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How do I build a yes/no toggle (or other html control with green and red colours) that, when the FullName text field is changed, the toggle changes to yes if such a FullName already exists, or stays at no if there is no FullName yet.

Hi, How to display row id (DETID, @ID) in list (list item - WFD_SubElems) on form?

Hello, I am new here and I am studying Webcon yet :) i would like to ask one question and I need help. I created the field where I count number of days between two dates. It was easy (with help from this forum :) ) This was very helpful for me. https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/469?messageid=469 But I need counting only working days and I am really desperate. In System settings => Global parameters => Working days calendar I defined non-working days for 2024 and 2025. (...)

Hi Everyone, after upgrading Webcon environment to v 2023.1.3.269 (working previously on 2022) I've noticed a behavior change in following situation. There is an item list which has enabled following options - Allow adding, - Allow deleting, - Show actions column, - Show "Remove all" It is filled with many rows which in most cases exceeds the display range so the user has to scroll down/up between entries. End user wants to delete entries one by one with the deleting bin in the action (...)

Hi, I have three fields: Name - text lastname - text domain - choice field And one technical field to which an action is assigned: concat[name][.][lastname][@][domain] The action works correctly but takes Polish characters into account. Is it possible, and how, to remove Polish characters in the technical field, i.e., replace "ą" with "a," and so on?

Hi, I have been interested for a long time in the topic of how the Superior type (Form) functionality works. I have not found any description anywhere of how it works. Has anyone used this and is able to say something about it?

Hi. Following Scenario: (Webcon Version 2021.1.5.367) I have an items list with (amongst others) a column for (multiple) attachments. Out of each line of the items list I start a workflow instance of another (start a subworkflow SQL) workflow and the attachments shall be copied to the new instance. Idea 1: I check "copy attachments" in the "Start a subworkflow". Issue: all attachments of the parent workflow are copied Idea 2: I create the instances and create an action template to (...)

Hey, I was wondering if there is a possibility to change ordering of form menu buttons(screenshot below). I've already tried doing so, in the application's "Standard areas" panel, but it could not be modified that way.

I've been trying to utilize the form rule for the Yes/No field named "Service Line" to show "Service Line Items" item list field when it is ticked to Yes and be hidden if it is unticked or set to No. The problem is the "Service Line Items" item list field is showing on default when opening the form and even though the "Service Line" is still set to No on default. Thanks in advance for the help

Hello all, I have an item list to enter quotes. In the quotes step, the user must enter the rows with the different values for the quotes and then send for approval. The next user must select what is the row of interest, but clicking on Select Option column. The thing is that in that step, because I want the item list to be editable, the Add button is available. Is there any way to allow the user to edit the item (to select the row of interest), but not allow to enter new ones? Thank you (...)

Hi, If I have a polish language, the data starts from monday, however if i change the lanague to ENG, I can see that the week starts from Sunday, How can i chagne this?

I have problem with validation form. 1. I have step where task is assigned to tech group All (other groups in form) a) Lider = Person A or Person A and Person B b) User group = Person 1, Person 2 ... Person X c) All = Lider + User group Now I have conditions to few cells in "item list" If user is one of Lider (group) then he need to fill and set proper values in each row in "item list". if user is one of User Group then he don't need to do anything or is filling first part of "ite (...)

Hi Community, for the reason of proper premissions managment I need to change the form type for 500+ instances. Obviously I would like to avoid manual work. Do you have ANY idea if the 'change form type' can be somehow automated? I need to change form type X to Y, no diferentiation whatsoever. Maybe some SQL? Changing WFD_DTYPEID in WFElements and WFHistoryElements will be enough? What do you think? Thanks in advance. Wojtek

Hi, Does anyone know how to do autosave after completing a field in form?

Hello, We moved from 2021 to 2023 version of webcon and now we have a problem with initializing item lists in preview mode. When in edit mode everything works fine, but in preview mode item lists do not initilize. Is there a way to achive such a functionality. What was the reason to change it ?

Hi guys, is it possible to display a dynamic tooltip/information via the description on a form field? I should display a value including VAT on a value field that has no VAT and i don't want to use a new field. e.g. something like that: "Amount incl. VAT : {FD:166} * 1.19" Is there perhaps another way to display a tooltip on a form field other than via the field description?

Cześć, czy istnieje możliwość numerowania elementów w danym procesie tzn. startuje nowy element w procesie, wówczas automatycznie nadaje mu się odpowiednia sygnatura ale oprócz tego chciałbym mieć swój dodatkowy atrybut, który będzie po kolei numerował każdy kolejny element w tym procesie. Dla przykładu: główna sygnatura to FV/00001/2024 a mój dodatkowy atrybut przyjmie wartość 000001 następnie 000002 itd

Hello! In the form, I have a list of items X that is sorted by column A in descending order by default. How can I set up an action to generate data into a .docx file or specify an attribute for the list of items in the .docx file so that the exported table with the list of items X is sorted by column A in ascending order? The descending sort by column A is because the data is being added to the table in the form, and there is already a lot of it - scrolling to the end of the form to see th (...)

Hi, in this version, data verification takes place for each field of the type: Choice field, regardless of whether 'Attribute validation' is selected on the path or not. I need advice on how to get around this problem in the case of paths such as: Reject, Reverse, where these fields contain random data, e.g. set via OCR - without any intervention in the fields by the user. Regards

Hello everyone, I have a question about visual element. How to change (or set) a witdh of coulmn in attribute of data presentation such as "array data" (PL: "tabela danych") I tried below example changes in global CSS style, but it didnt work: th[data-key="WFD_AttLong1"] { color: blue; width: 200px; } td[data-column="WFD_AttLong1"] { color: blue; width: 200px; }