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In reply to: Michal Rykiert

We'll create a small, dedicated Community space so it's easier for you guys to find yourself at the venue. Should you like a professional photo, just ask our marketing and they'll organize a photographer on-site :)


That's great to know. If I remember correctly there was some kind of option to find others last year, which was not available for partners.

I copied the breaks / networking times from the agenda.
08:30 – 9:30: Registration | Coffee Break
11:00 – 11:30: Coffee Break & Networking
12:40 – 13:40: Lunch | Networking
14:40 – 15:10: Networking

I think I will register myself and search for the Community space and look around for others.

If we want to create a Community photo, I would suggest the time from 11:00 to 11:30. This slot follows the WEBCON MVP Awards slot.

What do you think?

Btw. I don't get any mails if someone replies, so it may take some time for me to respond. :)

In reply to: Celina

There's a "warning":

Category: Exception
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to C:\Windows\system32\0 was denied.
for FREngine.IEngineLoader.InitializeEngine(String CustomerProjectId, String LicensePath, String LicensePassword, String FREngineDataFolder, String FREngineTempFolder, Boolean IsSharedCPUCoresMode)
for WebCon.OcrAI.TextLayer.FR12.Implementation.FR12EngineLoaderBase.InitializeEngine(String CustomerProjectId, String LicensePath, String LicensePassword, String FREngineDataFolder, String FREngineTempFolder, Boolean IsSharedCPUCoresMode)
for WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.Roles.OcrTextLayer.FR.v12.FR12HolderFactory.InitializeEngine(IFROutprocLoaderBase engineLoader)
for WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.Roles.OcrTextLayer.FR.Base.FRHolderFactoryBase.CreateFRHolder()
for WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.Roles.OcrTextLayer.FR.Base.FRFacadeFactoryBase.GetFRHolder()
for WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.Roles.OcrTextLayer.FR.v12.FR12FacadeFactory.CreateFacade(ITextLayerLanguagesDownloader downloader)
for WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.Roles.OcrTextLayer.Processors.TextLayerProcessorFactory.GetProcessorImpl(ProcessorArgs args)
with WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.Queues.Management.ProcessorFactory.GetProcessor(ProcessorArgs args, Boolean clearThreadItems)

and an "information":

Category: Exception
Role: OcrTextLayer
WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.Queues.Processors.InvalidProcessor`1+InvalidProcessorActionException[WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.Roles.OcrTextLayer.Queue.TextLayerQueueElement]: InvalidProcessor will be replaced Queue ThreadId: 0 ThreadGuid: e211c25a-ef7c-48c2-8d53-9678d2789584
for WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.Queues.Processors.ProcessorBase`1.<ContextActionAsync>d__40.MoveNext()
--- End of batch monitoring from the previous location where the exception was raised ---
for System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
with System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
for WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.Queues.Processors.ProcessorBase`1.<ProcessingThreadActionAsync>d__39.MoveNext()
--- End of batch monitoring from the previous location where the exception was raised ---
for System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
with System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
for WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.Queues.Processors.ProcessorBase`1.<ThreadActionAsync>d__38.MoveNext()


A solution that is not ideal but works is to manually create a folder named "0" and give modification permissions to everyone.
Full path: C:\Windows\system32\0

In reply to: gelu100

Cheers but this not clarify the question as I am aware of those tables, however i have no clue how to join it with the thing that we have in wfelements/wfelementsdeatails. I tried to look for the file that you generate for translations

Can you explain why did you mark wrong answer?
Its not my foult you wont read documentaion about tables, it shows everything as you need.
I also didn't know which tables to connect, but when I read the section where translations are stored, everything became clear.
I try to help you without hesitation. Do you know how works forum ?
it helps you solve a task, don't just give it a done job, just commit and do something yourself and don't require a ready-made solution.

Be more respectful beacuse u get what you need to do get result. Forget to add JUST DO IT ;)

In reply to: gelu100

Cheers but this not clarify the question as I am aware of those tables, however i have no clue how to join it with the thing that we have in wfelements/wfelementsdeatails. I tried to look for the file that you generate for translations


Currently I have no access to WEBCON, so I will just provide a few information.

The translates table contains all translation for all objects. The linked dictionary contains an overview what the ids mean.


You can also read up on the whole topic here:


If you want to identify the missing translations you will have to left join the WFConfiguration and WFDetailsConfig with the languages and translations.
You can also take a look at this sql statement also it’s for another use case it should help:


The WfElement* contains only workflow instance data and no configuration information.

Best regards,


In reply to: Jacek Wojnar

it looks like the fields "_suma xxx " are text fields. If so (and it has to be) you need to convert them to a number (screen)
But it would be better to make these fields as numeric ;)

Thank you.
I have been struggling not with static types because, in WebCon (2022), you cannot set the type of a static variable.
I mistakenly thought that WebCon would automatically convert static variables to the appropriate types,
similar to some programming languages: if you use it as text, it would be treated as text;
if you use it as an integer, it would be treated as an integer.

Finally it works on first path ....