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Data sources

Hi, I am currently working on some tool management workflow in WEBCON and I have a problem. I have an items list with REST API as data source where user can pick and book tools for some time period. Time period property is not included in REST API so I'm using form fields for booking dates. Then I need to filter the items list using tools from REST API and dates from WEBCON database to exclude unavailable tools. Unfortunately i didn't find the way to do it using the REST API filter available in (...)

Hi, I have a choice field with SQL data source connected to it. Is it possible to create a link (into the choice field) to a selected element like as in the case of BPS Internal view? Simplify, I need the same option as in the selected screenshot but for the sql data source.

Hello all, I have a data table field where I'm selecting the fields using a SQL query. One of the field is a picker and I want to show just the Text and not the ID. I've tried many options but as soon as I try using the Database-Name, it's giving errors. I believe it's because the option has space on it : 'Non Ok'. But the system should overcome this right? Even using the DBO function, it doesn't work. Adding quotes is not allowed. I'm running out of ideas. Did this happened to any of y (...)

Dzień dobry Mam problem z wykonywaniem akcji globalnej, która ma za zadanie startowanie obiegu sql. W zapytaniu zastosowane jest open query do serwera oracle. Przy teście zapytania lub puszczeniu akcji globalnej dostaje błąd z załącznika. W management studio zapytanie jest wykonywane normalnie Proszę o sugestię Wersja Webcona 2022.1.4

Hi all, Yesterday i upgrade Webcon to version 2023.1.3.118 and one things change. In workflow "Faktury" (Invoice) a had an action that download using Rest Api information about working time of employee. Using this data, system fill table with invoice items (eg. cost allocation ). But in this version i get error that: "No exact match was found for:..." ("Nie znaleziono dokładnego dopasowania:...") for attribute Choice field. In previous version this work fine. And there is no pattern in this (...)

Hello all, Does anyone configured a Onedrive connection in Webcon? I'm following the topics: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/integration-with-aad-using-rest-invoke-method-and-microsoft-graph/117/18 https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/adding-attachments-to-onedrive/183/4 https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/working-with-onedrive-files/341/18 But this is explaining on how to configure using MS Graph and Rest API. However, in the connections area, there's one specific for On (...)

After app migration between enviroments strange error occured which shows up every time existing instance is opened or new instance is started in all apps. Reverting back the previous version of the app did not solve the problem. Designer studio throws the error on clicking every item as well. Restarting server did not help. Has anyone came acress similar issue? Any ideas on how to find the source of the problem? What does the phrase Key: (311, 5116) refer to? Thanks in advance. Designer (...)

Hello All, as of 01.03.2024, Webcon BPS service has stopped downloading current exchange rates from the NBP. Nothing has changed in the configuration (Webcon 2021.1.5). And the server has a connection to the NBP API service. I cannot find any errors in the service logs Do you have the same problem? Is there somewhere a cut-off date until when the rate should be downloaded? Thank you in advance for your help

Hi, Does anyone know how to use the 'Edit a list element' action to update a document element in a SharePoint document library that is in a sub folder in the SharePoint document library? I am trying to use a CAML query and while I can find documents in the root document library, I can't get the CAML to find documents in a sub folder in the document library. I should mention that this appears to be WEBCON specific since the CAML query does return subfolder contents if I use a regular CAML query e (...)

Have any of you implemented or are planning to implement in your company an interface for operating the KSeF (e-invoice) system via WEBCON? Similarly, has anyone successfully visualized an e-invoice according to ministry-defined template (xsd)? This would be a real GameChanger for WEBCON and natural for accounting document workflows. Maybe there are ready-made SDK libraries available or does anyone have an idea how to implement it at the lowest possible cost? https://www.podatki.gov.pl (...)

Hello, I created a few BPS users and I found out that they are saved in BPS_Config instead of BPS_Content. From the Administration tab I activated license for some users, but I have no idea in what table I can see this information. I want to make a calculated column in a dictionary report where I can see witch user has license. So in what table I can find if a BPS user has license or not? Thank you, Best regards!

Hello Community, I want to set form fields based on a dropdown selection which gets its data from a sharepoint list. I can set the value from the selection just fine. However I can only access the data with type ID and Name. The rest of the data has no type and does not show up for any rules I want to configure. How can I address this data in the form? Thanks Oliver

Hi I have a question. I imported a dictionary from Excel from the dictionary process and it duplicated the lines. I would like to upload this data from the beginning. How to delete all dictionary content.

Hi, We recently migrated Webcon to new servers on SharePoint 2019. Apparently, the configuration under Webcon BPS Configuration on each SharePoint site got lost (the database name etc.). 1. Is this behavior expected during migration? 2. Is it possible to set it globally or is it necessary to set it manually on each SharePoint site/subsite? 3. Are there any other such settings that might have gotten lost during migration? Thanks! Mark

Hello, is there any way to connect other data sources (MySQL or Generic-ODBC)? If not, is there a plan to implement this in the future? Thanks in advance Markus

Hi, I have 2 dictionaries: Countries and Cities. In the Cities dictionary, the form field 'country' is a picker field from the Countries dictionary.I would like this field to become a hyperlink which would take me to the Country dictionary instance for that country. I was expecting this to work at least in the Dictionary report Cities but it doesn't. For example when creating the Barcelona city instance in the Cities dictionary I selected Spain as a country. After saving I want to be able to (...)

How to display data from another database (added as an MSSQL data source) in a report? How to do this in a new report? Or maybe it could be added to another process report

Hello all, We have implemented a new ticket system called Jitbit and I would like to connect it to WEBCON via REST web service. Unfortunately, I don't understand how to configure a "Basic authentication" or "Token authentication" in WEBCON. Using Postman, the authentication including the queries already worked. Enclosed you can find the documentation from Jitbit: https://www.jitbit.com/helpdesk/helpdesk-api/#/?id=helpdesk-api Could you please help me with the configuration? Many than (...)

hello, I need to migrate local groups from production to dev environment, do you know database table or do you have sql that will show me all local grups, even empty one ? thanks in advance.

Hi, how to set a filter in the data source for a data table so that search-filtering by date works. The usual filtering according to the scheme does not work: 1. "some date (iso or browser settings)" = "field in the data table with a date" (like attachment) 2. "some date (iso or browser settings)" like "field in the data table with a date"