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for SQL

(...) t contain software acquisition by entering the URL with the right parameter into the address bar. It could look like this: https://www.webcon.com/WEBCONBPS/db/1/app/report/2?VALUE1=Software 4) use SQL filters to filter how many workflow instances should be shown on the report. The condition should be entered after the keyword AND; for example, AND YEAR(GETDATE())=2021 Fig. 6 Mandatory filte (...)

(...)    PDF version As we develop WEBCON BPS we strive to march in lockstep alongside other platform products i.e. Windows Server, SQL , SharePoint, etc. We do our best to maintain backward compatibility with older versions of these platforms to accommodate our diverse client base and their preferences. However, as the publishers end support for their aging products, so must we. It (...)

(...) e. Index is created for values of all form fields and items list columns. All text document added as attachments to the forms are also indexed. Apart from text formats such as TXT, RTF, XML, HTML, SQL indexation is also done to documents in following formats: Word (DOC, DOCX, DOCX, ODT), Excel (XLSX, XLSM, XLS), PDF with text layer and e-mail message files (EML, EMLX, MSG, OFT, MBOX, TNEF).

(...) m)   1.1.Software   Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019 Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 or Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013/2016/2019 MS SQL Server 2012 or higher (full text search mode required) Active Directory (or Azure Active Directory) environment   1.2.Hardware   1.2.1.Architecture There are 3 basic scen (...)

(...) 50 Choice field 90 in total Survey fields - Choice list Date and time 50 Yes/No choice 20 Person or Group 15 SQL row No limit SQL grid No limit Google map 3 Gant chart 2 Absence chart 1 Vacation summary 1 Custom cont (...)

(...) ield other than the “Person or group” type, you must designate a column that contains a user login or group ID).   Fig. 4. The "Dynamic" option   SQL query – by entering the appropriate SQL query that will return user logins or group IDs (the login or ID should be in the first column returned by a query). In the presented example, the (...)

(...) o the euro currency. The method of handling the return of currency exchange rates for weekend days was also presented. Using the tools built into the WEBCON BPS system, as well as the benefits of the SQL language, we can freely configure the data sources used in workflows.

(...) The preview window can be closed with the cross in the upper right corner or by clicking outside the screen.     Other files such as .PDF, .WORD, .XLSX, .XLS, .ODS, .TXT, .SQL , .MP4 video files, and e-mails - the attachment preview window is different from the previous one. Similarly, you can smoothly move between attachments using dedicated buttons.   &nb (...)

(...) thanks to which the created solutions will be more understandable, less sensitive to change and, consequently, more reliable.   Use of Tags Tags are elements used to create expressions (SQL , CAML, JavaScript) as well as Business Rules and Form Rules. The tag represents a specific value of a specific object in the system, e.g. the value of an attribute. Tags in the case of SQL and CAM (...)

(...) that point to a specific user or group.    Fig.1 Form for checking user's or group's privileges   For each example, we will show the user’s view and the SQL query that returns the appropriate data.  Choosing a user or a group Before any data is displayed, the user must select a person or group. Basic information about the user will be displaye (...)

(...) ser ID PLN_From <Int32> - Date od (in YYYYMMDD format, e.g. 20200123) PLN_To <Int32> - Data do (in YYYYMMDD format, e.g. 20200125) PLN_WFDID <Int32> - Absence plan ID The SQL query contains data from the WFElements table (such as employee's id) connected by JOIN with the WFElementDetails table with values from item lists. The DET_WFCONID constraint allows you to selec (...)

(...) According to the item list definition, it is the DET_ID column, it is also recommended to indicate such a column in this field. Data source – indicate a connection to the current database. SQL query – the query should contain the values that will be placed on the item list with indicating a column to which these values will be passed, in the form: Select ‘Value’ as [ (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Wojciech Mleczko Information about instances registered in WEBCON BPS is stored in the MS SQL database, and in Apache Solr indexes (allows for a quick search). While the system is running, activities such as registering a new instance, following a path, or saving an instance generate entries in the queue of elements to be saved in Solr. The WebCon W (...)

(...) For example – the ^Leave_request.* expression means to download a file whose name starts with “Leave_request”.   Fig. 4. Sample regular expression   SQL query – allows you to create a query that returns the ATT_ID of the attachment from which data is to be downloaded.   Fig. 5. Configuration of the SQL query returning the atta (...)

(...)   Fig.21 . Generated employee card in English - page 1.   Fig.22 . Generated employee card in English - page 2.   Values from checkbox, items list and SQL table are translated correctly.   Summary By implementing the Webcon BPS software to support business processes in companies operating on the markets of several multilingual countries, (...)

(...) Form rules for attachments in WEBCON BPS allow you to receive information about attachments added to the workflow instances, without the need to know the WFDataAttachments table structure and to use SQL queries.   GET ATTACHMENTS - returns identifiers of attachments related to the current instance, it can be a component rule for other rules operating on attachments. ATTACHMENTS COUNT - (...)

(...) nates – Enter the latitude and longitude divided by a “#” sign. Address –  Enter the address of where you want the mark to be placed. Address (dynamic) – Use an SQL query, which will return an address, which will be marked on the map.   Fig. 1. An example of using coordinates   Fig. 2. An example of using an SQL query (Address - d (...)

(...) omponent is an exception. Assumptions The existing WEBCON BPS environment consists of the following servers: application server working as BPS Portal, BPS Service, BPS Search Server SQL Server dedicated to WEBCON BPS applications - to ensure high availability, the instance should support this functionality. The configuration of HA for SQL Server is not be presented in this article. (...)

(...) Center tab. After clicking the link, the file will be downloaded.    Fig. 2. Translation Tool    Translation Tool should be used from a machine on which a Microsoft SQL Management Server instance is available and a database connection is configured with information about the process that you want to translate. Launch the “WEBCON.BPS.TranslationImportExport&rdq (...)

(...) The maximum time for completing the scenario by a single user has been established at 3.5 minutes.   Configuration equipment tested Configuration 1 (WEB single server + dedicated SQL server + dedicated search server) Description vCPU RAM Azure VM class Max. number of concurrent users - Scenario 1 Max. number of concurrent users - Scenario 2 (...)