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Start different subworkflows in parallel

I have this situation:
- one main workflow
- 4 different subworkflows that must start in parallel and wait until all subworkflows are done.
I tried with Start a subworkflow action, but works for a single subworkflow.
I don't want to use hyperlink.

I must enter on the subworkflow in the start step.

Is possible to start different subworkflows from a main workflow with SQL? I don't have an item list.
I need to define an SQL action for each subworkflow?
Can I have an example?


Hi Alina,

You can refer to this post regarding the general usage of the Subworkflow (SQL) action:

It uses an item list but in you case you only need to start always exactly four subworfklows. Perhaps there are four "role" people fields and each role should take care of its task.
In this case I would do something like:

Select 'RoleA' as Responsible
Select 'RoleB' as Responsible
Select 'RoleC' as Responsible
Select 'RoleD' as Responsible

Where the responsible field is a field taken from the objects tab. The role is the field value from the workflow instance.

In case your subworkflows have a negative ending step and all subworkflows need to be finished, regardless of positiv or negative ending, before the parent workflow moves on, you need to use the advanced configuration.
Advanced wait for sub workflow step configuration

Best regards,