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Hi Bartosz,

in case you want to apply method 1 you could also try out this script.

I'm 90% sure that it works. There was a time, when the property value has been written incorrectly and we need to open the value and save it to fix something with the line breaks.

The alternative would be to not use the Designer Studio on the server at all. There's really no need for it and will just take up RAM.

Best regards,

Adding loopback exception for all bindings in IIS as well as the computer name.
There's no check what values are currently there.
If there are any, they will be replaced.
#Note that you should be running PowerShell as an Administrator
$currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
if (!$currentPrincipal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)){
throw "Must be executed as admin"

Import-Module Webadministration
#Using a hashtable to make sure we have no duplicate names
$urlsToExclude =@{}
$urlsToExclude[$env:COMPUTERNAME]= $true

$sites = [array](Get-ChildItem -Path IIS:\Sites)
foreach ($site in [array]$sites){
#$site = $sites[0]
Write-Host "Getting binding from site $($site.name)" -BackgroundColor cyan
foreach ($binding in $site.bindings.Collection){
Write-Host "Extracting hostname of '$($binding.bindingInformation)' from site $($site.name)" -BackgroundColor Cyan
$hostname = $binding.bindingInformation.Substring($binding.bindingInformation.LastIndexOf(":")+1).Trim()
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($hostname) -and !($hostname.contains("localhost"))){

$urlsToExclude[$hostname.Trim()] = $true
Write-Host "Urls to exclude: '$($urlsToExclude.keys)'"
New-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\MSV1_0" -Name “BackConnectionHostNames” -value $urlsToExclude.keys -PropertyType ([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::MultiString) -Force
Read-Host -Prompt "Added loopback check exceptions, press key to exit."

I installed a new instance of webcon.
In IIS I have new site with 3 bindings
webcon-test.domain:.com 80
webcon-test.domain.com : 443
empty :80

Auth provider AD

I'm not able to login to portal from the machine where webcon is installed via https/http://webcon-test.domain.com
But link http://localhost works fine

When I change a server and try to login via https/http://webcon-test.domain.com everythinks works fine.

Portal address - https://webcon-test.domain.com 



if you are using Active Directory authentication you may be able to use the IIS Log. You can log the URL access and also the windows user name.

You could also get in touch with Encorsa via Linkedin, they asked something similar in the past.

Best regards,


Your requirements are indeed complex, but certainly not impossible to implement in WEBCON BPS!

In the current version, calling custom functions without workarounds is not possible. However, there's good news—an upcoming release may introduce new features that will allow you to trigger actions directly from the form.

From a JavaScript perspective, you can utilize the "rule to run on open form" and the "beforeprint" event to detect when a user opens or attempts to print a page. Once our future API is available, this will enable you to achieve the desired functionality.

Stay tuned for the release of version 2025R2!

Best regards,

Hi everyone,

I'm working on a project using Webcon BPS and I'm trying to track specific user activities within the platform in order to comply with GDPR. Specifically, I need to log every time a user:

1. Opens an instance or document in order to access data, regardless if they've seen it before or not
2. Prints a document

Has anyone tackled a similar requirement before? If so, I would really appreciate any advice, ideas, or suggestions on how to approach this. Any pointers on how to capture and log these actions would be incredibly helpful. I was thinking of potentially tracking the internal SQL queries but I need to know which user accessed the data specifically and I'm not sure I can engineer a solution that tracks background queries anyway. And this does not solve the issue of users accessing cached information on their browser.

Thank you in advance for your time and insights!

The configuration method changed a bit in the newest Public Forms version.
Configuration via appsetings file is now deprecated and it won't work. It's necessary to add IIS environment variables. Please review the attached screenshot and the README section on the website: https://github.com/WEBCON-BPS/public-forms

We also plan to release a Knowledge Base article on it next month.

Did you know that with WEBCON you can automate virtually any process? Even baking cookies 🍪
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