Home > Forum > User Voice > BPS 2025: Ideas for navigation with multilingual elements

BPS 2025: Ideas for navigation with multilingual elements NOT NOW


Hi everyone,

while it is not so easy to come up with a new navigation structure with folders and elements in these folder with WEBCON BPS 2025, I have even more problems with multilingual elements.

My current navigation is like:
Main start button
Active (folder)
History (folder)
Administration (folder)

Adding elements to the folders was pretty easy but I have no good idea on how to sort the elements in the folder, at least if you support more than one language.
While the "Configuration" may come up as the first element in the folder, the German translation would be "Konfiguration" and somewhere in the middle.

Ok, we would have had this problem already in all other versions, but it wasn't so obvious because I had hidden a lot of the elements in the "Administration" folder and the other folders are quite empty.

My idea for this would be to provide two settings on the navigation element dialog:
- Position is fixed
- Sort alphabetically

For example we could activate "Position is fixed" for all folders and the top x elements in the folders, while we could set "Sort alphabetically" for the remaining in the list.

Configuration / English layout
Main start button (fixed)
Active (folder)(fixed)
- Start main workflow (fixed)
- Main workflow (fixed)
- Child workflow (fixed)
History (folder)(fixed)
- Child workflow (fixed)
- Main workflow (fixed)
Administration (folder)(fixed)
- Dashboard (fixed)
- Often used element 1 (fixed)
- Often used element 2 (fixed)
- Report Child (1) (sort alphabetically)
- Report Main (2) (sort alphabetically)
- Report Settings (3) (sort alphabetically)

German layout
Main start button (fixed)
Active (folder)(fixed)
- Start main workflow (fixed)
- Main workflow (fixed)
- Child workflow (fixed)
History (folder)(fixed)
- Child workflow (fixed)
- Main workflow (fixed)
Administration (folder)(fixed)
- Dashboard (fixed)
- Often used element 1 (fixed)
- Often used element 2 (fixed)
- Report Haupt (1) (sort alphabetically)
- Report Kind (2) (sort alphabetically)
- Report Konfiguration (3) (sort alphabetically)