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(...) ear is that in a few years this will be a complete mess document wise... I think a parameter that toggles visibility of it's content in attachment section in the attachment field configuration would help with this a lot. Having no main attachment section unfortunately is not an option. Thanks, enjoy your weekends Christian

(...) Hello everyone, I'm need help . I did an express installation. When trying to connect either by browser or webcon desing studio, I can't authenticate. I'm using the same user as the installation

(...) ister step”( because the “Wait for sub-workflows” step sees that first sub-workflow was finished negative. It is some kind of a loop and I don’t know how to get around this. Does anybody know how to help me?

(...) rest of sub-workflows(automatically) when for instance: 2 users accepted. Example below: I have 10 sub-workflows: 3 are possitive and the rest should be closed by system(automatically). Could you help me?

(...) Hellow, I'm have configure hotmails and hotfiles and I'm need process files from it sources, I don't know how to set up a process for this. I'm need help .

(...) Hello folks, I have to create a Word file with data from several workflows and therefore created business rules with SQL Commands in them to help me with that. The problem is, those business rules are nowhere to be found in the Business Rules section of the Word Add-in. Several other rules are shown, but those with SQL Commands in them are just not there. Is this a known behaviour, or a bug, or is (...)

(...) log into the Webcon BPS Designer Studio. Do you have an idea, how to setup the Windows authentication Connection to the Database afterwards - without integrated authentication? Thank you for your help .

(...) I am unable to save my progress. I do not know why this is happening. Hoping someone can help ?

(...) with it? Alternatively: I tried to start BPS Designer locally but I get a message saying no connection with the license. I need to open some port in server or something? Thanks in advance for your help !

(...) y to create some technical data table or atribute to show more than one list? Or maybe you can give some example of SQL function which select more than one "Item list". Thank you in advance for your help .

(...) HotMailBox using the Microsoft Graph authentication? I know what needs to be done in Designer Studio. I'm not sure about the steps for obtaining the Tennant ID, Application ID and Client Secret. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Martin

(...) cess business rule works and updates the form field but using the field itself it doesn't work in the cyclical action 'Update related workflow instance' I hope I could explain properly. Can anyone help here? Thank you.

(...) u how to remove studio users license. Removing workflow users license is obvious (click on "Release license"), but studio users license is probably more complicated. I would be greatful for any help Regards

(...) he picture. This way you can create as many hyperlinks to different choice field items as you like. IMPORTANT: This works even if the process and the list has not been yet saved! Hope this help s someone!

(...) ay, '#FF0000', '')" } } I've also tried different variants of the condition like "date(CurrentField) > date(today)" or "CurrentField > date('TODAY')" and other similar, but none worked. Please help :)

(...) or store additional documents in these folders. I can't figure out if something like that is possible with Webcon. Anyone has an idea how to do it? Even a different approach would be welcome if it help s do what I need. :) Thank you, M.

(...) e impossible to really sign out from the app (website). The same users will be logged in regardless which "log out" action I use. I also deleted the website data from within Safari, but this didn't help . Ok, I was only guessing that the app might somehow use Safari for displaying the page so the data would be listed in the browser itself. Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hello Please help my with importing demo applications. I get "Check if Import service role is running for current database. Modules are in safe mode and I don't know how to force run it.

(...) to my problem: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/sdk-actions/143 ..which briefly states "Merging several PDFs into one" could be possible. Does anyone know more about this topic and could help me with that problem? Thanks in advance, Philipp

(...) data source in choice form field I've returned: Nieznany błąd: The ConnectionString property has not been initialized.. Does anyone have some idea what I should do to fix it? Than you for your help in advance!