Home > User Voice > Custom default names for dictionary step and path with translations

Custom default names for dictionary step and path with translations



I think it would be beneficial if we could have a place in the global configuration where we can define custom default values for the steps and paths of dictionaries / document templates.

For example I always rename the "Dictionary step" to "Entry".
Of course, I also define translations for the the step and paths. Therefore it would be great, if we could define the translations for the step and path on a global level too.

Best regards,

In reply to: Maksymilian Stachowiak

This would be great, although I'd rather put it inside a config file.
That way each developer could set their own defaults.

It could also allow running Designer Studio with English language, and having default names in other language.

Would you really have one process which uses Polish for default names while others use English or German? :)

We are using English as default and are providing the German translation. But this is probably due to the fact that we are partner.

In the end I wouldn't care, it's just something which could really help.

One more thing regarding the dictionaries /templates I do every time. I set the form to "default edit mode". If anyone displays a dictionary entry /document template the likeliness that nothing should be changed is near non existent. :)

In reply to: Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)

Would you really have one process which uses Polish for default names while others use English or German? :)

We are using English as default and are providing the German translation. But this is probably due to the fact that we are partner.

In the end I wouldn't care, it's just something which could really help.

One more thing regarding the dictionaries /templates I do every time. I set the form to "default edit mode". If anyone displays a dictionary entry /document template the likeliness that nothing should be changed is near non existent. :)

I've been thinking about running Designer Studio with English, and keeping Polish default names. Not much of having different defaults in different processes.
Although i can see a use case for larger integrators, which are developing for multiple countries - having such a config could help with setting different defaults based on customer language - per developer seat.
If developer works on many projects then he just changes the config file, Designer Studio is still in English.

Specifying translations separately requires some time, setting field names in correct language reduces it.
Although I'm thinking it's like with a code - probably it's better to prepare process configuration in English, so more people will be able to work on it.
Separation of concerns - configuration is not translation.