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Is there a way to change the style of a choice field when it couldnt find a mach?

Log Range: Solr Message: SOLR indexing failed Category: Exception Role: SolrElementQueue Description: SolrElementQueue item ID: 1089 Type: Full Whole process duration: 0,00s. Elements: 0. Exception at ID: 7400 System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException: La culture n'est pas prise en charge. Nom du paramètre : name cz-cz n'est pas un identificateur de culture valide. à System.Globalization.CultureInfo..ctor(String name, Boolean useUserOverride) à WebCon.WorkFlow.Servic (...)

Hi Community! Is there any possible ways to start subworkflows from Excel file? Business case is that, I have MS Excel file with estimated 500 rows. I want to attach sheet to attachments section and start workflow by path or button on menu bar with starting workflow action. Is any way to do it without special SDK customization? Subworkflows should have data from in excel sheet. Every workflow contains one row.

Is there a parameter somewhere that limits the number of rows that can be imported from xls to the item list ? At the moment it accepts a maximum of 1000 rows, can it be changed/set somewhere?

I have Item list [slave]with column where I can pick people (from other item list [master] which contain 1. BPS users, 2. AD users (some of them are in BPS users - not all) and others - people out of AD and BPS. 1. I would like to run sub flow for each row of item list (done) 2. fill proper data (done) 3. assign to people from item list [slave] : a) assign to all BPS users and skip non BPS users and others b) if any of people is not BPS user then assign to person from form (who is BPS use (...)

Hello, I have an itemlist where, upon exiting the step, each data row is sent to a separate instance in another application through a subworkflow action. At the moment I can only enter one attachment per dataset but I want the possibility to send multiple Attachements. I got the hint to use the splittotable-function when multiple attachments are added to the itemlist record. Now my question is how to implement it - When i tried to implement it, I got the message that it is a non-integr (...)

Hi Everyone! In the WEBCON environment we use, it is not possible to synchronize users with local AD. However, we want and can use AD to authenticate users. So we added our WEBCON users as BPS users. In the BPS user synchronization configuration we have set: Synchronization source = None and in the system configuration Authentication Providers = Windows Active Directory. Once completed, all BPS users have been synchronized and are listed in the CacheOrganizationStructure table with COS_Log (...)

How do I build a yes/no toggle (or other html control with green and red colours) that, when the FullName text field is changed, the toggle changes to yes if such a FullName already exists, or stays at no if there is no FullName yet.

How can i cange the style of the Datatable? As example i want to change the row height to a certain number, and the column width to fit the content, however i did not manage to achieve this simple goal. i would appreciate any tipp on how to do it.

The system administrator cannot save or change the application or process configuration while the license service has been activated. Freemium license. What should I do?

Hi there, Is it possible to use one datatable to show different tables from a sql server? Right its possible to filter the sql results based on a value in a certain column. I also want to make it possible to show the content of a different table, however account to the infobox to the right side of the textbox where i write the sql statment, its not possible. So i was wondering if there is an alternative. It would be a grueling task to create a datatable for every table on the server(there are m (...)

Hi, How to display row id (DETID, @ID) in list (list item - WFD_SubElems) on form?

Hello, we did “live testing” for one non-critical application in DEV environment. Is it possible to migrate application including the data (Workflow instances and dictionary data including their history) to higher environments TEST & PROD?

Hello, I have an item list where, upon leaving the step, each data row is sent to a separate instance into another application via a subworkflow action. Unfortunately, I have the problem that if I have more than 2 datarows, my subworkflows start the instances twice

Error: [Quote] Error occured during business rule evaluation. String values cannot be multiplied at: Evaluation requested at: Evaluation node: Operator (+) at: Evaluation node: Operator (*) at: Evaluation node: Operator (*) [/Quote] What I have : -process static A -process static B -process static C -process static D attribte a,b,c attribute a,b,c is changing dynamically vs Item List attribte d I try to change Value of Attribute D on path .. = error OK, then is not sa (...)

Hello, I have an item list where, upon leaving the step, each data row is sent to a separate instance into another application via a subworkflow action. However, when attachments are copied to the subworkflow using the checkbox function, all attachments from the entire item list are copied to each new instance. Is it possible to configure it so that only the attachment associated with the specific data row is copied to its respective instance, instead of copying all attachments to every n (...)

we are currently in a process of compare which translations we have and which we do not. I do not want to do it by going through each application than dowload the excel but I would like to generate a report with app,worfklow and form fields where there is no tranlsation. Can anyone help me with this issue?

How does showing data place marked in a screen? It's not explained anywhere in the documentation.

Hi all! We would like to add a datasource from REST API. Datasource method is POST, since we have many parameters. We need this datasource in different workflows and parameters are dependent on values entered in current form (different fields in different workflows) and also should be fetched from database from another workflow. As I can see there is no way to use current form field values (in JSON mode, not JSON grid) in request body of datasource consuming a REST API. Is there a (...)

Hello, I am new here and I am studying Webcon yet :) i would like to ask one question and I need help. I created the field where I count number of days between two dates. It was easy (with help from this forum :) ) This was very helpful for me. https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/469?messageid=469 But I need counting only working days and I am really desperate. In System settings => Global parameters => Working days calendar I defined non-working days for 2024 and 2025. (...)