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for parameter

(...) What type should be predefined in the input parameter s to read a type field itemlist/enum in a sdk BPS 2020 Exteinsion Logic- BPS Custom Action utilizand ConfigEditableEnum/ ConfigEditableItemList?

(...) I am using Exchange events action to add a meeting request to the meeting participants. Everything works fine, but it is not possible to add parameter s isOnlineMeeting, onlineMeeting, and onlineMeetingProvider. I tried to resolve this by updating the calendar entry via MS Graph API – Calendar/events. From the Exchange identifier, I was able to determine what would the id of the event be (everything behind (...)

(...) t is the first time I experienced this error. Everything worked fine until Users list configuration step. When I try to configure the local AD as source for synchronization, I receive the error "The parameter ized query '(@Email nvarchar(4000),@DisplayName nvarchar(4000),@BpsId nvarch' expects the parameter '@DisplayName', which was not supplied." I assume, that for one of my service accounts the property (...)

(...) environment (large BPS instances), I propose to create a new type of selection attributes, where we give up filtering, and for columns intended for searching, we will add an additional search method parameter to the database: LIKE%, %LIKE%, exact match (=).

(...) Hello, I tried to use "ConfigEditableDropDownList" for input parameter s and it will return List object I uploaded the project sdk but not working. How to configure the type parameter ConfigEditableDropDownList? Best regards, Raluca Lupu

(...) apter.GetResponse() at SolrNet.Impl.SolrConnection.GetResponse(IHttpWebRequest request) at SolrNet.Impl.SolrConnection.PostStream(String relativeUrl, String contentType, Stream content, IEnumerable`1 parameter s) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- Do you get same error in your installations? On previous versions we didn't have this problem. No changes were made in the process it refers to. Thanks (...)

(...) clicked on the path. While writing this I've just come up with following idea: Create multiple "custom email" actions. The recipients are returned from a business rule. The business rule has three parameter s. Intended recipients, language, is fallback. The business rule than returns only these recipients who are using the language. If fallback is set to true, than the recipients are returned who haven' (...)

(...) . Has anyone encountered this problem before? Thank you, Raluca Type: System.Exception ------------------------------------------------------- Message: Value cannot be null. parameter name: id ------------------------------------------------------- CallStack ------------------------------------------------------- at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.Exceptions.Handling.ExceptionHandler.Thr (...)

(...) Hi everyone! I'm facing a problem and hoping to hear that you might have a clue on what to do. I've a process that creates users in AD. However the user creating action expects a parameter of username in format DOMAIN\USERNAME. My domain users have changed UPN logins to their e-mail adresses (e-mail domain is different than my local domain name) in order to have one login in every system. Is there a way to (...)

(...) After upgrading to most recent version 2021.1.3.205, a simple form rule definded at path parameter s stopped working (the rule on the attached screen). If I change the rule just to CONFIRM['Something'] (without the IF), then it works, but with the IF it does not. It used to work in 2021.1.1.53. Anyone experiencing such an issue?

(...) flow definition. Unfortunately, the report runs very slow, even though there are not many documents in the database yet (about 40), and the users have to wait until the page refreshes. Are there any parameter s that I can verify and set to make it run more smoothly? Anything to observe in the database?

(...) uld be a little HTML button, so i should be able to set the "[TECH] angeschaut" checkbox when clicking. What i am searching for: 1) a way to implement EMBEDDED HTML with usage of row value as parameter OR 2) any other idea ;-) Code for the HTML Button could be like (eg. is for stand-alone button): Open Youtube ************ {FLD:1201} = Link {FLD:1202} = check box ************ Thanks (...)

(...) 1) -> create Task1 etc.) The problem is, before moving to the next step all of those tasks should be completed. Instead, it goes through when only one task is completed. There's an option in the parameter s "Wait for required tasks to be completed" which selected on the next step should resolve my problem, but somehow it doesn't or I don't understand what it does. How can I make those tasks required?

(...) gone in the item list ? Has anyone an idea how to handle this? Solution to problem 1 would be enough i guess. My fear is that in a few years this will be a complete mess document wise... I think a parameter that toggles visibility of it's content in attachment section in the attachment field configuration would help with this a lot. Having no main attachment section unfortunately is not an option. T (...)

(...) Hello, I tried to import some templates from DEV environment to TEST environment and when I uploaded the .zip archive the following error occured on the .xlsx report: "Value cannot be null. parameter name: securityProvider" Does anyone know why do we get this error? Thanks!

(...) (BaseFormField field) w System.Linq.DataEnumerable.ForEach[T](IEnumerable`1 _this, Action`1 action) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Web.UILogic.WFDynamicLite.Rest.Logic.ElementFormLoader.GetUpdatedForm(Formparameter s formParams) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Web.UILogic.WFDynamicLite.Rest.Logic.ElementFormLoaderForRest.GetUpdatedForm(Formparameter s formParams) w WebCon.BPSCloud.Core.WfDynamic.Services.MoveElementToN (...)

(...) Hello everyone. I continue developing my module with apartment reservations and came across another problem. Dictionary contains apartments and parking places (together, as most parameter s are common for both types). Some apartments have dedicated parking place (this fact is stored in one of parameter s of apartments). When I select an apartment that has dedicated parking place I manage to check and store t (...)

(...) Hi community! Since the new version (2022) of Designer Studio has obviously changed its default behaviour to using REST mode, I am wondering if there is any command line parameter (or something else) to start Designer Studio in good old SQL mode. I did not find any documentation on how to do that. Any inputs? Thanks a lot in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) an element from collection? How do you manage to overcome the lack of this function? I came up with an idea of making a JS form rule that takes a collection and removes a value given in one of the parameter s. It works. But there are limitations that make the solution inelegant. First of all the form rule can not return a value (in opposition to business rules, but those however can not contain Javascrip (...)

(...) Hello, I tried create sql script for created a global business rule with existing multiple global business rules . I tried use of multiple global business rule ( with parameter s) in one global business rule (with parameter s). Every global business rule used has parameter s. The business rule that appeals to the other business rules has parameter s that are mapped in the appealed rules. I get the error w (...)