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Deactivation of the company IN BACKLOG

after deactivating a company, it should not be possible to assign permissions to the process on this company's tab. The idea is to reduce the number of tabs.




would be nice, at least if this is limited to the UI, in the background it should be as it is. No changes to the export/import process.

In one case we have in the production environment two databases with the same process and one database in the test environment. When moving to production different entities are deactivated while all are active in the test environment. If one get's deactivated in the test environment for some reason, the import should leave the privileges assigned to them as they are. :)

Best regards,

In reply to: Dariusz Tułacz

I think that the tab should remain, as well as its historical data. However, the visibility of the tab should be linked to the active company.

We had an internal discussion about the case you brought up. The consensus is that we'll introduce a behavior that would make deactivated buinsess entities disappear from the tab menu by default. At the same time, it will be possible to display all business entities whenever necessary.

We don't have an exact date for implementation yet, so stay tuned :).