Home > Forum > User Voice > Enhance date & time picker control - allow entering time in YYYY-MM-DD h:m[m] format - without 0 prefix for hours (and minutes)

Enhance date & time picker control - allow entering time in YYYY-MM-DD h:m[m] format - without 0 prefix for hours (and minutes)


Right now when selecting the date for date&time picker system by default setup the time for 00:00.
If we want to change the time e.g. to 7:00 and double click the "00", enter "7" system says that format date is inpropper.
We have to add 0 prefix to hour "7", so it is "07". It is one more click + one more typing.
Allowing format h:mm or even h:m would be ergonomy enhancement for faster entering the date & time data :)
Best Regards, Dominik