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Hi Everyone,

Great post from Daniel! However, do you see a potential workaround for this "sanitization" done by WEBCON? It was not explicitly reported in the changelog, so it is really annoying. We are stuck with deployment of the new application versions because updating PROD system will break our application.

I could imagine the following "trick":
1. The data row fields should return initially "safe" DOM elements like <div>. It is possible to assign id's to such DOM elements.
2. Create a form rule (JavaScript) that will cycle through such DOM elements and alter the innerHTML content with the original active content we want
3. Put the form rule from point 2 into Behavior tab of your form

I tested it for a single list item line and it seems to work - see example JavaScript function. But it is really tricky and ugly

setTimeout(function () {
elem = document.getElementById( 'AA' + GetPairID(G_WFELEM) );
console.log( elem );

if ( elem != null )
elem.innerHTML = '<button onclick="alert(\'I was clicked!\');">My button</button>'
}, 10 );

Please note, that the delay can be set as small as 10ms or maybe less. The rendering looks correct.

Any better ideas so far?

In reply to: Raluca-Mirabela Lupu

Do you have any error in browser console?


I don't think this is due to an error
As I guess from the description, the list is initialized in edit mode and in preview mode, no list items are displayed (and this is correct because this list does not have any rows yet).

The solution may be to initialize this list using the "Change items list values" action when you save a form.

Hi Folks,
whenever I try to execute [Menu button] action, which should open a hyperlink, I get an error:
"Error in Menu button action Start Counterparty Card.
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_WFElementDatails_WFD". The conflict occurred in database "BPS_Content", table "dbo.WFElements", column 'WFD_ID'.
The statement has been terminated."
I have exactly same button configured in other workflow in the same application and it works fine. It is irrelevant what hyperlink I try to open, I also tried to remove the button and action and configure new one from scratch - same story.
In the diagnostic mode I see only the same error message. Looks like an issue with foreign key in the DB, maybe someone encountered similar one?


You can create a technical workflow and on the path add this action, the circuit move this path using the global cyclic action. (multiple versions will be created)
I created a global cyclic action that registers a new technical document every time, on the path the action is called.
A second cyclic action once a week deletes documents older than, for example, a month, to maintain verifiability.
