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(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Marcin Pisarek   Introduction In WEBCON BPS the individual step s require tasks to be performed by a specific user or group of users. The appropriate design of a process and the correct assignment of tasks can improve the performance of daily duties, document processing and company management. The article describes the idea of assigning (...)

(...) workflow are most often chosen. They should be particularly closely monitored in terms of query optimization and execution time of procedures. How many instances have ever been found in a specified step  – seeing how many instances and how often have gone through a specified step , we can react quickly e.g. when invoices often return to re-check or signed contracts are blocked by the archiv (...)

(...) is “remembered” until the learning OCR action is triggered. All fields marked by the user as ‘to learn’ will be marked both after saving the form and moving on to the next step . As long as the process of learning the OCR template is triggered.   Examples of use: Creating a separate step , in which the administrator decides about what triggers learning for a (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Urszula Słupik   Introduction Each WEBCON BPS workflow is a sequence of step s. On intermediate step s, there are usually tasks that must be completed by a user (or a group of users) before the instance may progress to the next step .   The tasks can be assigned in different ways: Based on the logic of the business a (...)

(...) add the columns of item list on the Search panel tab during configuration, so you can easily search data in the report by the selected item list columns:     The last step is to personalize views of the configured report. By default, the Basic view is created that contains information selected in the previous configuration stages. Adding the new view is possible thanks (...)

(...) f AI rules is created by using artificial intelligence. A random sample of data is selected for the process, based on current and historical instance values (for each workflow instance, form type and step ), and then rules are created which encompass the most common (covering over 75% of cases) values or ranges of values for all numerical and categorical fields. Moreover, dependencies between variou (...)

(...) gnature), path names (Register), application names (My company), application abbreviation names (AG), process names (Agreement), form type names (Agreement), workflow names (Agreement), step names (Start, Finish (positive)), etc.   The following elements are also a part of the configuration: start buttons, reports and dashboards. In this case, the translations can be provi (...)

(...) e used in the case of companies) – in Cracow and Warsaw. In each of these departments, there are people working in accounting who are responsible for processing company invoices. In the next step , we prepare the appropriate action templates that will allow us to assign tasks to the BPS Secretariat and Accounting groups. In this case, the BPS groups will be used, but you also can use AD or Sha (...)

(...) o receive a group review of expenses instead of individual tasks. Let’s create the simple application that allows our employees to register individual business expenses. It will contain two step s: Registration of business expenses (step s: Registration – Waiting for settlement (system step ) – Archives/Rejected Settlement of business expenses (step s: Registration – Wa (...)

(...) ou would assign privileges to regular users or groups.     Use of REST API For testing we will use the API verification tool – called Postman and simple, two-step process containing several standard form fields and one item list. Obtaining a token – /api/login In the Postman we create the first REQUEST – POST for the  (...)

(...) r creating the process, we will have two form fields called ID and Active (checkbox form field with yes/no option). You can also add additional form fields. The dictionary process uses only one Start step and in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio we cannot add any further step s to the workflow. However, you can add your own paths and actions on them and create a simple process (ex. attachment approval process (...)

(...) tructure of the source contains all form fields  defined in the process and is updated whenever the configuration of the dictionary process is changed. The dictionary process uses only one Start step , and in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio we cannot add any further step s to the workflow (the “Workflow designer” tab and the option to add a step from the “Configuration and step s” (...)

(...) S Designer Studio on a local machine – version with SharePoint and using integrated login to connect to the database.   WEBCON BPS Designer Studio Installation   The first step in the connection configuration is the installation of WEBCON BPS Designer Studio. It is very simple: Download the installer compatible with the version of the WEBCON BPS installed on the serve (...)

(...) a previously configured connection:     In the next tab, configure REST suffix and select a HTTP method, if creating a new user set it to POST:     Next step is transferring the user object in JSON format, form field list of the user workflow is available in Graph documentation.     If you want to transfer response data to the (...)

(...) rtal address has not yet been defined, you can add it after installing WEBCON BPS. In the Authentication section, mark the ID tokens option.     The last step for this application involves verifying privileges. Go to API permissions and provide the User.Read privileges under Azure Active Directory Graph (this may be already se (...)

(...) ferent source these options are unavailable.     Version history Displays a panel which presents all document versions. It contains information about version number, element step in which it the document is, the user who made changes and about the modification date.   Two buttons are available: Show differences – displays information about changes m (...)

(...) Applies to version 2019.1; author: Agnieszka Mazur   Introduction In WEBCON BPS processes are divided into stages named as workflow step s. Each stage has tasks – collection of actions which need to be performed for the form to easily move to the next step . Assigning tasks makes sense if the user can fill the necessary data and send form to the next step in a short time. Howeve (...)

(...) rules   Parallel tasks Clicking on the transition path button finishes the task of the logged-in user or of the person who was substituted. If other users have unfinished tasks on this step then an instruction pointed by the parameter visible on the screen below will be executed for them.     This parameter has three options: Wait for required tasks to be co (...)

(...) ut business entity, substitutions and implemented GDPR solutions) Workflow graphic presentation Form types and acronyms Instance number Form field summary Process privileges Workflow step s   Moreover: Constants (local and global) Business rules Action patterns   Filling in the documentation After generating documentation in WEBCON BPS Designer St (...)

(...) base size evaluation, the user must take the following into consideration: Volume of workflow instances registered daily Complexity of the form (number of form fields, item lists) Number of step s in given workflow (every path transition is recorded in the instance’s history) Number and type of actions used in the system (e-mails, changing field values, launching subworkflows) Avera (...)