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New field config combined with scan functionality of WebCon App UNDER REVIEW

Dear Webcon Team,

we are still looking forward to get a helpful tool for getting barcodes / qr-codes on mobile phone into fields.
Now we realized, that the WebCon App has a build in functionality for scaning codes. However this helps only for searching documents / contents.

Would it be possible to combine this build in functionality with fields input?
It would be really great to be able to configure the "Keyboard type on mobile devices:" to "scan", which leads to following behaviour in the mobile app:

1) click on field
2) Scan-Camera functionality starts
3) after succesfully scan -> scanned value will be set to field

Thanks a lot
P.S. We are working with 2021.1.4.154, but so far as we know exists the required functionality also not in the latest version, but not completely sure :)

Best regards

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