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In reply to: Jack

ok. I think I know (and it looks like a bug).
Probably in the case that works you do NOT have any list of items in the first step?
When I turned off the visibility of the list in the first step, the error stopped appearing.

--- EDIT ---
this definitely looks like a BUG in my opinion

as a workaround you can make the start link as an HTML field rather than a button in the top menu.
make an HTML field with a script that will inject a button with a link in the top menu :-)

"Probably in the case that works you do NOT have any list of items in the first step?"
Nope, I tried https://google.com as a link to eliminate any form related issues.

"as a workaround you can make the start link as an HTML field rather than a button in the top menu."
Yeah, I think it will end up with the http link field. Need to update current 2023 version to the newest one, as am sitting on 2023.1.2.68 still, maybe that will help to solve it.

In reply to: Patryk Kornak

Hi Jack,

"I assume that you have the error in the first step BEFORE saving the element."

"And in this case, where it works, the element is already saved, right?"
Nope, it is a new element too, with no ID assigned by the system yet.

ok. I think I know (and it looks like a bug).
Probably in the case that works you do NOT have any list of items in the first step?
When I turned off the visibility of the list in the first step, the error stopped appearing.

--- EDIT ---
this definitely looks like a BUG in my opinion

as a workaround you can make the start link as an HTML field rather than a button in the top menu.
make an HTML field with a script that will inject a button with a link in the top menu :-)

In reply to: Raluca-Mirabela Lupu


If you use the "generate file and excel" action, you can map the corresponding field for each column in the template.
You can choose from the chocefield what to display.
Another option is you can set "allow export excel" at the item list level.
You can try to create column type "data row" in itemlist, or you create sdk for generate excel with data sources sql.



thanks for all your answers and iteas. The"allow export excel" will not work, because i have to generate the excel automatically and then send it to our customer, depending on a path in the Workflow. Also it seems that i can not map the corresponding excel field for each column in the template because i do not know how much rows i have in the itemlist - or is there a way to use e.g. asterix to use a dynamic way for the targetfields in excel. i'll try that.

The "best" way seems to be, that i use some technical fields or a technical list which i then can map to the excel.

In reply to: Jarosław Kommisarczyk

Hi Everyone,

Great post from Daniel! However, do you see a potential workaround for this "sanitization" done by WEBCON? It was not explicitly reported in the changelog, so it is really annoying. We are stuck with deployment of the new application versions because updating PROD system will break our application.

I could imagine the following "trick":
1. The data row fields should return initially "safe" DOM elements like <div>. It is possible to assign id's to such DOM elements.
2. Create a form rule (JavaScript) that will cycle through such DOM elements and alter the innerHTML content with the original active content we want
3. Put the form rule from point 2 into Behavior tab of your form

I tested it for a single list item line and it seems to work - see example JavaScript function. But it is really tricky and ugly

setTimeout(function () {
elem = document.getElementById( 'AA' + GetPairID(G_WFELEM) );
console.log( elem );

if ( elem != null )
elem.innerHTML = '<button onclick="alert(\'I was clicked!\');">My button</button>'
}, 10 );

Please note, that the delay can be set as small as 10ms or maybe less. The rendering looks correct.

Any better ideas so far?

Hi Jarosław,

I don't see any real option to work around it.
1) It would only help, if you could inject the workaround in all processes without touching them. If you need to modify them then you can also change the SQL so that you don't need a workaround.
2) The work around should also work when there are multiple item lists in tabs, when new rows are added/ switching to "edit all rows" and in single edit mode. While it would be feasible for item list in tabs, by using a HTML field below the item list, it will get ugly for new rows/edit all rows it would get even uglier for the single edit mode.

This is one example how we need to change it:

<button class="webcon-button webcon-button--padding-small standard-focus webcon-button--icon-button no-background th-hover" >
<i class='icon ms-Icon ms-Icon--Rename ms-Icon--standard' style='font-size: 15px' title="Rename" onClick="ccls.renameRelatedAttachment.rename(this)"></i>

<a class="webcon-button webcon-button--padding-small standard-focus webcon-button--icon-button no-background th-hover" onClick="ccls.renameRelatedAttachment.rename(this)"> <i class='icon ms-Icon ms-Icon--Rename ms-Icon--standard' style='font-size: 15px' title="Rename"></i>

While implementing this I noticed that not only HTML elements are checked but also the attributes of those. If you still see the HTML instead of the supported element then you need to remove attributes. For whatever reason, we had the onClick on the i element.

Best regards,


Hi Patryk,

are you sure the APPLICATION ID you provided is correct?

I could only see "Counterparty Card" instead of "Counterpart Card|ID|". As shown in the attached picture, the application ID should be part of the link.

Additionally, there was no need for an extra slash ("/") before "db" in my link, but that might be specific to my configuration. It might be worth trying to remove the extra slash if there are still issues, even with the correct application ID.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,