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Add attachment: Configuration flag whether attachments should exist



I'm currently upgrading processes to WEBCON BPS 2024. I was expecting issues with custom JavaScript but encountered also one with the "Add attachment" action.

While testing I got this error:
Error occurred in add attachment action: Copy attachments.
No attachments

I'm not sure when, but it seems that WEBCON BPS now checks whether any attachments exist which can be copied over. If they don't exist an error is thrown.
Could we please get a flag to define, that this check should be executed?
This would allow upgrading old processes for which this flag would be false by default.

Adding the if operator or an execution condition to each Add attachment action is not something I would like to do. Not only because of the effort but because there are now two places which need to be maintained.

Here's a statement to check which processes /automation use the action:

, ACT_ActionKindID
, ACT_Name
, case when [ACT_DEFID] is not null then actionProcess.DEF_Name
else automationProcess.DEF_Name
end Process
, AUTM_Name
FROM [dbo].[WFActions] left join WFDefinitions actionProcess on ACT_DEFID = actionProcess.DEF_ID
left join Automations on ACT_AUTMID = AUTM_ID
left join WFDefinitions automationProcess on AUTM_DEFID = automationProcess.DEF_ID
where ACT_ActionKindID = 79
/* Only action templates */
and ACT_ACTID is null

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