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Banner in Form Types customizable?

Hi guys,

in version 2025 there is a "banner" like "lagoon", "planet" or "wave" predefined in the form types.
Can the selection be expanded to include another image? I would like to use a logo with our CI


In reply to: Krystian Golik

Check this source on server
C:\Program Files (x86)\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS Portal\wwwroot\images\banner

Hi Krystian,

did you test, whether any new banners would be picked up?

I did:
- Made a copy of an existing one, there's on additional file
- Replaced Lagoon by Saphira
- Reset all caches
- Executed an iis reset
- Restarted the workflow service
- Restart the Designer Studio

As far as I can tell the Designer Studio doesn't show any changes, while the replaced file is rendered in the portal.

While I would be careful to add new files to the WEBCON folders, I would not change existing files. If you are going to do it, add a note to your "upgrade" check list to replace the file each time.

Best regards,


I also tested a similar task.
Adding or changing the picture in "C:\Program Files (x86)\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS Portal\wwwroot\images\banner" didn’t work for me.

However, one solution was to go to the theme settings and add the following to the additional CSS:

.webcon-ui.banner__image {
background-image: url('*Picture-URL*') !important

Hope this helps! 😊

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