality in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio 2020. When you edit a step in Designer Studio, you can open the "Analysis" tab to see how long the instances were staying at a given step and how much time was spent editing them. Thanks to this,

(...) ve. On the Register path, you should add the form validation action to check the uniqueness of the instance. If the “Role” form field has been added, then in the system should be only one workflow instance with a list for an employee and one with a list for a superior. Fig. 4 - The configuration of the action Employee evaluation The configuration of this process depends on how the employe (...)

(...) itution action   If necessary, the substitution added in the above way can be removed using another action – Remove a substitution. The only parameter that needs to be defined is the workflow instance ID within which the substitution was created. Substitutions created with the Add a substitution action store the instance ID, so this type of substitutions can be removed with this action. (...)

(...) by entering the URL with the right parameter into the address bar. It could look like this: https://www.webcon.com/WEBCONBPS/db/1/app/report/2?VALUE1=Software 4) use SQL filters to filter how many workflow instance s should be shown on the report. The condition should be entered after the keyword AND; for example, AND YEAR(GETDATE())=2021 Fig. 6 Mandatory filters configuration Click on the tab &ldq (...)

Introduction WEBCON BPS 2019 Portal introduces a brand new method of searching for instances in the database. Search is based on SOLR engine which allows for a quick search even in very large data collections.   Creating search phrases By using SOLR technology, user can influence on how the engine searches indexed data and as a result – what the results are. Using appropria

(...) ing potential database size growth based on the specifics of the system’s core elements. During database size evaluation, the user must take the following into consideration: Volume of workflow instance s registered daily Complexity of the form (number of form fields, item lists) Number of steps in given workflow (every path transition is recorded in the instance’s history) Number and typ (...)

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Dawid Golonka Introduction The model way of implementing the WEBCON BPS system is to work on three types of environments. Processes are configured on the development environment, tests of the created solution are carried out on the test environment, and end-users of the system work on the production environment. Moving processes or changes in

(...) Wojtycza The article is an update of the already existing article, it shows the configuration in version 2021.1.1. For the original see: Adding and removing privileges. Introduction In workflow instance s, there is often a need for people who do not have active tasks at the indicated steps to have appropriate privileges and be able to e.g. view (read privileges) or edit an instance. In such a situati (...)

(...) precisely, the database) on which they were created. This means that an identical process created in two different environments will have different identifiers of its objects (form fields, workflows, workflow instance s, etc.).   An example “Absence process wizard" implemented in the TEST and PROD environments - different process ID’s.   Fig.4. Process ID in the test envir (...)

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Adrian Baszak Introduction This article presents a workflow for checking user’s and group’s privileges in one place. It can become useful when having many deployed applications and roles with different privileges. This workflow may be used as a part of a larger group management application based on WEBCON BPS.  In the workf

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Józef Cyran Introduction In the 2021 WEBCON BPS version, business rules were added that make it easier to work with item lists and allow you to color and dynamic style modification of the selected cells. The coloring of the item lists is shown on the example of a process for handling orders in a restaurant. Operation of the applicat

(...) this case, the selected absence plans (e.g. not approved by the supervisor or vacation leave) will be displayed on the Gantt chart. Workflow for registering absence plans   Fig. 1. workflow instance for registering absence plans   The workflow should contain similar form fields to the one created using the wizard (absence type, name of the supervisor/employee). Instead of the data typ (...)

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza Introduction WEBCON BPS 2021 introduces the new SELECT VALUES function that allows you to retrieve data from a selected item list column. This function enables saving data from all rows of a given column in a form field indicated in the configuration. Data are saved as a collection separated by semicolons. The function ignores

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza Introduction Electronic documents often contain barcodes that allow you to find the appropriate document in the system using a barcode scanner. The “Read a barcode” action is used to decrypt information saved in the barcode and transfer it to the WEBCON BPS form. The action supports a wide range of numeric and alpha

(...) t; step. The form view at this step is as follows:   Fig.6 . Equipment assignment to an employee.   A laptop was assigned to an employee "Borys Szyc". In other workflow instance s, he was also assigned a phone and a tablet. Let's go back to the employee card workflow, below is a screenshot of the form at the registration step, the user using the system works in a Polis (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza Introduction Form rules for attachments in WEBCON BPS allow you to receive information about attachments added to the workflow instance s, without the need to know the WFDataAttachments table structure and to use SQL queries.   GET ATTACHMENTS - returns identifiers of attachments related to the current instance, it can be a component (...)