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Work in the context of an employee


I think it would be great if we could switch from the BPS Portal to the user's account and check what he sees on the form and reports. The system and business (global) administrator would have such privileges. From the BPS Portal level, he could use the icon to switch to any user's account (administrative mode). Sometimes data source values ​​are filtered and there is no way to see what the user actually sees.


In reply to: Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)

Hi Dariusz,

are you using a version < 2022? In 2022 "Working on behalf" was added and I'm really glad is has been added :)


Best regards,

With system administrator/business administrator privileges, we have the highest privileges. When setting a replacement for an employee with less privileges, we do not need to check what he sees, because we will still see everything that comes out of the administrator's privileges. I'm not talking about working as user -> user, but about working as an administrator -> user.