Home > User Voice > I would like to: In Group put Tabs and then in each Tab put Groups

I would like to: In Group put Tabs and then in each Tab put Groups NOT NOW

I don't know how you, but I miss Groups in Tabs ..

I can do Group and then put Tabs ...
I can do Tabs and put Group in each Tab ..

but ...

I can't do Group with Tabs and then in each tab put group ... :/
1. I have form with lot of groups I would like to on each step put some groups on each tab to manage the order in form ...
2. Groups can be expanded and collapsed ... so in each tab I can collapse groups but the main Tab with tabs unfortunately not ... because I can not put in group ...
3. In each step I need to Break global order because:
- step 1 i have some groups with attributes "on top" that collected data and on step 2 they are in tab
in step 2 I collect data and in step 3 I put to tab 2 .. ect ...

I have 70-80 attributes on form and probably I will add another 30-50 ...
I would like to order them in proper groups and because some groups are in each step then ... I need one by one move to tab ... and they are (can) mix ...
I cant march few attributes and move to each tab ... I can move group but not to tab ... it is time consuming ... and is easier to turn off visibility of group than each attribute ...