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If you use the "generate file and excel" action, you can map the corresponding field for each column in the template.
You can choose from the chocefield what to display.
Another option is you can set "allow export excel" at the item list level.
You can try to create column type "data row" in itemlist, or you create sdk for generate excel with data sources sql.




It seems to me that the standard action to generate excel from a list of items does not have the option to select the 'Name Only' option for an attribute type choose.
What you can do for this scenario is to add to the list technical columns ex. sql row, to the list where the name will fall and map these columns to the excel table.
You can also create a technical list and update it on record with the data from the head list, Properly formatted , that is, only the names and the list has only a text field.


In reply to: Igor Sobolewski

I did it on Business Rule :)

Check this out. Is Weekend in my case is 'Czy Weekend'

You used the DATEPART parameters (1, 7), which follow the US format, as mentioned in my first post.
If you only tested Saturdays, your business rule worked fine.

Please test Sundays or change the parameters to (6, 7).

Otherwise, in my opinion, the date field must be EMPTY while testing.


In reply to: Igor Sobolewski

And here's the code:

I don't know why but for me the JavaScript form rule is also working fine in item lists.

I only made two small mistakes when I added it:
- I did select the "Date" field and not the column.
- During my tests I didn't looked at the selected date in the picker. The Sunday / Saturday have been not where I expected them to be in the picker. :)

A little information, why I suggested the JavaScript instead of the business rule.

I had some bad experience with determining the day of a week with SQL as it depends on the culture of the server or something alike. There's a workaround for this but in JavaScript no workaround is required for it. At least as far as I know. :)