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Is there a parameter somewhere that limits the number of rows that can be imported from xls to the item list ? At the moment it accepts a maximum of 1000 rows, can it be changed/set somewhere?

I have Item list [slave]with column where I can pick people (from other item list [master] which contain 1. BPS users, 2. AD users (some of them are in BPS users - not all) and others - people out of AD and BPS. 1. I would like to run sub flow for each row of item list (done) 2. fill proper data (done) 3. assign to people from item list [slave] : a) assign to all BPS users and skip non BPS users and others b) if any of people is not BPS user then assign to person from form (who is BPS use (...)

Hi Everyone! In the WEBCON environment we use, it is not possible to synchronize users with local AD. However, we want and can use AD to authenticate users. So we added our WEBCON users as BPS users. In the BPS user synchronization configuration we have set: Synchronization source = None and in the system configuration Authentication Providers = Windows Active Directory. Once completed, all BPS users have been synchronized and are listed in the CacheOrganizationStructure table with COS_Log (...)

How can i cange the style of the Datatable? As example i want to change the row height to a certain number, and the column width to fit the content, however i did not manage to achieve this simple goal. i would appreciate any tipp on how to do it.

Hello, we did “live testing” for one non-critical application in DEV environment. Is it possible to migrate application including the data (Workflow instances and dictionary data including their history) to higher environments TEST & PROD?

Error: [Quote] Error occured during business rule evaluation. String values cannot be multiplied at: Evaluation requested at: Evaluation node: Operator (+) at: Evaluation node: Operator (*) at: Evaluation node: Operator (*) [/Quote] What I have : -process static A -process static B -process static C -process static D attribte a,b,c attribute a,b,c is changing dynamically vs Item List attribte d I try to change Value of Attribute D on path .. = error OK, then is not sa (...)

How does showing data place marked in a screen? It's not explained anywhere in the documentation.

How do I display my superior on the gantt report? Now we can only display myself, my team, and all subordinates. I want to have the same data in gantt report and field Absence chart.

Is there any option to change start day in gantt chart? Now its sunday, how it to change on monday?


Hi everyone, who's joining the WEBCON DAY 2024? Would anyone be interested in "gathering" during a break? At least I would be interested in seeing the persons and maybe WEBCON could take a photo to show the people behind the community. :) Best regards, Daniel

Hi, When we try to add the same attachment, a pop-up appears asking if we want to overwrite the existing attachment, with options like Overwrite, Add New, Cancel... Is there any way to remove this pop-up, and always add the attachment as a new one when adding the same file? (ATT_ID to be different) Thank you.

Unfortunately I can't use as source "BPS Users" and I need to change source to "AD Users". The BPS Users have 100 users but AD Users have 300 users In both sources I need name of Manager. I use item list with dropdown list with Autocomplete when source id BPS user is fine but if I switch to AD Users then I would like to column "manager" but it give me: CN=John Doe,OU=Users,OU=Employees,OU=CTM,OU=People,DC=xyz,DC=xyz,DC=local and I need just "John Doe" in text box ...

How can I check those errors?

Hi, Is it possible to authenticate Webcon with Graph using a certificate? We connected Webcon with Client Secret but I wondered is it possible to use diffrent way -https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/applications-how-to-add-certificate?tabs=http

Hi all, I have a question about exporting data to an excel file from item list. I want this data to be already sorted after exporting to an .xlsx file. When the data is loaded into the item list it is sorted by webcon, on the form it is ok, but when exporting to excel the data in the .xlsx file is not sorted at all. Any idea how to do this?

Hello, I notice 2 weird situations: 1. I have a ForEach and inside I have a simple "Start subworkflow" action and i try to drag from the collection columns in order to start the workflow with some data completed. When I drag the columns, one is showing a bit weird. It will show ok once you double click it. (picture 1) 2. I have another ForEach and inside I made a business rule that uses, again, info from column collection and it is working, but when I go to all business rules and open it i (...)

Item list - is possible to change behavior depending from form or step ? At the moment I use 2 item list ..but maybe is possible to just use one ... if in Item list General setting I set is possible to import / export / add rows / ect. https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2024R1/Studio/Process/Attribute/Basic/Itemlist/ILConf/ILGenral then in sub flow if I use the same Item list then all settings from main flow are on .. But I would like to just allow for modification of rows data not add / (...)

I have form on start step where: 1. from drop down list you pick signature of other flow 2. to the dropdown list I have connected invoke menu buttton to fill the tech item list with persons ... if element is not saved - I can not invoke menu - action is "invisible" (do nothing) if element is saved - went by "save path" then when you pick something from dropdown list then invoke menu button and I have filled Technical itemlist. the technical item list i use if you go from start step by "ru (...)

Hi, I have a problem with process migration between environments - what could the error be and where to look for a solution? System.InvalidOperationException: No item type: WFApplications, id: 25 at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.ImportExport.Mapping.MappingList.GetBySourceId(Int32 id, DbNodeType dbNodeType) at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.ImportExport.Export.ExportManager.RunExportContainingRootNode(MappingList mappingList, ExportParameter exportParameter, IExportLogger exportLogger, (...)

witch table contains information about filling time?