Home > Forum > User Voice > Enhanced configuration of allowed/expected attachment filetypes

Enhanced configuration of allowed/expected attachment filetypes IN BACKLOG


Administrators can configure the allowed types of attachments globally.
However, there are situations, where we like to only allow certain content types, e.g. pdf's, that are a subset of the globally allowed attachments.

Currently, the only way to restrict is the usage of validation rules.

For usability reasons, it would be much better, to be able to restrict the allowed document types.
With a little bit of javascript it is possible to set the accept attribute of the input field.
The open file dialogue reflects the accept attribute and would filter the corresponding file types.

However, this has no impact when drag'n drop a file. In this case, only the globally allowed types are checked (maybe there is a JavaScript workaround, which I did not see up to now).

It would be great to have the possibility to configure the allowed file extensions in the already available configuration section of the attachments.