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Hello all,

I have a process that can be started either from a Parent workflow or in the workflow, using a menu option (creating a sub-task).

In the start step, I have editability rules, if the user is creating a sub-task, some fields can be edited, but if the task has come from another process, those fields cannot be changed.
In the URL, I'm passing the ID when the user creates a sub-task to a field in order to use it as editability parameter. However, although the field has information on it, I'm not able to make the fields editable.

This is only working when I use instance from parent workflow. I cannot use this last option because this always come from another process and only when it's a subtask, the fields can be changed.

Do you have any ideas on why this is not working?

Hello there :)

I have yet another problem, regarding the form validation. I've attached the rules that I've applied.
What I want to do is I want to block the occurence of choosing current day while it's after 9.00 A.M.
Otherwise If the day is <> than Today() then the result is TRUE, which means, you are able to go further.

Best Regards,


In reply to: Jack

"Nope, I tried https://google.com as a link to eliminate any form related issues."
it's a bit strange, because I had exactly the same error as YOU and when I turned off the visibility of the list in the workflow I'm starting from (not the one I'm trying to start), the error stopped showing up and I went to the selected page (also https://google.com :-) )
but I have a little different version, although the error is the same

anyway, a link in an HTML field seems easier ;)

"it's a bit strange, because I had exactly the same error as YOU and when I turned off the visibility of the list in the workflow I'm starting from (not the one I'm trying to start), the error stopped showing up and I went to the selected page (also https://google.com :-) )"

Apologize - I misunderstood your previous post, was thinking about the target form. Bingo! There is an item list in the workflow I'm kicking the link off from, and when I turned off the visibility of this field, the link button started to work again properly.
People don't use this button that often, that's why I haven't connected the error with adding the item list to this form.

Thanks a lot for your help! Issue is not solved, but at least I know the culprit and can make a workaround.

In reply to: Patryk Kornak

"Probably in the case that works you do NOT have any list of items in the first step?"
Nope, I tried https://google.com as a link to eliminate any form related issues.

"as a workaround you can make the start link as an HTML field rather than a button in the top menu."
Yeah, I think it will end up with the http link field. Need to update current 2023 version to the newest one, as am sitting on 2023.1.2.68 still, maybe that will help to solve it.

"Nope, I tried https://google.com as a link to eliminate any form related issues."
it's a bit strange, because I had exactly the same error as YOU and when I turned off the visibility of the list in the workflow I'm starting from (not the one I'm trying to start), the error stopped showing up and I went to the selected page (also https://google.com :-) )
but I have a little different version, although the error is the same

anyway, a link in an HTML field seems easier ;)