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I found place with error

I have action for each from item list
and then:
I save Column category "Kategoria" to 1st. local Variable (text)
I save Column category "Punkt" to 2nd local Variable (text)

and then I use 2 variables in another automation as input
where I filter source by variable.

I did save to text attribute in form to see what is put as input to next automation ....

I don't know why in 2024 is not working .. in 2022 was working :/

in webcon 2022.1.4.404 - automation with action start sub flow was working
in webcon 2024.1.1.130 - is not working ...

I have error:

Komunikat błędu akcji podobiegu
Nazwa automatyzacji: >> [podobieg] Start Ankiety (ID: 890)
Nazwa akcji: Uruchom podobieg Audytowani (ID: 1351)
Proces startujący: Ankieta po Audytowa
Wiadomość: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.Automations.Engine.AutomationEngine.RunErrorFlowCollectionAsync(AutomationEvaluationParameters parameters, AutomationWithParameters automation, AutomationRuntimeResult currentFlowResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.Automations.Engine.AutomationEngine.RunAutomationWithoutResultCleanAsync(IAutomationWithExecutionContext automation, AutomationEvaluationParameters parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.Automations.Engine.Evaluators.AutomationEvaluator.EvaluateAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)

In reply to: Arek Maziarczyk

Check if COLLATE Polish_CS_AS instead of COLLATE Polish_CS_AI.
I also did not catch the problem, but if there is any concernig polish letters you can also use the dbo.RemoveDiactrics function, which removes polish letters. It should be available in your version. It works like this:

SELECT @replacedString = @stringToReplace
SELECT @replacedString = Replace(@replacedString COLLATE Polish_CS_AS, 'ą','a')

ex. SELECT dbo.RemoveDiactrics(Det_Att1) FROM....

Alternatively, there is option to add own function to scalar-valued functions on your data base.

Thank you (All) for help and direction

I checked on 2 versions of Webcon 2022.1.4.404 and 2024.1.1.130
in bout it doesn't work ... so it is:
a) SQL / Webcon language/coding configuration on my site (my IT case)
b) no one is compares Text vs. text in webcon ;-) .. all use ID vs. ID ;-p

b) solution - I did that finally and it works, but still problem exist (on my site)

I did workaround (or proper configuration ;-) )
1) I start sub flow from Source Item list I copy Row element ID to tech field in subflow

2) then on path I do load of item list where I use
below SQL and compare That tech field with source Item list (from where I have element row ID) to pick the same Row - that way it works.

d.DET_WFDID AS 'ID elementu',
SUBSTRING(d.{DCNCOL:1153}, CHARINDEX('#', d.{DCNCOL:1153}) + 1, LEN(d.{DCNCOL:1153})) AS 'Sygnatura Audytu', -- Wyciągnięcie tekstu po #
-- d.{DCNCOL:1153} AS 'Sygnatura Audytu',
d.{DCNCOL:1150} AS 'Tytuł raportu 8D',
d.{DCNCOL:1149} AS 'Norma',
d.{DCNCOL:1148} AS 'Punkt normy',
d.{DCNCOL:1146} AS 'Opis',
d.{DCNCOL:1145} AS 'Załącznik',
d.{DETCOL:3700} AS 'ID wiersza',
d.DET_IsDeleted AS 'czy skasowany'
WFElementDetails d
d.DET_WFCONID = {WFCON:3700} -- ID listy pozycji
AND d.DET_IsDeleted = 0 -- Filtr dla nienaruszonych pozycji
AND d.DET_WFDID = {WFD_WFDID} -- ID elementu rodzica
-- AND d.{DCNCOL:1150} = '{3205}' -- Jeśli 3205 jest wartością liczbową
AND d.{DETCOL:3700} = '{3846}' -- ID wiersza z listy pozycji vs. pole techniczne te same źródło

if I do: AND d.{DETCOL:3700} = '{3846}' -- ID wiersza z listy pozycji vs. pole techniczne te same źródło -- WORKS
-- AND d.{DCNCOL:1150} = '{3205}' -- porównanie text vs text z tego samego źródła - NOT WORKS

(I did the AS AI ect. configurtations and .. did not work ... so the problem is deeper than I have access to analyses it ...)
I will use Arek's option later to see what results it gives me ...

If You have time and would like to test then:

a) item list few records and text column with polish characters
b) start sub flow from that item list
c) copy text from "each" row to text attribute in "each" subflow [3 row = 3 subflow]
d) load item list from row text vs. text attribute (from sub flow start)

e) if it works on your webcon, that means it is not webcon and it is my SQL server configuration ...




I never used the "waiting for sub-workflow" action for a case with "unrelated" workflows. Based on your experience it's clearly not possible.

While it is not optimal you could replicate the condition to determine whether a "move workflow (sql) action should trigger the path transition of the parent workflow, when the unrelated workflow is moved to the final step.

Best regards,


I have a "wait for sub-workflow" step that use advance configuration.
In my case the parent instance has a number or related "kids" (instances) and only one unrelated, but all from same workflow.
In order to indenfity the unrelated "kid", the parent has the wfd_id saved in a field.
The SQL that I use in the advance settings for the "wait for sub-workflow" verify if the total number of "kids" (related or unrelated) is equal to the total number of "kids" that are in a specific step (it is a finish positive type step).
When the numbers are equal then the parent instance should move to next step, otherwise it will move on a path that leads to same step (a save path).
In my case there are no steps of type "finish (negative)" only "finish (positive)".
All is good except the parent is not moving to the next step when all "kids" are moved to a finished (positive) step.
When a related "kid" moves to a "finish" step, it triggers the parent to go on "save" path, but the unrelated "kid" does not.

Is it possible to make a "wait for sub-workflow" step work correctly when checking for related and unrelated sub-workflows ?

Thank you,

Check if COLLATE Polish_CS_AS instead of COLLATE Polish_CS_AI.
I also did not catch the problem, but if there is any concernig polish letters you can also use the dbo.RemoveDiactrics function, which removes polish letters. It should be available in your version. It works like this:

SELECT @replacedString = @stringToReplace
SELECT @replacedString = Replace(@replacedString COLLATE Polish_CS_AS, 'ą','a')

ex. SELECT dbo.RemoveDiactrics(Det_Att1) FROM....

Alternatively, there is option to add own function to scalar-valued functions on your data base.