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Simplified history control on the form (dynamically read from SQL) UNDER REVIEW


I have heared that basically planning is always about three questions (three columns in Excel, three attributes on the form) - WHAT? WHO? WHEN? :)
Sometimes we need an extra information/column - we can call it "Remarks", "Others" or .... COMMENT...
WebCon BPS has extraordinary feature available out-of-the box without even single line of code...VERSIONING and detailed HISTORY.
Such feature is really needed for admins/troubleshooting and for business analysis for single "cases" of the flow.
Business (and sometimes IT) also needs a brief overview, visible at glance about WHO did WHAT (and WHEN) with some optional COMMENT - alike in mentioned planning.
What if we got simple overview on the form for free? If you would like to see how it could look live - please go to the screensot Simplified history.png

Such simple history on the form - WHO clicked WHAT and WHEN is part of our Internal Company WebCon BPS Guidelines.
We put in on the every form in the processes.
Is it for FREE? :) Yes, it is if you like SQLing :) Like we said WebCon BPS platform has got full history in the SQL and in history view (detailed one).
Custom SQL taking data from WebCon BPS SQL databases can give you such SIMPLE overview on the form. It is also configurable - with subworkflows or not, which columns, etc.
BUT basic version is about WHO clicked WHAT (and WHEN) in the process.
What is also CRUCIAL...such solution MERGES ACTIONS and COMMENTs on one list in chronological order - you got one place when you read history of actions with comments SORTED by time. You do not have to jump from history into comments and have a look on action times from 2 PLACES. You got one PLACE to RULE them ALL - historical entries.
Sounds cool? :) For OUR Business yes, me either :)

BPS 2023+
Such simplfied history has got huge potential from Business perspective and could be really nice out-of-the-box for FREE without any custom single SQL :)

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