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(...) nection parameters” tool window   “Folder settings (exchange)” – here, you can specify the mailbox folder from which the system downloads messages (“Source Direct ory”) and to which it moves e-mails processed successfully (“Archive Direct ory”) and unsuccessfully (“Error Direct ory”). These folders must be created beforehand in the m (...)

(...) ith Working with OneDrive files (webcon.com) provides a detailed description of these actions with examples of their use.   Actions On attachment add Another type of actions that have a Direct connection with attachments are actions triggered On attachment add. These include Add a text layer and the aforementioned Start editing a file using OneDrive. Fig. 11. Actions triggered On at (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2023.1.x and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction BPS groups are local groups of WEBCON BPS users whose data is retrieved from Active Direct ory (AD), Azure Active Direct ory (AAD) or whose members are external users. Dividing users into groups makes it much easier to manage their permissions, assign and delegate tasks, and exchange information, for example, in (...)

(...) ileges. Persons authorized to edit a process in Portal: global system administrator, application administrator, and a user who has been granted the privilege Designer Desk edit in Portal Direct ly in the process configuration. Expanding the node of a given process displays the workflows belonging to it. In the case of the "Execution of Investment Projects" application, one pro (...)

(...) ;, “Values”, and “Objects”. With those you can quickly choose and add various elements to the rule by double clicking or dragging and dropping. Such elements can be also added Direct ly in the edition field – when entering the characters a context menu appears that suggests elements whose name starts with characters entered. Note that for a number of elements contained un (...)

(...) e very pleased to inform that on February 21st, 2023, WEBCON signed a cooperation agreement with the Krakow University of Economics. The purpose of the agreement, signed by Marcin Jędrzejczyk, the Direct or of the Institute of Information Technology, Accounting, and Controlling of the Krakow University of Economics, on behalf of the University, and Łukasz Malina, Vice President of WEBCON, is among oth (...)

(...) the button itself will also modify the configuration of the Designer Studio. One of the modifications involves access to three sharing actions and the ability to insert the “Share” button Direct ly in the form. Other modification is the appearance of new business rules. The aforementioned configuration elements are discussed below. Context variables Once you check the public link functi (...)

(...) e describes the functionality of assigning tasks to a group of users and discusses its main features.   Assigning tasks to a group vs assigning tasks to group members Assigning tasks Direct ly to group members The previous approach for assigning tasks to a group involved Direct ly assigning tasks to each group member. It assumed that tasks would remain active until they were complete (...)

(...) nd-users. They take a form of a text message with possible image attachment and their general purpose is to increase the quality of application (enhance it). Change requests can be submitted by users Direct ly in Portal, but require prior enabling in Designer Studio or Admin Panel.   Enabling and configuring change requests The change request functionality is by default disabled – to (...)

(...) ave their own extra configuration sections to further customize their calculations. Calculate based on calendar days – The simplest and most self-explanatory of the methods. The indicator Direct ly calculates the difference between the start and end dates. Other parameters like weekends, the Working days calendar, and work time are not taken into account. 1 day is exactly 24 hours. This optio (...)

(...) Currently, this is only a limitation on the RAM used. It is possible to configure additional variables, --mount source=solr-bps,target=/var/solr – mapping the created volume to the container Direct ory where files with search indexes, privilege configuration, and log files will be stored, bash –c “/opt/bps-solr/scripts/run-precreate-cores.sh” – path to the script that i (...)

(...) ases, it returns instances available for processing in all queues from all databases. Then, the master queue informs respective queue threads (with tasks to execute) that queries assigning queue rows Direct ly to a thread of a particular service queue can be executed. (Please note that the threads mean here application threads – not processor ones.) Subordinate queues execute a query assigning a ta (...)

(...) company network, barcode printing requires the creation of a suitable template, configuration of a dedicated action and a document entry point for a network printer to which barcode printouts will be Direct ed. This functionality is also available in WEBCONAPPS-SaaS installations, but in this case it is necessary to configure an additional SignalR Barcode Service so that the barcode printer shared on (...)

(...) urrent form field values and selected system data. The second action offers more advanced configuration settings, including the use of a pre-designed message template, as well as the specification of Direct , CC, and BCC Recipients of the notification.   Detailed information on the Send a custom email action is available in the article: E-mails and templates in WEBCON BPS. The language (...)

(...) D14 Select the print density. Higher value means darker printout. R24,0 Set the reference point. Value given in dots. Defines place from which printing starts. ZB Set print Direct ion. The B value sets printing from bottom of the image buffer. UN Disable error reporting. q448 Set the label width (in dots). Q151,28 Set the form length. The first (...)

(...) segments. For the purpose of the configuration, the otlpsettings.json file is used. The file can be created using the otlpsettings.template.json file which is available in the Portal and Service main Direct ories. (Please remember to change the file name by removing the “.template” part from it). In both cases, the configuration is almost identical and the only difference between Portal and S (...)

(...) Indexed choice columns The data indexation mechanism is a process of organizing and structuring information in a way that enables fast and effective searching. It consists of creating indexes that Direct to specific data and its location in the collection. Thanks to the indexes configured for particular database columns it is possible to search data included in the table and retrieve it much faster. (...)

(...) ike to learn more about the functionalities of the WEBCON BPS platform and discover its ins and outs, we have prepared a special online help document: WEBCON BPS HELP DOCUMENT It is also available Direct ly from WEBCON BPS Designer Studio (by pressing F1 in the selected window). The document contains instructions on how to use the platform, detailed descriptions of the functionalities and options a (...)

(...) align educational programs in information and communication technologies (ICT) with the expectations of the labor market.  During the conference, Aleksandra Słuszniak, Digital Transformation Direct or at WEBCON, presented on the topic "Low-code process automation – changes in labour market trajectories". During her lecture, Ola emphasized how Low-code platforms are expanding (...)

(...) methods is selected. It allows the user to select the authorization method: a one-time authorization code will be sent to the user's email address (email message), phone number loaded from Active Direct ory and defined in the user's profile (SMS), or to the mobile application (PUSH notification).   Fig. 4. SMS with authorization code   The received authorization code must (...)